Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Schools open for community use
Follow Whiteaker lead
Bv Josephine Henke
Emerald Contributor
In 1 Will. Whiteaker Elementary school (level
oped the first community school program, de
signed to expand the i (immunity s use ot si hool
far ililies after si hool hours
Since then, tilteen other Eugene middle and
elementary s( hools also have developed commu
nity school programs
The community si hools' original goals, man
dated bv the si hool hoard were to involve the
community with the i ommunitv s schools, to use
school resources to expand education programs
for children, to expand use ot the school build
iugx by opening them after school boms and to
eni ourage i ooperalion between i ommunitv mem
"Seventy percent of tile people in Eugene
don't have kids in school but they have to pav
taxes anyway to I something that's not even used
.ill the time," said kvda Dodson, head of the
Whiteaker community school program
Because Oregon requires publii schools to
ui i ept students w ho do not have permanent ad
dresses. Eugene (ommunitv schools work with
local agencies and community members to help
these students and their families teed and c luliie
themselves and connect them with social agen
cies. Dodson said
"Some of the families don't have a retrigera
lor or an oven, or sometimes even a i an opener
They re trying to cook off a hotplate she said
One ot the simplest ways lor community
si hools to expand building use is to open the
si hool gv ins for informal sports games in the
"Often people collie to plav basketball in the
evenings said Wendy fenks. head of the \\ il
lard community school program Right now
we ve got an intramural basketball game going
lane ('ommunitv (College has held evening
classes ranging from calligraphy to car repair in
the community schools stm e the mid in . its
"I can't sav exactly vv hen or how I first found
out about the community schools fuu keep up
with these tilings in the education business
said Naomi Nhoaies. head of IX,I s Adult ('.dura
I ion (hi (gram
"Sometimes we i all them and ask A\ e need
space for these i lasses have you got it " Nhoaies
tins much space, would you like to use it
risk ol dropping out
Most of the mci
Oaks retirement eon
llors are t
Young works w ith
Our society lust something icallv valuable
hi'i.iUM1 then- is silt ll ,i huge gap between the
generations said Kulh Koenig head of thet .al
Young c o mm unit v si hool Most kids don’t glow
up with their natural grandparents
Patterson community school organizes food
and i lollling drives People donate i lean mended
i lothmg to the pool and take what the\ need
It works on the honor system No one
i hecks how nint h the family lakes said Alite
Hrooks. the Patterson community s< hool diret tor
"Sometimes we see the same clothes tome
through the pool two or three times I donated a
i oat that I saw re donated three years in .1 mu
"We've got a community taring project’
with |< Penney Koenig said I hey gue 11s
things that they can’t sell for some reason
stained or ripped a little and we give it to
Wonienspdoe and the Keliel Nursery II it s
ripped ,1 little ue send it oyer to \\ illamette ( inks
and they mend it lor us
Patterson also hosts the I amimunitv I ninth
Soup hiti hen on Mondays Wednesdays and In
day s
In 1'18 1. Don Johnson head of the < onimuni
ty I nmilv Soup Kill hen. asked Verge I 1 It kson
the Patterson a hool principal. lor permission to
run the food program 111 the Patterson kill hen
and t aleteria in the evenings
We d been through just about every t hurt h
111 the community, but none ot them really had
the fat ilities tor .1 soup kill hen Pile si hool did.
Johnson said We dei ided to serve families be
cause the uthei soup kiti liens served anyone yv ho
1 nine and parents didn’t yyanl to bring their kids
"We get ,1 lot ot food donated from restau
rants and small grot erics like The Kiy .1 and Sun
dance because they don't have to light company
polity like the big chains do ' said Harry (aim
tilings, the on site manager of the ( omumiiity
I amity Simp kiti hen
1 | I’he families yve serve) don t like then
names m the press, but (one) family is a good e\
ample When they came ,1 yyblle ago, they were
living out ot then cal They Ills! tame to tell Us
that they had .in apartment and the husb.mil bad
.1 yyell, I wouldn't call It a dm flit |ob but a
job They thanked us lot setting them on then
feet " ( aimmings said
llie school district gives the community
school programs 111 elementary and middle
schools S'l.TPi and S i .HO’i respei t iy el y I ach
community -■ hool uses this money to develop a
program to meet then community's individual
l f|e (immunity schools, .iky.ns at risk ot
rluctioiis again this year may* need to cut these
"We re always short of money Koenig said
Sometimes I’d leave ut the spring and not know
d I d come bai l to a mb in the tall
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