CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS ATTENTION' Past and present Ufnvervty fnipi-., ) .f. ,i\S &tn Vtu'.lW-:1 ■ Robert W'.Hfi* <44 4 ‘(i s Hu hard Gold 343 S*>48 stnc tty - ••• fulent i woui u ■ -a • • -s ■’ • I '•.-•!«*• ’ * -«• 'Mfl I'llllfl' •» 1 « With unmet. ■ t fiH < 105 PERSONALS - SORORITIES! Are YOU ready? A X A WATERMELON BUST • 1990 • Starts Monday PLANNED PARENTHOOD ' ‘ ■ • r ,i* ■ -‘V 1 ■ ?>r> ► v ! Mh ■ ri 1 r. S Vif«*l»n0 D.'yS K >■>> ' d*» Cn U4 U 1 1 PLANNING ‘ Rf ( .1ST t M i < )M SuMMf M SI SSICN Don't forget to III* your INTENT TO REGISTER CARO Stop by 333 Oregon Han • the Of #• * A 1 ’ A ' ? t N T ION r MATf UNIT l S Ton'; a h B«g I)» • i STUDENT U. A. m| H •» ! »P< >My W«l!lNu : ; . .. -■ A FUN RUN COMING SOON Greeks don t mi»i oul on the reached uled SK Fun Hun on May 3 at 3 00pm Good clean healthy tun1 What mote could you ask fo« ’ Join the l tenement' HAPPY BIRTHDAY U RESA' love Random Pi Phi * HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARCIE JO!! .• i>t>r«tel Anti the Petty a ■ ■ -ye in J.ipen Egypt Costa R<« .. and wh«r y 4 t*> HEY SHY DUDE: We tiaveted tar but were quiet as a We conquered the adventure - 1 by climbing to the top of a lighthouse Friday we conquer adventure of be coming 21 *f Shall we hope you don t become too HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Duck Trainer 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP FROM F Rif NDS Fr*« Pregnancy Tabling BIRTHRIGHT 6-87 8651 RASA D. is no longer a teenager! SAVE $$ a • i i - < i • •.,» UIV A toiler lollar * Ihon All you can eat.. SPAGHETTI FEED with Live Music!! Wad May 9 4 JO 7pm a! Ih« Gamma Phi Bela Houn S3 SO'par p»»>on Buy your Irckal NOW’ INC, RID v * ■- ’or *«••«>’«ni lot m« last nigftf1 KAPPA DELTA VN> f ' Ihe UO Glfr ‘ ■ .• !.- • K KI’ Congrats on your p>n i . Tl .• K,»pi a k k r Debbie P ATS] Danny W Congratulations on your pinning! Love. Your Sisters MENTAL MAN VP.! Dan My HAPPY 22 Not a red headed woman STEFAN STENT For Student At Large, UO Bookstore Board flections April 30th and May 1st Paid lor by Students For Stent TO THE BROKEN BRA Happy Birthday to the stress out queen who loves to do some CONCERTING' Sincerely your friend who always lies and on Sunday I know I m going to die' no LOST & FOUND ‘ \ -t \ .'Mill « : f y > . < ' 7th a- ' A'ljt*' Sts 4' .4 t .i LOST SILVER £«•»•. watch *dh 115 TYPING SERVICES C Y A TYPING SERVICES High QwdMy Typing ,y>f1 f t A , ,4 H' vi.i' S*r>K o Ca« Ann 34*' 994/ ;{ N ‘ TYPING i m *•••* 'nc-M ,*t Muffih T'Wi.-'iJ Pft Text Scanning SCANNERS 747-4569 St.v » MAN*; -M»i U' * in-,! Nl professional typing *vm1 ph ■ tnviQ editing .toWery Rondd 93*i 1692 Th# WORD SPECIALISTS (itadu*tr S» h<*>! \ppmvcd * I>JVSCr!*lK'nN I hr\C5 Pipe is IHM 1 i»mp*iihlr. I >i k ( onvrtvH'ii' I jk^n PnnUnp, < uiphh •> I ditmg, Kt'untf' 344 4510 13lh A.* JO THE TYPING PRO W>3 606* i|:M VM M- MR( •• I V.'VG f i-TiM, 1‘APtRS thesis DISSERT ARSONS L ASF R WORD PROCESSING •>i .. «• { • ’ • ; 'MM Nr.i -«■ ■ i • Robtn 344 0/S9 TYPING UNLIMITED 3 485 0890 H.t' i ,»nd BIJOU THE A I RF BUIt DING 4‘I? I MU' N ■ ’ WF ST WIND WORDSMITHING t ; f Mt*f IHM f • Shelby 344 Word Processing W * i?b INSTRUCTION FRtF. RESUME Workshop *.*.