Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Eugene s we ‘ be neighborhood i .do !< e
turmg home baked breads and desr-e-ts
Mexican, vegetarian, and meat ••••tree
Good food at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special —
Friday & Saturday
Pasta with clam sauce, green
salad, garlic bread.S4.25
W 5th at 1 awronco
/am to u [) m Mon S, 11
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Breakfast til 2 p rn
lot atcd at 18th & Aldt-r VV
Really nice student living!
00 0 1 lairs pi-r li i in
10 iiiimIs pci un i, an- mi ludi il ill thi-st- lati's
liisuli* p.iikini| .mil i .ililf I V .ii.iilatili- .a ,nlil I » usi
l’ii i. i.i i u;!i tv ijiU'ii In i/aik tippiii. ani>
M i >. t a lisa huti: :ul a. i! . " I !• -ir a:
Uilllii i ml'H mal:. a i At" ask a!" ail v.,<
I'J'M) Sumnu i s, „,i,i: tati -
Privatfly ou ncd by
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Phone- I 800 950-0885
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M.ikc km/r ft-st-nat/oii non!
I niversit\
I'hiitn h> Mjik Vini
Outdoor st liool t nordin.itor Mitt li Sorrnnon firtll .mil division Iwud Simon Sh.idtnr li^ht h.nr
tuunil I s t l I’l outtlooi s< hauls hath i h.ilh'iiiiimi .inti re it .11 thin:
ESCAPE offers outdoor schools
B\ lenniler Thomas
1 met.ild ( ontnlmtor
Its nighttime and tin- moon is full You are
siimnimli'd In it) sixth graders stationed around
tin- campfire They an- finally still afif t a long
day nl hiking and learning about the ..is
Are you hardy enough to keep tip with sixth
graders'' II so von may ia a candidate for the I S
( \l’l t tuition! St litnd pi-tgi.im
"We have no i rilnrin for students partk ip.tl
jug m llii ( tutdoor School Afot t vated. enthusiast
lit students who work well with sixth grade stu
dents seem to enjoy it most salt) Simon
Shtuiuwiight list \ 1*1 Outdoor School program
division head
it is the best tiling in the entile world said
Beth Oilman .1 veteran ( nuiixehu lor three years
and now .ill Outdoor School loordinator "It's an
amazing exponent e
The Outdooi School run by I St \I*1. located
in iAll Room 111 is .i program designed to m
volve interested college students in camps
around the Kugene area, near Portland oi oil the
t1 tast
Students attending five-day (.mips tan re
i eive ,i tol.il of three upper-til vision t redds or two
upper-division credits ioi two or three tlay
t amps There are a few t amps in the fall but
most lake place in tin* spring
(ounselors are trained by instrut tins .it theii
designated t amps After training they are paired
up and assigned to supervise eight to III kids
Shadovvlight said.
Supervision includes getting the kids up in
the morning. I.iking lht*in In meals. selling up
hum Is. taking tin* kills around (lit* i amp on hikes
si lil’tlu 1 inj* activities, and partii ipaling m ret n-a
lion hour and evening activities including
songs and skits around the campfire
Mill h Sorenson ■ nunselor and coordinator
sanl, I thought it was fun i omruunit siting with
the kids By going to Outdoor Si lino! I have a
better understanding of kills and got new skills
like learning to teat h
I his term there >ns* !.' schools p/utii ipahng
in the (lutdooi School Piogram The promant
wilt include -’•>') college students acting as conn
selnis Most ol the cat ups are in May but a Sew
ate in April The first camp of the term started
April ll> in l lest view Ore
As i onrditiaUirs lason Blunter says that he
Oilman arid Milch Sorenson are in charge ot get
ting college students registered, plat mg them in
i amps keeping files i uncut and at ting as media
tors between 1 SC API Outdoor School program
and the participating i amps
Oilman is amazed bv the sense of family the
i. ounselors feel with the kids after snt h a short
time "W ith teai hing kuls the cabin groups and
singing around the campfire von get ( lose kids
will write to you and tell you liow much they en
joyed it
The kids sometimes ask lot addresses and
write to the counselors Shadow light said
Sorenson said there is a lot to he gained from
being a counselor "The individual gain is based
on what von put into it Whatever amount vou
put into being a counselor, vnu’lt get a lot incur
When you order your prints on a
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