Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1990, Page 19, Image 31

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    Volunteer coaches return favor for today’s kids
By Diane Kershner
■ The Western Front
Western Washington U.
Two Western Washington U. students
thought coaching Little League baseball
was a “wild idea," but the duo turned it
into a fun expenence and a unique way
to repay those volunteers who helped
them when they were kids.
Seniors Sam Petite and Randy
Peterson spent two days a week last
spring volunteenng their time as base
ball coaches for 15 fourth- and fifth
Petite described himself and Peterson
as “just average baseball players." lie
said a few of the team members ques
tioned their coaching ability.
The kids at first looked at Peterson and
Petite as if to say, “You are the coaches'.’”
Peterson said.
But Petite said the players and their
parents eventually accepted the coach
ing pair. “The kids and parents are really
cooperative," he said.
One player's mother said the coaches
showed a lot of enthusiasm while work
ing with the team. “They’ve done an out
standing job,” she said.
The team practiced twice a week
before the games, which lasted from 6 to
8 p.m. The coaches said they didn’t try
to teach the kids fancy moves such as
double plays. “Instead, we simplified it
for the kids," Peterson said
The coaches’ main goal was to “get
them to play as a team, not as 10 guys
out there, but as one team,” Peterson
said. That was difficult, he said, because
of the egos of fourth anil fifth-graders
and because some players would pout it
they didn't get to play the positions they
Kach player played an equal amount
of time, which made it difficult for the
coaches because there were only 10 play
mg positions for 15 children “liven the
stars have to sit on the bench," said
Petite, adding that at first the kids didn't
Both coaches were pleased with the
team's performance Peterson said he
believes the “me-me-me attitudes” have
changed to attitudes of “team" players
“Kverv kid is with the others," Petite
Petite said he enjoyed being around
the kids because they make him feel like
a “big kid " One of the highlights of the
season was when both Peterson and
Petite show ed up for a game each wit h a
newly pierced ear and earring. They
teased the team by telling them they all
had to get earrings, too. Most of the kids
laughed but a few were really concerned,
so the joke ended. Petite said he and
Peterson give the impression that they
are “just college kids having fun "
Petite said he wanted to coach because
he felt as if he owed it to the volunteers
w ho worked with him when he was a kid
in Cub Scouts and on a baseball team
1 le believes there is a message that needs
to he aimed at college students: “Don't
forget all the people who did things for
you when you were a little kid," he said
"If everyone made an effort to just give
a little hit of themselves, this would be a
great world "
Grad students
form backbone
of athletic staff
By Mary Spearman
■ The Auburn Plainsman
Auburn U.
Coaches, assistant coaches and team
members are always in the news, but
rarely does one hear about the back
bone of the coaching staff graduate
Graduate assistants are students who
learn the techniques of coaching while
earning their graduate degrees I hey
work behind the scenes in various jobs,
from office work to discipline. Some of
'.heir other duties include working with
individual coaches, coaching the scout
team, organizing film swaps and prepar
ing for games.
Auburn U. graduate assistant Tim
Beckman said the position is important
to students who want to coach on the col -
legiate level. But he said it is hard when
he has to balance schoolwork and ath
“It is rough at times, but we couldn’t
ask to be anywhere else. This is a top
notch program, and we’re lucky to be
here,” he said.
Graduate assistant Wayne Davis said
his biggest problem is making up the
academic hours he can’t take in the fall
“You have to overload yourself tiecau.se
we never stop doing things for football.
It makes it hard on us "
Graduate assistants are required to
take a minimum of five hours every
Auburn U. graduate assistants
receive scholarships that cover tuition,
books and some living expenses. “We
have a chance to make some extra
money working camps during the sum
mer," said Steve Campbell, a football
graduate assistant.
W'hile the assistants said they have
good relationships with the players,
they are not allowed to interact
“We get along with the players and are
their fnends, but there are certain areas
where you have to draw the line,
Campbell said.
Joanne Palumbo, a graduate assistant
for women’s basketball, said, “'fou have
to be careful where you draw the lines
You are expected to be their friend and
confidant, but at the same time you have
to have some level of respect, because
vou are their coach "
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mvtf ratpod to toy ropatrd Afhdvrt of flipibwiij/ldaoto of babrbty/Prtia Accaefotro (am vffbio
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