—Letters Packaging I’r.ish It puds up m landfill i mil.imm.ill's our groundwater, litters our highways ,ind when incinerated pollutes our .01 with to\ii i hen 1 ii ids The ,iver age Oregonian produces about 1 o(lO pounds ot trash per vent T hat's almost a ton I ash mysell "\\ hat i an I do? Well I could start by e\ ambling the 1 untents ot im gat huge can How much ot this stub 1 an be let vi led or reused ’ T he glass applesaui e jar 1 an be ret vt led I could even use those plastic vogurt containers to store leftovers in the Iridge T hen 1 ash myself Hut what am I supposed to do with all ot this other stuff that t an t be re cycled or reused?" Well. I t otiltl stop buying packages ot intliv itluallv wrapped t heese slit es. and 1 t 11111d bu\ peanut flutter in glass jars rather than plastic 1 ontainers As I'm leaving my favorite supermarket, an an individual asks me to sign a petition which will put the Oregon He 1 vt lmg At t on the ballot 1 am informed that packaging is the largest type of solid waste Milt h of this pat kaging is used for aesthete purposes, anil is discarded soon after the prod lit t is bought II voted into law . the OKA would require this pat kaging be reusable, ret \t ta ble or made out of ret \ 1 Table materials "Wow what a great idea! Why hasn't someone thought of this before?" I enthusiastically sign the petition and go home, where I start squashing all those soup cans I've been meaning to ret vt le Steve Melhner Student Stop it Rob Ifftrison's 11• 11»*i [()!')}’ April 12) si mm ns to h.ivt* i.imir .it qnili1 .in opportune time Oil the front page ot the /roera/if ssns .111 .irtiile desi rilling the lingerie Springfield Nolidarils Network, i movement attempt mg to firing environment.ilists .mil working people in the ton her mdustrs together in .1 light to save our mit:in 1 .mil erologi c.il environment The light is not between the environinent.il ists anil workers. Init between the people ami the tat i .its run ning the timher industr\ There has been a 2 > pen ent increase in the amount ot wood prodiK Is ini and prm essed hum Oregon lands Irom turn to lttfiti contrast that with a Iff pen ent dei lease in the number it Oregon workers needed to int and phii ess these products in the same time This is due to automation and raw log e\ ports This doesn't sound like the spotted ow I taking johs Irom Oregon workers hut ralhei the greed of Ament a s powerful classes abusing the working i lass This time though there is the added tom h ol another interest group being involved the environmentalists The tim her mdustrv uses this to divert the worker’s anger Irinn them selves to somebods else, mak mg the environmentalists the si apegoat letferson feels the old growth issue is a loi al matter and onlv local people should have a sa\ in it These abused lands are national forests, land that is owned bv all the people of America not lust timber inter ests \\ ith onls a pen ent of om native forests left it is high time the Amerii an people put a stiqi to the rlestnu I ion oi out puhlii land Urian Margolin I S i ili/en No respect In response to Sen Mill Hind luirs s letter endorsing Sen !'eg lolin [OUl April 18), I do mil doubt she is prodtu live. il»'i isive and dependable ihose ari‘ respet table traits in a |nilitii tail Ilimi'Vi'r. I lost all respect tot her win'll shi' public Iv slati'il slio thinks owls lielong hi trs mg pans" (Kegisfe/ (ilhiril \pril .'8 1 ‘»H**) Misiltri't tin# peoples frustrations toward owls was not only irresponsi bit-. but downright reprehensi lilt', i onsidering it was made at a time when owl killings wen' being reported )olin is elec ted h\ logging communities So liet stain e on the old growth issue is under stnnduble Hut it she (and otbei politic Mils] truly light loi those w ho elec ted lie! she would i one entrate more energy on advocating job retraining banning log exports added y a I ue manufacturing (finishing out tile prodlll t to ( iillipete ill lei nationally) and better sil V if lilt lire plat tic es 111 the long run these repre hensible measures not cutting clown the last ot the old growth or blaming owls, y\ ill best serve the interests of all Oregon till /ells jac k le ( onlay I aw Verses In response to Hert I'ryiia's letter ((>! >1 \pr11 IH) I would like to point out some prob leliis The so ( ailed ( 111 Is times he clesc lilies persecute atheists by making plank phone calls, vandalizing prop erty harassing co w oi kers etc Well in all truth. these pen pie are not I diristiaiis Among hundreds oi verses proving this here is one "Dear children, let us not love yxitll words oi tongue but yy ilh ai turns and in truth |l )oiin. t 18) I here are many who appai WW-—~ mm m a#,-i* Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs t Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Downstairs M l h I i 00 7 00 f Srt | I 00 4 JO v tosrd Sunday s Hours: Upstairs M Ti- 4 50 1 0 00 i S.1 *> 00 I0 Si > CkiM-d Sundays WEEKLY VCR RENTALS Don't Pay High 24 Hour Rates Rent & Use By the Week s6.95 SAVE SSS Full 7 Day RENTAL Willamette Street Video 2570 Willamette 683-1798 from 10-10 every day Don t forget our Springfield store VCR’S & MORE 747-6712 1402 Mohawk Blvd Spld Or 97477 ucxino > l|V *■ ^ at The best pizza y in town...at the ^ most convenient I47H \Y illamctte location in town... <^4C1"48H YOUR HOME! .. ia < oupon 1 NOW FREE DELIVERY FRI & SAT! |\\ Mil I .iryc l'i//a) midnu i • cntlv judge im i d her m lusw cil by those who meiely (l.iilii lo follow Him The Bible s.iys Not everyone who s.iys to me. I old I inil will enter the kingdom ot lle.ivmi, hut only lie w ho does the Will of m\ hi tin r who is in he,wen (Nt.it I hew 7 J11 I ("iinni.it individii.dlv judge these people hut then ,u tions re veil I th.it they .ire not obeying t.od's word M.itlhew " in |H s.ws ih their fruit \ou will lei ngni/e them I ryli.i point is th.it sun e t iod does not disi i pline his i hildren lie olivi oiisly does not exist I o this I sin lti.it lie disc uplines miK Ins true i hildri'n I lebreu s 1 J ti S,l\ s llf( .uisf tlif I .nrd itisi i I>11in's lliusi' lif loves .md lie punishes evervolie Ilf .111 epts ■ is ,| SI 111 In .in iust.int I Ilf I ,i ml i mi Id destroy .ill evistfiii e in its en 111 f t \ Ilf Is lint Wf.lk III I Ilf \ IS tent K.ither Ilf has i linsen In withhold Ills power lin .i time I n.sk .ill tInisi■ desiriltK I" he ti lie i liildieii ut t mil to i onsid er this I’lld df hi Molte Husiness _Letters Policy_ letters to the editor must !><> limited to no more tli.in 250 words, legible, signed and tin1 identilii .ition ot the writer must he verified when the letter is submit ted. The F.nwrahi reserves the right to edit am letter tm length or style Utptd Piiice»»iHq K A U'knfe IVf Won Large Experienced Staff COMPLETE COPY CENTER Graduate School Approved -0.1 V i 1 ” At !■■■ • *.! 344-4510 605 E. 13th omgcmiy Disney and Looney Tunes Cartoon Character Collection • Fun & Unique Clothing infants thru adults • Toys & Books • Houseware'. CHAHACTEm tss CLOTHING • Stationery & Paper Products • Jewelry • Novelty Items 689-8517 45 P Division Ave. In the Santa Clara Square THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON iMi.:p=ryL?7iwryi Bowler s Hell