University Students gain typing, fax service Footnotes expands By Kathleen Sweeney Emerald Contributor Footnotes .1 campus organization that sells 1 lass lecture notes, is now offering typing ,ind fax sen ii es as well. Its objective is to "provide low i ost stu dent services " said I ’ll i I Mehergall president of the board of direi tors of Student I'rojei ts Ini SIM was lounded in l'ttiT and is a non profit student run organization Mehergall said f ootnotes is < urrentlv SIM's only projei t SIM s emphasis on "non-profit'' enables it to offer serve es at lower prn es than off i am pus serve es, Mehergall said SIM currently employs nearly tdiv stu dents, lie hiding hoard members SIM reienth sent out a survey to more than a00 faculty and staff members, asking toi reai lions to both the footnotes and typing ser vices f rom the approximately l a pen cut ot the surveys returned 4f> percent of the respon dents said they would recommend the typing sen a e to their undergraduate students 1 hirty three pen ent said they would ice ommend it to I heir iii.ulu.ilt' students. act urdttig In the "SPI Survey Results published hy I hr organi/.a lion \t•!>«"rvj.i 11 was pleased with the survey re stills .mtl hopes that Ihe revenue brought in b\ the two new serve es will supplement hoot notes' income especially toward the end of tile term Most ot our revenue t nines hum i hoot notes) stilist riptions soltl during the first month ol tile term.' \ebergall salt! We're using (tile new service) as a wav not to have the latter part ot the term slow sales w ise After dividing to otter a typing service Si’l met with l)r Shirley Wilson. Dean ot Stu dents anti l)i |ohn ('.age dim tor ot the tom position ilepartment to review tin ethit al anil academic issues involved m running a typing sen it e for students As a result. S|’| tint ided to otter only a Spell-cheek servin' in conjunction With the K ping serve e In a letter sent out to statt members with the survey SIM staleil W'e are t.oot ernetl w itti not blurring the if 1stint tion between a needed word processing servite and the etiu national aspet t of student papers our goal is to assist students without compromising at a tlemic standards Shoah Week presentations today Mi l TIM,S (lire If K meets tc might at li it) in 1 Ml ( a'dur Ki(uni I Truman Sc holarship meeting u ill he held today at 1 10 p.m in KMl' ( edar Room A University Democrats meets tonight at t> m KMl ' Suite 1 F.t als_— Students tor thc> Kthic al Treatment ot Animals meets at (> p.m in KMl ( edar Room B Public Relations Students Soc iety ol America will hold a general interest meeting at a III p m m Room 2 14 Allen Chi Alpha Christian ministry meets tonight at 7 to in KMl ( edar Room A SIT AKKRA \\l) I.Kt I I 'RMS "Heroines ol the1 Holocaust and their Influence on Post Holocaust Feminism" is the ti tie ot a lec ture to he given h\ Rabbi l.eah Novic k tonight at 7 It) in Room 1(H) Willamette "Color in Michelangelo" is the title ot a Ic•» tine to he given tonight at 7 III in Room 177 latvvretu e hy Krederic k 1 lartt A public rec option vs ill take plat e Friday at t it) p tti at the I'm versitv Museum ol Art "l abor and the- Knvironment in Canada: A Trade l nion Per spective'' Is the title id a lei tun* to he given at t it) p.m in Room lit) U illamette h\ Ken neth Ceorgetti, pre'sident ol the British (lolumhia ot I-abor "Fettered Sisterhood" is the title* of .c lec tore to tu* given h\ Deborah Cray White, assoc iate professor of history at Rutgers University. The presentation will be held at 1 10 p.m in the KMl ' Walnut Room. "Analyses of Bacterio plankton Diversity Using Kibo sonial RNA” is the title of a lecture to tic* given at 3 p in in Room 4 17 lluestis by Stephen Ciovannoni from Oregon State University "In the Canon's Mouth" is the title* of a lec tore* to tic* given at 140 p.m in the KMl' Kir Room hv Killian Robinson from the University of Itawaii MISCKI.KANKOUS Students for Creative Anach ronism Camping bv Ivar liar honnarson and dam e practice will hr held .i( H HI p m m \g ale SI building N'u 1 1 or in tiirnuition. ( all I4t> urot) Wesley < enter Open House anil welcoming ill new campus minister Janet Cromwell w ill be held today .it I p m at the U es lev l 'enter. 1 2 it. him aid SI "Persecution ol Homosevu .ils Iiiirim; the Shoah” in the ti tie lit .1 presentation to he given Indus at t tit |i m in the I Ml Hen l.indei Koom \ CD-ROM tutorial on the I KK (eilui atiolial) database will he held Indus at 1.! it) p to in llie Reteroni e Iiepart ment ot the Knight Iuhrurs i COUPON* INTRODUCES Tltf [teu- Gettetaliim Catum Co lot Cepiei See ')( To BtCm** 9< PHOTOGRAPHS PRINTS - TRANSPARENCIES -• mm Si iDES T-SHIRT TRANS I-1 RS 30% OFF All Copies & Color Copier Services with this ad Offer ends 5/18/90 344-4510 605 E. 13th! COUPON THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Throw him in the swamp? You idiot! That s the tirst place they'll look." NEXT WEEK: Good Qoffee Reserve your spac* today: 346-3712! v\\S *'!i /ii’ ethnic and contemporary jewelry? 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