_Sports_ Oregon hosts ASU, travels to meet OSU With .1 little cooperation from the weatherman, t lie Oregon women's softball team w ill bosf I’at 10 rival Ari/.omi Stale in .1 double-header this Saturday he fore traveling to dorvallis foi a t\\ m hill u ith (tregon Si,tie Sunday Moth openers are set for 1 pin The Sun I tevils. (7-1!7 overall and ">-7 in the l’a< 10. rer eivod some votes for the \( ',\.\ l op lit) poll last week and moved into the poll this week at 1 7th Oregon, with its double header loss to Arizona two weeks ago. dropped from 10th to 1 Kth in the latest poll The Ducks and ASl' split a t\\ in bill leb 1with Ihi' Sun I levils taking .i 0 u m m the lust game Oregon enure back fin ,i I 0 \\ in tnr the split ()regon St,i11• (i .'ll ,iml It I li.i\c struggled under second veai coach \'i< Isi Dugan Two earlier meetings si heduled lie tween the Dinks ,md lie.ivers were ruined out, making this the tirsl (aril War meeting ol the vear Oregon swept the I tea r ers n 0 last season Oregon's si heduled douhle header last weekend here against NIo I'td.A was rained out with make up dates ot Mav II I 2 si heduled Invitational Continued from P.ige 12 distance medley relax I riday Klein xx ill lend nit with an HIM) run, followed In Ilulson in the 41)11. I Inlinen in the 1,201). and Wilson in the 1,000 Wilson and t lolmen will also compete in the 1 ,T>00 while Ilutson and Klein will race in the 800 Sat unlay " I lie national exposure tor t hegon is valuable ' said I leinoneii. w Im himsell pl.n ed set olid at the relays in the six mile run fm the l nixersitv of \ 1 i ita in 1007 "It max heij. iu n the road w ilh re ( ruiting It also allows athletes to gel axvax from the Havward I ielil xvmull and w ill help them i ompete in lug meets down !he road As tor the Im national bai k in laigene Hi inonen sees the meet as a needed break from the rigors ot dual scoring meets Rosie Williams Ore gun's premiere sprinter, will take the oppoi til nil X to nurse a sore hamstring she injured in the I'epsi Team Invitational two weeks ago I or others the meet otters a chance to improve on times and compete against some great competition. "Out athletes need to stand at the starting line and see new people and different uniforms alongside 1 le inonen said. " There are no other I’ai It) si lionls at (tie event It s great competition tor everx athlete on our team Stephanie Wessell will com pete in the t.00(1 tor the Ducks llemonen believes this will be the junior s best chance to uu prove her time anil possihl) qu.rlilx lor the N'( \.\s Stephanie Smith who threw the discus a personal best Hi t 1 last Saturday against < alitor nia is i urrentlv among the top TERIYAKI ALLEY TERIYAKI BEEF With Bell Peppers & Onions or BROCCOLI ON RICE Small $2.25 Large $3.25 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 dozen discus throw its m the college ranks, hut needs to im prove to sei lire an \( \.\ tint 1 leinonen said kaniala Kohlmeier, who loins lilair in the heptathlon hopes to i]ii.i 111\ lor the I’ac Ills in the limn jump as well as drop her time in the 100 hurdles to the \l \.\ standard It .r.~rr = COMPUTER & SOFTWARE LIQUIDATION HOLIDAY INN 225 Coburg Road Eugene • Valley Room » 342-3181 2 DAYS ONLY SATURDAY. APRIL 28. 10 AM 8 PM SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 11 AM 6 PM PANASONIC 1124 24 PIN PRINTER 2 yr. Warranty sa s297°° VGA MONITOR .31 Dot • 1 Yr Warranty ^ S379°^ MODEMS XQQ1NT *97°° 2400LXI *119°° IBM STUFF GAME CARD JOYSTICK COLOR CARD EGA CARD MONO CARD MOUSE PAD PRINTER STAND $1537 J2397 *4887 *9787 *29a7 AT LO 2 SERI PAR I GAME J3487 *5°° $10°° IBM SOFTWARE TURBO CAD S59,:i NORTON UTILITIES J3900 MONOPOLY $1900 SYMPHONY *93°° IBM DOS 3.2 J39°° TIMELINE *97°° SCRABBLE S23°° LAPLINK *49°° SIDEKICK l19°° 1st PUBLISHER *65°° AD LIB Music Card S-j^gOO MAC SOFTWARE MICROSOFT WORD REFLEX JAZZ DELUXE MUSIC CONSTRUCTION s89°o $9300 $4-700 J3900 IBM SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $25 MACINTOSH SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $25 COMMODORE SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $10 ATARI ST SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $25 AMIGA SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $25 APPLE SOFTWARE Select Group 3 for $15 (ireat thinkers— come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats the University Bookstore In ihe Book Dept AEROBI-FUN High Energy Aerobics TODAY 1:30pm-3:30pm Gerlinger Field (220 Gerlinger is our rainy day back up) DOOR PRIZES!!! FREE Nike aerobic show workshop 1pm and 3:30pm $2.00 per person at the door |V ..... __^■iNlRAMUIMlS