Sports • w I’li.iln In M,.ll i l.-i Amin K.i^.imoto will finish her t.irfrr .is Orr^on's .ill-timr Itunlrr in sini;lvs 1111 is in wtmwn's trnnis S.ilunl.n 11 lirii Ihr Dm As host 1‘uui'l Sound. Nagamoto leaves her mark in Duck tennis Bn Ashley ( onklin l merald Sports Reporter For the best singles player in Oregon history. tennis is not the top priority Senior kumi Xagamoto will u i.ip up her l Iregon r .ireer Sat,iv when the Dui k-- host Puget Sound as the all-time singles vit to!\ leader in school history She i in rent l\ sports a tei-2H career re-nurd ami passed the career singles mark ot :>') wins two weeks ago against I band I any on ( aillege But for the native ol i ainato lapau tennis is second to si houl on her list ot priorities N'agamoto will graduate in (line with a degree in psyr holo gy and a rninO! Ill t heinistry Despite the her tie schedule ot tennis and si hool work Na gamoto litis maintained a t at grade point average and rs a prime example ot the kind ot player coach Tom (Ireider uants on his team "To have players graduate, that s iiiv goal ' he said I hat's the reason I was hired to gel players to gel their de glee not to u in the N( A.A t) tie " N'agajmito said she doesn't have ,mv sec r«■ ts when i! i 01111-, In getting 1411111! grades "! don't know . I just do it slit-said "I really like to organ i/.e myself Once I gel .1 sviia bus ! write down ihe test dates and all the due dates on me * ul end ar and just follow that sc ! led i 1 ie It won't In- an e.iw s. hedule lor Nagamoto to follow alter she graduates this spring- She plans to enroll in the graduate program at the University of Rochester in Mew Yoik to pur sue a graduate degree and probably a doc (orate, in unuro se ic'iic e researc h I aik about a demanding re quireinenl. "I really like doing researc h 011 the behav ior id drugs on an meals Nagamoto said A professor troni the biology de partment gave me ate experi ment to do on the etfec Is of drugs on coho salmon and I learned mm h more hum doing mv own research than I ever did 111 a lei lure c lass I'd like to do I hat 111 the fll lure she said I would like lorn to Nagamoto, Page It) FOOTNOTES WORDPROCESSING Intro Special: $ 1.00/PG. Laser Printing PLUS... FOOT FAX Footnotes Now Has Student Access Fax $3.00 lst3pgs. .75/page after 3 RM 21 Groundfloor EMU 346-3729“ ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT —INTERNSHIPS— Positions available tor Summer and Fall in the Marketing and Promotions field. Non-pox ing po sition. (Ian receive internship credit. Work studx positions .dso availal)le. Preterein :e lor appli cants who wish to have a earner in the at hlet i( t iidd . For more information < .ill: 44l»-44Hr> ■ Diui't |»i\«.■ up looking;! t \ I (>S I \NI) 1 FOl NP in tin classifieds. Don't forcjct to \ ok e your opin ion: Vote Thursday and Friday April 26 2 7 Kc'mcrnhi'i: s! u dent I D. .111cI t in It’llt Ire t ,ii(l will lie rt‘(juiivcI ,i( tlu <>t iiui hoot h \\esle\ (enter Ope n House and W elcoming of’Janet Cromwell New ( amptis Minister I Inn sda\, \pi il 2(i 4:00-7:00 pm I lu' \\ i sk \ ( enter I 2}h Kincaid Sli ce! I ll^CIIC UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331