CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 210 OPPORTUNITIES NANNY POSITION ' ■ Wa-o ■ family beginning * 1 1 k * Tao Ifftle b a npf al pal * M-n “ NOW HIRING US P . mgs Salary !• S6SK Entry level POSTAL JOBS Start $11 4t/hf For e*am amt at PROGRAM CAMPUS Performing Ails Uik> ?. I Mil for mfi.irmak •• an;) a; Deadline April 27fh The CF is an EON the Can’ us ,n on the Skunk RR has the foiin*mg hen and 21S HELP WANTED APPLY TODAY The U of O Telefund needs you to !••• « taller for the University Talk !o infer ••slmg and soccestfuf alumrti ie raising funds for the U of O t arn $(vnt Fie»• tile day and evening shifts avan aide Cali 346-3433 or u» <43/ for n formation or fill out an ippin alt«. ■ af 2001 Franklin Blvd THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS i ■' Managing .md New ■ • * stuff ; liuvlions for 1990*'91 The deadline ♦or the !wo positions >s Tuesday May 1 a! Spin Apple abons and ! I descriptions can be picked up at the ; i >L>f oMi. e Sude 300 EMU When I ; applying for a position, please at t«K h wot 'ig samples !♦>•■' • • i | tions of journalistic ability and per i ! Pay is $22 50 per issue and roquet**. v 40 hours .» week Trie . >DE • r j Equal Opportunity Employer WEIGHT ROOM Super,-,,.... led n r Surname- 1990 Must have Wo-k Study $4 v. $5 15 Call Arr y .t.4H • $10 FOR ONE hour Naf .■ I • PAID INTERN POSITION kn iwledge of subs? am e abuse issues des 'able Deadline M.t-, 2 « an •' • a! 346 2544 PART ’ Ml h£lP *y.v; • - , • . STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVE RSlT Y HOUSING SUMMER STUDENT MANAGER SALARY •• • , pUn $145 pm week HOURS i . QUALIFICATIONS NOTE APPLICAUONS -• FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 346 4 2 77 ?15 HELP WANTED .'4 1 4T DANCERS WANTED 2?5 APTS -DUPLEXES f [ L D NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR SUMMt R AND f ALL i BDRM ant to',0 arnpu-. * • .j • ! • $4 ‘i L N 15th & Olive Apts. » M Bennett Management Co 915 Orth SI 200 Realtor 485 6991 1 BI D FURN bale, appl laundry art work parking quiet 2 mi Jun Sept S250 and util 344 2105 957 Mil YARD NO 11 336 E 19th NO 2 ALL AVAIL ABlf NOW 30 QUADS Jenmng* & Co 68 3 4219 230 QUADS Jennings & Co M3 4719 236 HOUSES 240 ROOMS 260 ROOMMATES WANTED •m«ivew $75.00 2/0 MEETINGS \ Day With John Grinder "New and Exciting Breakthroughs in NLP" Saturday April 28 9am-4 Mpm Unity of the Valiev Church TWh & liilyarxJ C all: 4H4-6282 or 68*>-94. • 1 45 M- . i • V i. • 6 30 M - ' - . 14 ' *4' ' SINUAMUHl STUOt NT ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING CUM POTLUCK 90 f <. oa t'Al- r r1/ J13 4 GALA Present TORCH SONG TRIUXiY FRIDAY April 27 ■ 100 Will 7 15 4 9 30 NOTICE Bad news Money problems have lorced us lo CANCEL 'Allegro Non Troppo,' 'Celine and Julie go Boating,' and 'Gothic ' f MU Cullut il f o»um .i-h! f ocxl Sefvu rt Preiiwnls BEER GARDENS with THE KILLING FIELD GRACELAND a play by Ellen Byron 5 PM FRI & SAT APRIL 27 & 28 DHARMA BUMS Tonight WOW HALL TONIGHT1 Wll 0 SOCIf TV Hock N Roll Saturday CiOdfdMn* ot American Morality GOOD TlMt S HAH AND C AI t OS I MM $T .>8b FOOD & DRINK ROB’S KABOBS ONLY S3 TRY ONE TODAY1 AC MOSS F MOM l HI BOOKSIORI ( Miuimrl l> i FRIDAY SPFCIAl EUPHORIA ULTRACHOCOLATE SUNDAES $1.50 19th & Aif ite 144 141ft OpPM (14v • » H- ' , ] I'M • Ar at OH WMM • < w TVfM fWt t»v*t (id P'wM U.(f . U ' IV,j ' 'UW < Ptlf TWkl lif, AiTt'U'. SU '• *« «£«f IWS li.Fl f'iU> FOJli) Kt /TV /* xy^'v. , 'tl' f /I