SCHILLER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY s 2 5th A n n i v c* i s a i \’ ss emester, academic war ana summer programs in LOXDOX, MADRID HL/DLLBLRC, PARIS, STRASBOURG, amll XGl I.BIRD. SW lT/1 RI AXD. •. • and paduan* degree programs •Intir . y-.. ’ransk-r possipli • “jrsfs in Business A a rn f'istrabo:-. Ht*?ei N'a: agement. International Relations and l ibera! Arts • A:i v M»sst-s j.mght iii I jy.dsh • Also. > to * week intensive lang.ugi ^nurses :n West Germans and Spam for students Inane oilier • .' trnu'io: .1; ■■t.j.iiUh!\ >: ' ' students over v countries Schiller International l niversitv Cf*M . N ;-• NC N*iv« N * • * .. . » v \ 4- J M V. , LANGUAGE STUDY IN EUROPE The International Language Centers are language study insitutes located on the French Riviera, m Barcelona. Florence, and in Salzburg. Austria, four ot the most beautiful areas in Europe II.C offers intensive courses lasting three to twelve weeks in French, Spanish. Italian and in German during the summer months and during the fall, winter and spring quarters The program is enhanced by a wide range of excursions and cultural activities On off campus accommodations and full board are provided For detailed information, please contact international Language Centers at IIX’ or in U S A MooittnihM* 106 9. A 5020 Salzburg, Austria ILL Dept, B Tel (01 143-662) 844485. Fax 647-711. P.O. Box 8707 Newport Beach, C'A 92658-6707 Tel. 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