Column Drug-testing policies lack real penalties By Steven J Keith ■ The Parthenon Marshall U. What's wrong with this picture? A Marshall U student athlete must test positive for drug use four 11nies before he or she is permanent ly suspended from the team and rec ommended to no longer receive an athletic scholarship. Four times! What school would have a drug testing program allowing an ath lete to be caught using drugs four times before anything “major” is done? Well Marshall does, and I don’t think that’s something it should be proud of. With today’s increasing problem of drug abuse and the tendency for some athletes to use drugs for “enjoyment" or to better their bod ies te.g. steroids), many schools have adopted drug-testing pro grams. These programs are designed to test all students involved in athletics to try to elim inate the use of drugs. Marshall does have such a policy, which even includes educating athletes on the effects and consequences of drug abuse. Hooray for Marshall for adopting such a program, but uni versity and athletic department officials need to sit down and decide if the policy is serving its intended purpose. The lack of strict penalties is a major problem. On a first offense, the athlete’s coach is told and the player is recommended for counsel ing. That’s it. A second offense calls for the same “penalties,” plus two closed-group sessions, notification of parents, suspension for five days and one game, and additional test ing throughout the year. The only additional penalty for a third offense is suspension for 10 days and two games. Finally, on a fourth offense, the player is suspended from the team. I’m all for giving individuals a sec ond chance, but when it comes to something as serious as drug abuse, I think four chances is a bit much. These students are representing other students, the university and the entire community, and it is nec essary that they convey a positive, clean image. And if an athlete eon See TESTING, Page 21 COACHING On the sidelines Not many people know that graduate assistants make up the backbone of university athletic coaching staffs across tht> country Page 19 VOLUNTEERS ‘Bad News Bears' Two students at Western Washington U. volunteered as coaches for a Little league baseball team and encourage other students to do the same. Page 19 Walk-ons: Are they forgotten athletes? By Clint Riley ■ The Easiern Progress Eastern Kentucky U. They are the forgotten athletes They sit on the benches and stand on the sidelines. They put their bodies on the line at practice, even though they may never get to play in a game. The college walk-on athlete is usually the high school athlete who was over looked during the college-recruiting sea son. It's either a love of the sport in which they participate or just the fact that they believe they are good enough to play col lege sports that drives them to give col lege athletics a try. But no matter what makes them decide to give college athletics a shot, cut - backs in some college athletic scholar ships and implementation of Proposition 4b requirements are making the walk on athlete more important to college ath letics. At Eastern Kentucky l' , limited schol arships in some sports has made the walk-on athlete a necessity. 'Today it is a must in baseball, it's a must in track and in golf and tennis It's a must to have walk-ons," Eastern Athletic Director Donald Combs said. Combs also said walk-on athletes because of the process m which they make a team may be better prepared lJU'rii mentally than other athletes. "The non scholarship athlete comes in because nobody chose him, so he comes in with a scrappy, mentally tougher attitude as a freshman,” Combs said. According to women’s basketball coach Larry Inman, it is difficult to get walk ons to stick with a college program for long “As a general rule, your walk-on people don’t stay with the program long enough to help vour program,” he said. "The unfortunate thing about walk-ons is, for CHARLES LISTER. ’HE EASTERN PROGRESS EASTERN KENTUCKY l; the kind of work we require, it takes a very special athlete." Inman said. What type of reward does a walk-on athlete get from the sacrifices lie must make? “I’ve been doing this my whole life. 1 don’t know anything else,” said freshman football walk-on Brantley Mitchell Paul Jones, a 5-foot-9, 160-pound freshman walk-on said, "People tell me I'm too little to play football It keeps me going ” See WALK-ON. Page 21 Students war with sandman during lectures By Ann Rakestraw ■ The Cavalier Daily U. of Virginia Your head drops and spastically snaps back. Your pen hangs limply in your hand. It is only 10 minutes into the class but you are already struggling to keep your eyelids open. Any minute you'll probably start drooling and hating yourself for not having gotten more sleep. If you're like most students, this sce nario is probably a little too familiar for comfort. It is a nightmare of a problem and 1'. of Virginia students have differ ent methods for fighting the temptation to nap in class. George Kazzmarskyj, a second-year engineering student, said seating is a key for him. “If you sit right in front of the professor, you'll stay awake. If you’re in his peripheral vision, you’re doomed to fall asleep.” Kazzmarskyj has another solution for dealing with classroom exhaustion — not going to class. Although some students advise avoid ing 8 a m. classes, others said falling asleep is not so much a problem in the morning as it is in the afternoon. Students start curling up for noontime naps in kindergarten, and for many it is a hard habit to break. “I fall asleep every day after lunch, about two. It doesn’t matter what it is or how interesting it is." said fourth-year student Sandy McClung. “Usually I uike Vivarin or drink Cokes caffeine. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.” Robert Mayfield, a second-year stu dent, said he has problems staying awake in large classes. “There is not much interaction between me and the professor, so once 1 start drifting off. I’m gone,” he said. First-year student Alexander Johnson said he uses “sheer force of will” to keep from drifting off "1 just keep thinking MATTMAEUS S7UMANSKI,tHE CAVALIER DAILY, U OF VIRGINIA how embarrassing it would be to fall asleep because I snore.” Teachers sometimes mistake a stu dent's efforts to remain conscious as gen uine interest in the subject matter. Robert Daguillard said he had a problem with one class where the professor was exceedingly dull. “I forced myself to look him nght in the eye; that’s the reason 1 not only staved awake but got an 'A' in See SNOOZE. Page 21