Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Student program preserves natural resources
By Christy Loar
Emerald Contributor
The Student Conservation
Association is a volunteer pro
gram allowing people who .ire
more than 1H years of age to
spend weeks working to pre
serve national parks and re
sourr es
SCA works in association
with the Bureau of I-and Man
agement. the I' S forest Ser
vire and other natural resource
ageni ies Volunteers who are
Volunteers assist in 35 states
selet ted fur the program hr
conir resource assistants and
part it ipatr in one of the? 2 1(1 na
tionwidr re soon «• arras located
in morn than lri states, ini lnd
■ ri(4 both Alaska and Hawaii
All travel and living ex
penses are paid fur hv the re
source agent \ where the volun
teer will he working
"It's a good opportunity to
i hei k out different stales said
flarvev Duerr. a resource assis
taut who is originally from
Wisconsin "Everything's laid
otil for von when you got
Duerr is staying in an apart
mi'nt in Eugene and ho works
with the Eugene off it o of the
Some of Ins duties ini lode
elei trie.ally shot king the
streams, whir h allows Duerr to
Vi lb. Char-Broiled Burger
5:00 pm 'til closing
13th & Alder
ART supplies;^
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lood throu\
take fish surveys These show
w hit h types of fish exist in the
In addition, he helped build
a trout ladder, which allows
the fish to continue swimming
past a particularly steep part of
Lake Creek "We've opened up
about 100 more miles for the
fish.'' he said excitedly
Working with fisli is onls
one of tlie m.im different op
portunities available to re
source assistants I wentv year
old Silvia l.ommol is from (.er
mam . and she is in Kugene on
her second assignment with
SC A She plans to sta\ through
the summer to continue her
woik tor HI.M
hummel said the program is
great because she enjoys the
outdoors and keeping herself
•ind others cnv ironmentalU
aware "You can give talks to
high school kids or work in a
ranger station, stuff like that,
she said
Resource assistant positions
have themes or subjet ts the vol
unteer chooses from, such as
forestry, environmental educa
tion. recreation management,
trail maintenance and construc
tion. to name only a few While
most programs require partici
pants to be 18 years old with a
high school diploma, others re
quire special shills and educa
Volunteering for SC A is an
excellent opportunity to work
out of doors and obtain valu
able experience .it the same
time, said Doug Huntington.
St A correspondent at the Bl.M
offii e m Kugene
Competition in natural re
soun e ageni ies is on the rise
and volunteering service at
St A is the first step toward ob
taining either a permanent or
temporary job with these agen
i ies. he said.
After a resouri e assistant has
worked for an agency. he or she
has a mui h better chance of
finding a paid job in the natural
resource field, as long as the
volunteer remains i ommitted
and st ii ks to it. I luntington
"The SC A is <i great wav to
experience the < hallenges and
conflicts in managing land."
he said
P63CG Continued from Page <>_
"The desire to reduce military spending and redirect funds is
not unanimous in (Congress admits MacCregor iluuever. she he
lieves that a majority nl congressional members feel the military
budget • an be reduced
Baugh said most people now believe that the I 'oiled States won't
need to give as mm li support to NATO, alter seeing the Berlin wall
come dow n But he ante ipates opposition to the resolution hum
politii inns sensitive to .1 loss of jobs in their distrii ts
The Harvest for Bear e Resolution recognizes that a all percent re
dm lion would bring drastic. 1 hanges to the defense industry and it
recommends that some of the money not spent on arms should be
used to retrain the thousands of workers affected for non-military
jobs hinder said
In the broad scale of things, people be
lieve that it's a dangerous world and de
terrence works.'
— William Baugh
The group advoc ates a slow reduction over ten years to acc.om
module change "We will get a peace dividend it public opinion
insists on it Linder said
A resolution is iron binding if passed unlike hills that are signed
into law "But a resolution is attrac live be< arise it is <1 statement of
polic y and not an exact blueprint" for legislative measures, said
Mac ( hegor She ex pen ts it to he voted on in the fall
"A resolution is helpful because it sets up accountability for
Congress " Linder said "11 thex pass this but don't follow up with
meaningful legislation, constituents c .111 ask at voting timer 'what
happened? "
If the 1 S would promote a worldwide reduction in arms 'it
would be .i significant step." said Baugh He noted that the world
trade in weapons is continuing to grow, and the I'nited States and
other industrialized nations are exporting many sophisticated
"It is a problem of perception whether weapons are viewed as a
threat or a comfort." Baugh said
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