DOS PATOS FREE SMALL SOFT DRINK WITH ANY ORDER Between i2-2pm ^1219 Alders yyyy yyyy FOOD ISSUES Sometimes eating > becomes a battle ground S of emotions, fears and i • ^ ^ / stringent rules. Learn $ more about EMOTIONAL EAT- ^ ING. BODY IMAGE. AND THE UNDERLYING ISSUES in a 4- | week free seminar. Sponsored by 5 the Student Health Center. 4-5:15 | Tuesdays May 1.8. 15 & 22. | Please preregister by calling / l 346-4456. | University Krktallnarht < nnlimifd from PaS,. 1 c al groups \\ e didn't see oursidvi's as letvish lirsl anti (unmans st*t out) Ur saw ourselves as (unmans (osl ami limn |ewish oi whatever fist- Niani'la said Mant'ia had been involved with .1 /.ionist youlti group five \ t-ars before the hristallnat hi later lii'd him into liif , 1 nl 1 fast isl resistant e \\f were vert soung ifllous under llm guui ami* tii older tellous lie said I he (.eslapo railed us .111 organization hut I didn’t know we were an organization Many years after lie lei! Merlin. Manela said lie learned that ins organization had heen named (iruppe Herhert Baum after one ol its organi/ IMS letvish historians who have worked to find dot umentatlon to dispel tile myth that Jews were led like sheep to then death under Nazi rule have said Jewish resistance fighters made a more tldlit nil 1 lion e lo resist Hitler than did their non |ew ish 1 ounterparts One sin h historian Yehuda Bauer said 'To belong lo a resistant e group one had lo abandon one's tumilv to death not |us! leave it at some risk as with the non lew ish resister Manela disputes rmu h ol tins analysis as then retied! hindsight He said it evert lew sal around and thought about these tilings there would have I» rn 110 resistance Initially. Manela said. Ins youth group had no spei itic goals Ui1 started out liv making pamphlets paint ing on Halls, sort o( thing hater, otu goals were Ion ed on us by the times." he said "You don't make any conscious decisions. Manela added You iust glide into these things and you take the i onsequeiu es." He said his family had no idea ot his activ ities with the resistant e because "vim basically did your job and kept your mouth shut' to keep them safe Manilla now 70 left (ierinanv in 10 10 and went to Kngland where lie worked with the free (ierinanv movement He came to the United States m 1047 with his Austrian wife Heidi, whose mothei and brother were liv ing in Shelton. Wash Thev moved to Kugene with their three i hildren m 104H. and Manela did not return to v isit (ierinanv until nine years ago Although he has liv ed in the I' S for more than 40 years. Manela has not abandoned Ills native hast (ierinanv He has worked with the World |nwish Congress to help rebuild mam of the |evv ish i ultural ( enters in eastern (ierinanv that were destroyed during the war He has helped estab lish sister synagogues between Temple Beth Isra el m Kugene and two ulhei congregations in hast l Ierinanv Crime ( ontiniu'd from F’.ige 1 sl.ilisths lire down, in some (.im*n iIn* ,ii lual mont*l\ sAU oTfecLY DAN PRETZEL LOGIC 1 A V MU I ESI I niversitx iiKiri' umnex lie said Helore i ontrai ting to I’t'.irl Hm k. lhi‘ 1 ’ll\ mi al I’lant rm plnved two students to colled and sort thr paper material Tlif program ran into defii its ot inon than S100 a month xx hn h promptt'd tin- t'niversitx to ai i opt I’imi I Hut h s offer to ptox nil* a ret.vt ling si-rx 11 e. Ion l)ax is. xx ho i ollm ts matt* rial on i atnpus Ioi Pearl litu k said Pjerzina and the I'nixersi lx art' looking .it the program from a tni si ness perspective and art' not strongly i onsider mg thf environmental lat tms "1 don't sot' it as a problem from mx perspective, hut I ni not looking at the program from a business point ol viexv he said fsmssmwm N A T V R A I. j F I B E R S g Q U A L I T Y | CLOTHING $| AFFORDABLE i P R I C E S|9 - !Nl\SI \ III \ II I I I ^ : 1 9 I Barrel Tree » H S I l \ i h ; » H S O *> \ \ j I I (* Mon s .1 i 111 i S Sun il i \