■, . ' ' . . • , • . , f«H A ’"I-HfriJ rttsum# A •,. ! ; • M* mle» 130 FOR SALE ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars. Bicycles. Furniture. Computers. Art. Books. Scooters, Skates. Skis. Stereos, etc ? Advertise with the Oregon Deity Emit aid to sell almost anything Advertise for 4 days at regular rates and it the ■ tern does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office only room 300 EMU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DESIGNER QUEEN sola bed Like new Was S1200. now $400/0BO 343 2422. Pi! If AS. Si !nd ,'jli .. SU'D. »n ni !Ei v» • a« !..«■■ !•. «. .t. • ■ '! S.' ‘ |M IV '4K BRIOISMAID FORMAL DRESS Daphne Rose rn.'fc 7 8 worn ,:■<•. e S' - V.C - ., s ; • S.' 130 FOR SALE FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters ' Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W. Broadway 343-3622 MAGf s BO bit 19 SANYO TV 46* s>c V R« 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy ‘ S#ll * T»»c1« M a1 1 " '• ‘ ' ■ Phoiograpbu Equipment 361 W. 5th 1*5 CftRS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS FOR SALE 1984 Honda Elite 125 Me ■ • u*. 49f.O int-N HknQt . , f H'.MI NT SI t.M i ’■ ft SV-.1- I o* Mr* r ** "*•■ r.i * t.«7 4. MUSI M u • vlWnaha i A N E . S '/S OBO *4 4 • '* ’ •67 VW FASTBACK -• <' /. '■> u.SO OHO . An”,. 486 f 24 1 M,T VY* BUG u»o*>. uns ..•> J • -.4* * * 1 ’-4>4 ■ AMAH 4 t •» * S'. *> . 683 ! ’ \b BuncJ> OannH $1 saso/OBO 1982 RENAULT FUEGO A.r Ithf AM «M c«»* S2000/0BO 746 3000 Go.'.l i . M K A '•.‘in'. J.KH) 85 HONDA ELITE DELUXE 150 l» e-tu>u condition, biu** *800/060 82 YAMAHA SECA 400 • • . i.ihs !«rd 3.600 m. |1 00(1 OBO 79 HONDA PRELUDE (LOADED) • . ’ AC bid S2 999/OBO KEVIN 683 1480 MS H! NDA SPREE I'”'!.. !11Appro* 300 fiUfs Rrd $300 im honda elite a • -'.igr ’s white 762'4529 8.* MONl'iA I l ITT 60 'nil pu'v f'as«d • nw 86 Low r*i!Je»s imroakt uiaUf iso BICYCLES KE NEW- ‘.;-*n -»• .-ml Hard Rot> u t u- wilb rr.p fc S 300 080 155 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS MP 4 . (rmw) with (R ( »u modute $180 OBO 'MP-28S **th ,-.f- S1.7S'OBO HP iR punter V* ,m Ur.,r *46 9286 MAV OPFNlNt.1-. ; M- ► ba*i5 lesions 10»m 9pm no RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar to» Men % and Women s clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING begun Vi».t HmgV Cherry Pdldv <• »• .. a*.' EON 6? W 13th “U of O” SWEATSHIRTS Dark green UofO silkscreened on a heavy gray sweatshirt Call 344 4575 by Friday $30 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION MT Y WINDSURFERS' FOR SALE 8866s I'T'lr1 .ruin' ed ■ ,v -ng sail Powerful* fun S?00 C-.m WHITEWATER RESCUE CLINIC An intensive one day clinic on Sat. May 19th for rafters and kayakers who want to learn tech niques tor Whitewater rescues. Cost: $10 Sign up by May 11 Informa tion, x64365 Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program. 195 TRAVEL APPLY FOR .1 !!«*• ViS.I ill Ar1.1 •, A<' Express Card and (.,»»• ft *tfh c. TWA S99 Flight any pl*i .• m the USA ( all no* 485 8*09 n. i iNUTRik f . ANf lit f [ ’ P •• S' ; NfA i -MV flM ' ' i , ■ ’ '-1 ' i TO Boston open departure date S1 Hir •••».* 390 ' ?io OPPORTUNITIES .■ M L'tudyMrZvC ON UO PROGRAMS 2)0 OPPORTUNITIES APPLICATIONS BEING ... r, t O d f ' { S APf Hu ■•’•an Series Divimi Hi*act Genera* duties include Supfifvi CAPE Volunteer Coordinators and p» and program pfa ■ A; p1 at i .1v,i".