_University_ Rape prevention seminars today MM TIM IS S i n Hit pci re Student \sso< ia 11 p m til ( a'rlingrr I.oungr Korean (ihristian fellowship yy ill inert todav at I p m at the \\ esle\ t entri IJ ili him aid St SPf.AKI.RS AM) I I t I I KMS "Date Rape Prevention and Safety" is the title id .1 presrn _Kt als_ tation tn lie given In |ennv Weiss, today from It) to I 1 ill a m in the KMl \\ a 11 tut Room The event is sponsored In (.’re ating a Rape I ree Kin iroiiiiieiil "Challenging the Rape t.ul tlire" is the title ot a preseiita lion to lie given In Kathleen Saadat It \\ ill hike plat e today from 1.! it) to 1 ill p m in the KMl (iumrvood Room, and is sponsored In ( aeatmg ,1 Rape l ire Knvironmrn! " A( ipiaintam e Rape. Sell Defense and Prevention" is the I it le id a presentation to lie gn en In X.uiin Telsev It will take pla< i’ lod,i\ (rum 1 l i !o i 4 pm in tin' IMI ' t amiss i mil Room, .mil is sponsored In (Ilf altng .i Rape I ree Knvirnnineiil MI St Ml \\H)I s I .util ( enter Inhle studs hi held tonight ,it r to p in ,it tlic 1 ,11th (.fillet, Hi, I'.ittei son St I lie lilms lii'tun ulr and l)rn w.ilk. *1.1 ss ill he slims i) lull,is ,il 11 )0 ,md 1 4 i p m respei lively in the I \ll Maple Room I he slims mgs arc part of Shoah Week, and are spun soil'd In the lessish Student 1 nion A disi ussion ss ill lid li ns the set ond 111 in "Memories: \ Holocaust t’hdto Fvhibit" ssill hi piesent ed today trom Hi a in to i p in III the I'M rile d isplas Is spoil sored In the less isli Student l 'nion llillel Shahhal ss ill he held Indus ( 'all llillel at 444 '*14 > lor tune and liu ution Palestine Festival, sponsoied In the Arab Student Inion. ss ill he held Sunday at 7 p in in the Is Ml Main 1 lining Room Yom Ha'At/maut (Israeli ln dependeiu e Day) ( elebralion ss ill he held Sunday limn ti to 10 p in at leinple Heth Israel, 4a .0 Portland St l olloss mg a short memorial service, there . t: turopean Auiomoiive specialists Audi BMW Porsche VW Alla Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz ■ ■ 1975 W 7th • Eugene ^-IIITnpin 687-0040 F/s///\(7 Stasox Is On v At Tin Books ioki / APRIL 23 - 28 7 No IfouI dbout i! f ishma Season is Mere .iml we re up to our gills in a rainbow of .... , erfpii ' up s< ale fishing mementos pe o' lor any lin-mcky fisher Perched on our shelves are heaut O handcrafted wood carvings and quality gifts fanciful t shirts and hats and some very fishy pillows just for fun We ve cruised around and reeled in a interest { whale ol a variety o! books ot from fly tying to fish frying Hook into our DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS and you could net a guided fly fishing trip on the McKenzie River a t shirt . book tote bag . pepsi 6-pack or ! our GRAND PRIZE a life-sized handcrafted wood carving of a trOut or duck Swim on down during APRIL 23 - 28 and land a great catch' UO BOOKSTORE 1 Having a garage sale? Advertise in the ODE , Classifieds will be samples id Israeli food, silling dam mg .mil mem men! l ilt* event is sponsored b\ I lail.issali |i'H isIt Student 1 imei I'emple He!h Israel and the ( milUliHee lm >11111 I la At /.maul Umnen's Health ( onlerem e will be held Salurdax in the KMl ( enl urv Ki a mis limn nomi to a p in All women are well ome Dr.ttllinv tor submitting Et a/s In thr latierald hunt i/esA EMl’Snitr lllll. /> mum tlir i/.n hrtnrr fnihluntinn I t a/s run thr i/ai u/ thr even/ im/rs.s flu' event in i nis Iwhnr noon /’/ease submit Et a/s thr >l HiiMnc'' Vilmimslnition prni't.im is .m eseellenl opportunity lor i|n«ilitK*il students I rum non-luisiness disciplines lo l'.nn I hi- undeisl.imltni' ol business souplit In employers Irom .ill tielils Visit with a represerttatisc Irom I'.MU 10:1 K) am - 1:00 pm ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ^ Exercise your right. VOTE. M General Election April 26 & 27 Spring ahead with an IBM PS/2. (.it ,i jump mi soul ssi irk ss 1111 ,m I I »M I Vi 'oi iuI ''i - IiIii lust I Ill'll 11 OH I I I I mil - ss III I I .1 - S lo 11| II I ll mill 11 -1 ll I ".II ' .hi I liM Mou i ,iiHI 11tl<11 ili -pi. is I mm ss i iiiir/ .iiiiI n s i iH" H.IIMTs III llltllll” llll|IU'"ISl ”1.11il11«nothing lir.il> llir him _■ Mill II I i I I IS i .III .llli ll l| III I 111 il 11 I llr -pt l 1.11 -llli Ii III pill i - .11 n I . l III ill l.llili It Mil p.is mrnls. I i I ii> slioss sou Imss tin- I’> i .in ”rl sou urns in” ,iln .nl I IS Imps .Hill lioliuil'. PS/2 it! Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Fridav 9ani-5pm ‘ 346-4402 ■ ii. ; ’■ ’.»• M.l!f *fU>pw< I -V.PlflM PS '• IfWi *. ;> i> t ■’ . r '■■■} .«' ‘ l> ■. \