\U )M)\\S | H K < H (,M t K i I) A N s Luncheon Specials Szechuan Chicken Noodles $3.95 I ;is M/fs Si'V/ hi I nil) luink^lmr CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT ;r>t i nth u i jh u Pishing Season Is Open At The Bookstore! APRIL 23 - 28 1 No trout about it f ishtng Season *. here »rv • we re up to our gills m a rainbow of up >- ,»ie fishing mementos per tec. t and 'i for .my fm-nu Ky fisher Perched on our shelves are beautiful h.in;l< raffed wood carvings and quality gills fanciful I shirts and hats and some very fishy pillows jus! for fun We ve cruised around and f U*<1 '' .1 5^ f whale of a variety of books of from fly tying to fish frying Hook mio oij» DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS and you could net a guided fl> fishing lr»p on the* McKenzie River a / 1 shin book lole bag pepsi h pack or ' I our GRAND PRIZE .1 life Sized hander ill led wood carving ol a trout or duck Swim on down during APRIL 23 28 and land a great catch' UO BOOKSTORE _Community Hatfield bill pushes military cuts Savings to ease world's hunger and its poverty By Mary Shuler Emerald Contributor A resolution t ailing for .1 AU pen ent reduction in military spending bv the year It000 has been 1 illrodlii ed ill Congress by Sen Mark I talfield K ( ire The Harvest of Pear e Resolu lion proposes that the billions of dollars saved by military 1 u! baiks be spent to eliminate poverty and hungei around the world The real threat to the sei uri l\ of the nation and the world is poverty and illiteracy " salt! Julie MacCregor. legislative aid to I latfield ( )ur i 111 lent poll 1 y of military spending and consumption does little to pro mote net inrial security Hatfield lets long had thoughts on reducing the mili tarv budget Mai Cregor said A l'ltt'i Congressional report from the Arms (.ontrol and Tm eign I’olii y ( nut us staled that blind World problems have an impel t on the set untv of indus trialized nations bins report and the events in < Central Ku rope have sparked interest in the resolution she said bhe resolution lies been gath ering support suue it was in t reduced in March I’ltiO and now li.is if t 0 sponsors in the Senate including Sen Daniel Innuve D Hawaii and Sen 1 iale Bumpers I I Nik In the House the resolution was introduced by Kep Math FROM THE DIRECTOR OF “THE EXORCIST” Tonight, while the world is asleep... an ancient evil is about to awaken. UNIVERSAL PlCTURESntESBos .JOEWI&W™. »fIUIAM FUEDKIN m« "THE GUARDIAN' iENNT SEAGROM DftlER BROft’N CAREVOT.L ^* J.ACK HUES «ooi< t‘£ TODD BL\CK Mira mom dan greenblrgda\id saiain ,«mn greenblrg 'nmnSSIEPHEN VOLK «.MN GREENBliRG^oMLLLAM FRIEDUK^IOE WIZAN 4MK "“"SWILLIAM FRIEDK1N UK™! OPENS FRIDAY APRIL 27, AT THEATRES EVERYWHERE. ew Mi I high D-N > ami Kc|) Silvio ( onte. I) Mass Oregon Kep Petri Delazio is ,i|sn a i o sponsi >r l! lias been endorsed b\ a range of organizations includ mg Hread for the World whii !i helped draft the resolution. Oxtani Aiiuth .1 .on! the Nation al Students ( ampatgn Against I lunger and Homelessness Hread (or the World hoard member Michael Lunin said the organization hopes to en i mirage the development of a i onirtiini set urity. by look ing tor a redui lion m arms pro (tuition arms sales and fman t nil aid to dev eloping countries for the pun hast- ot anils lander, vs ho t ails himsell an advocate tor hungry |>eu pie said most conflicts at russ the world are internal, stem tiling from stresses between the i n h and the poor (•! apliii Aim rrlrnnr "We suggest th.it in dealing with these issues we would see less politic a 1 upheuv.il," hinder s.iid lie iilsu noted tli.it tunnel Seiretarv of Defense Hubert Mm Samara and Iorniei I’resi dent |iuim\ i iarter ha\e en dorsed the resolution However. opposition is bound to i ome irom conserve lives who don’t believe the cold war is over, said I 'niversi t\ politii ,il st ieni.e professor \\ illiam Baugh In the broad si ale