-it li* ••• V ’ ' • f Mu an-.j are due by May 1 f '■ '* ir ' cm!a. ! B< MHbu’n v J. '■ ' i -c s: n UP 4 ,\t-1 f'O AAf COORDINATOR WANTED iTbe Career Development Internship! : Prog ram ir. seeking candidates lor the; ''position - i Student Coordinator tor 1990 1 ? school year f DIP is de jsigned to give students m the College. . ’ Arts and Sciences internship p [M.i'ti,- :!it*•. Alt'- area businesses As !,-••• . • ! i.itof ,- u wl! he 'sponsible tor ait aspects of the pm j gr.ic (torn pH,mot ion !• deSignir ; ail the '■.iMi«spondeni.:e to m.imtai'* •mg an ... »..«? ‘Me m each ot the place jment sdes 5>ktlis required include or gam/ation initiative attention 1c* de It an problem solving computer wo'dl ; ■ , essmg knowledge and the ability1 p i .mmuoM ate Compensation m i iudes a $SOO a term stipend and p> s •.Mr Submit a cover letter and resume to *’44 Hendricks Hall by April 30th DID YOU KNOW? I vt*n though you are enrolled Spring •. you need to tile an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD ' v • '«• piann.nq t attend the SUMMER SESSION T h**fp ts still time* to do d so stop. r>v M \ Oregon Mat' >r (tie Offit e of Admissions ESCAPE FIELD Studies seeking stu dent !i fill p» r of Office Manage* 'or Fall 1990 Summer 1991 Should have knowledge of program i.coiln i i • .e d peer supervision Stipend \ upper d'v!,,ion redd Apple atiO-”s a. ail able and due try May 11 I t ' " ■ i*d, con lac! Mary Sutton Mi" En i ut> 4 i‘,r E'O/AAE ESCAPE FIELD seeking stu dent li fill position ot Assistant Due . , *.,, .he 1990 91 1 adeiin, year St.I dent should have knowledge of i - * ••'. Reg-strafn r \ PuM- Relations ( • Student should have some k iwledge of computers ami interest >n Am . f!e«d)!e Stipend A Upper divs,, >• ( red it A| ; •... at ii ' • av.e afh- MIME Ml 14b 4 O 1 a ■ • lue ! . Ma. . 1 " mt .*»ta. t Boil. • 1.0 AA{ ESCAPE FiElD Studies S seeking . motivated student to the posd. e credd iru luded For more information >.>ntai. ! Simon Shad, .si ght at Mil 1 i Ml >4h 4 t‘ 1. App a! us a.a-Sit - and due by Frida. April 27_ NANNY OPPORTUNITIES ‘ a f M' . 1 gel S’* wee* ’ S • a ' ew *"■*.• S t 7b week ' ' B don 1 g.n $16U week * ‘VrfQ.o a children J22Scweek* Can ' ttCX- 9 i/ NANI ‘.AVI ‘m . at leading hotels • at.. wide an d qualify for FREE lodging Also solid 6 figure income ( ah t 800 233-4509 E * t 1002 SUMMER INTERNSHIPS ,(> 1 ? waste those Summer days away1 Get great work experience ( , Hiding an internship The Career Devt-i jopment Internship. Program has ■ h,unship opportunities ' Public Ret a tons Marketing Financial Server d-Kxial Servu e Sales and other f.e |We ha«e position d«St '.ptions frond {previous terms available m 221 Men t'K KS Mall First chance to* interview a • APRIL 30th AT 3 30 IN THE EMU WALNUT ROOM Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU UJHATSUP, /S THAT YOU? SKtlCM HJHAT 5K[JOi? MRS POCATUU, BtlNG A fvu sennet lanplapy HAS KINPl.V A6RUP TO CREATE MY SQUARE FOR m Aips ami project LtTWSte. WHAT'S IT S4y? “ANPYUPPtN COn, 1945 1990. HF NEVER bothbrepthe NBJ6H0ORS> “ / I'LL NEW MONE Y FOR THE FABRIC Saturday Market Eugene's Own Market! April 281 mmo O'Carolan's Consort