University Daener says research only hope for disease By Hon Walker Emerald Assoc iate Editor Pamela Daener describes a debate last month with animal rights activists as one of the most distressing experiences of her life Speaking in defense of using animals for scientific research, sill' was dismissed as a "luster ical woman with a dying kid. she said. Danner s r vear old son Chris suffers from muscular dvstro pin. and his survival depends on research performed on am nulls, she said Chris will die before he turns JO, unless a cure is found, she said If animal research were to stop today. Daener said, there would be no hope for Chris, or for anyone with a genetic dis ease "Are von going to sacrifice a few animals to end the suffer mg. or .ire you going to let it all go on to save a few animals?" she asked Daener. Cniversite associate provost for ac ademii affairs is a member of Incurable III for Animal Research I hr group is for vic tims of terminal disease and their family and friends She also is president of the local Coalition tor Animals and Animal Research, a group that is often at odds with animal rights ac tivists During World l aboratory \n idled l iberation Week. Cl AAR members localle and nation wide have appeared at annual tropin and AIDS "The more you slow it down, the more suf fering there is." Daener said l.ah animals are becoming more expensive to obtain. Daener said, and states have passed legislation restricting the types of animals that may he used for experimentation In addition, the otiti rv is causing medic.d researchers to question their roles in saving the lives of humans Daener said "I find it very frightening," she said I see people leaving rescan h in droves It they have to use animals they don't to do it Tens ol thousands ol mon keys died tor polio research. Daener said, a fait not readily i lied by those who oppose tu tu re rescan h A halt to animal rescan h i ould lead to uni er taintv about future cures to oth er d iseases. she said "I don't want my daughter to have to tear lor her children's lives because the research stopped.’ Ilaener said People for the Kthn al Treat ment of Animals, a very sayyy political group." Daener said yens formed before ( I AAR yy as I heir political lobby mg is a serious major league threat to resean h continuing al all. sin said ( I AAR prefers edui alum and let till ing to placards and chanting Daener said "We're in it a really n iyy dv group Danner's husband Neil is a t'niversity biology student He 7 don't want my daughter to have to tear tor her children 's lives because the research stopped. ' Pamela Daener rights rallies to utter another iters pet ti\e on tile int reasinglv visible .mil emotional issue The group’s goals are to edu ( ale the publit about the nature ot animal researi h and re searchers. to support the re sponsible ami humane use ot animals in biumedit al researt h and to promote development and use of alternatives to uni mats m researi h "It seems like all of the ( ut ting edge of biornedieal re search is controversial. I taener said The majority of sin h research is performed on animals sui h as fish or sea slugs, she said but the loudest protests have opposed the use of "fuzzy ani mals’’ such as cats or monkeys, she said "A lot of the people in the animal rights movement are very well-meaning.” she said However, their concerns for animals are resulting in finan i nil and hureaui rath rnad bloi hs slowing researt h in areas including must ulur dys A A A pointed out the Issue ot .111 iinnl experimentation tends to he port ra ved .is having two ex t rentes. Because ot this polarization, mam people who max support the use ol animals for luedii al research shun a label ol pro vi viser t iomst "or the like "Anyone who speaks out in favor ot lesean li 1 reates an im age ol the other extreme." he said However, he said, this is a distortion " I he other extreme is people absolutely indifferent ol ani mals." he said "We see our selves as being in the middle ground (TAAK member Trarie Bork said with the mi reased activitx of animal rights groups, it is tune for those who support bio medical research to educate others " The majority of people do think there is a difference be tween animals and humans," she said "(Ac tivistsl call spec iesisin. and I guess it is "Our job is to edu< ate the public and let them make up their own minds T-cwvrvfi-rwwwww w w « *-* * * £ Exercise your right. VOTE! 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