_—Sports Invitational gives team a break By Ashley ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter For the Oregon men's track team. th«r Oregon Invitational is coming at the right time After three tough dual meets with (ndifornia. Washington and Washington State, as well as the Pepsi Team Invitational, the Ducks finally get a break from team i ompetition with Saturdays invitational at lla\ ward Field To sav the least Oregon coat h Bill Dellinger is welcnm ing the meet "It will he nil e to get a break and give our guvs u ith injuries and some nagging things to heal up." he said. "It's good because some of our guvs won't have to compete The meet aotualh began on Thursday with the men s de cathlon and women's hep tatldon getting under wu\ The multi-event competitions will com hide today Oregon's Pedro daSilva will be looking to break the \( A A standard ol 7,-tKt) points m the decathlon, and should be able to do so easily Fast season daSilva scored 7.IU>1 points in the (Iregon Invitational and tin ished second at both the Pai it ii 10 and \( A A meets ()ther than daSilva. 1 iellinger plans to give most ol Ins nth letes the week off or move them around into different e\ ents Brian W tiglit. w ho has lost only oik e in the loo meter Inn dies this season, will drop down from his spei ialitv to ion the open Kill Steepler Basel Bilk Mestler will run the a lino meters in an attempt to qualify for the Pat I 0 meet I low (1 v ei Fru Peterson will run in fus speciality the t.nIM) meters Peterson, one of the nation s best w ill go aflei the \( A A standard of t -47 70 in the 1 >00 r after running the HOO meters against ( ,il last uirk Not i ompeting for the sri out) week m .1 row is sprinter kl.nls Weigeldt who is still out with .1 sore hamstring, hut i mild re turn to ,u firm next week Ills lam e runnel liminv Hownrth is still out after suffering from the i liu ken pox Moreover, horizontal jump ers Latin Hem ami Spent er W illiams won't compete Herrs will he m Los Angeles working on contract negotiations with the Los Angeles Kams and U iIIlams will take the time to allow a sore groin to heal Hut that's not to sa\ Satin dn\ s meet will he a dud Annually one of the top ear Iv season meets, this s eat 's Or egon Invitational should he an other outstanding one hetore the twilight crowd The invita tional part of the meet w ill lie gill at -1 1 a p ill Among those tentatively en tered include I lavward I leld rei ord holder Lam e Deal m the hammer, former Dink distance great Alberto Salazar in the 10,000 meters and I lavward Field javelin record holder Hri an Ianuser As Dellinger put it. There will fie good track and field this weekend in the ( Jregon Ins ila tional." ( irouser set the I las ssard I ield rei ord of Mi t -0 111 last sear's meet and. along ssilh Mike Harnett, ss ho has also throsvn over J00 teet. ssill pro s ide plenty of i oirijietition tor I Iregon s \11 Skipper Skipper is unbeaten in the las elm and has a best til .’ In > ss 111 compete despite l et over mg truin a sore groin utusi !e Another Dm k hammer thrown Scott Motive is also from Deal (a personal record of 1 UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. Any top with the purchase of any pant, short, or skirt. (Sale merchandise excluded.) Offer good Thursday-Sunday April 26-April 29. Valley River Center ^—' Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section J "i ' M| and lohn Mi Anile And then (here is Salazar one ol the best ever I S dis tain e runners Salazar. i o.u lied In I lellin si:r. will run the 10.0(10 meters .is he i ontinues Ins i oniehai k Irom injuries l our other former (Iregon .ithletes Tim ( Dnlleld (use deSou/.i Dan Nelson and Andy 't Ollltg .ire also nntereiI ill tile meet (’anlield t anked third on the Dim ks all time pole vault list will hook up with Oregon's lirian (aillen Hen Henson and Shaw n Me\ le (aillen lias cleared 17-7 this ve.u and aftel two down weeks returned to form last week In going Iti Ml11 Henson also cleared Hi MID last week a HR by six mi lies l)eSou/a who had Ins appeal for a fourth year ol eligibility turned down hv the \( AA in the w inter, will i ompete in the disi us. and Young, who set the high jump si hoot re< ord ol ' -ID will also he on hand Also returning is Nelson who won the N( \A steeple i base title tor the I links m MIH7 1 I'hntu bv Sirv r I $6.79 •VcAjrn pood c ' v- ■ y 3" ports *otr. timer. 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