PAID ADVERTISEMENT Schwarzenegger shows duality in futuristic thriller Total Recall’ Arnold Schwa r/eneggri takes r»n his most challenging role as Doug Quaid in lotal Recall, a lutunstu ■> - 'I sell-div . iveiy punctuaterJ with humor and action Haunted by recurring dreams of another life on Mats. Quaid is drawn to a unique travel service specializing m implanting fan tastes in the minds of those desmng tc> turn their dreams into realitv But something goes wrung for the tough construction worker The procedure unlocks memories that were erased from his mind He is monitored by would be assassins and discovers a video recording of himself that says. "Get ready for a big surprise YouTr not you You re me As Ins daih reality shatters around him. Quaid learns lie must tourney to Mars to solve the mystery ot who he is liu- film combines the talents of Schwarzenegger with internationally acclaimed director Paul Yerhocven and a team ot distinguished filmmakers Hie Dutch director has directed a string of critically applauded motion pictures most notably the Ibis’ science fiction sleep er "RoboCop ” Critics praised Vcrhocven for taking the futuristic saga RoboCop,' which worked on one level as a classical revenge film, and elevating it to another Similarly Total Recall” is an adventure with an underlying theme ot lost identity As an interstellar thriller, the lilin presents an existential voyage of sell discovery with levity Vcrhocven. a lifelong enthusiast ol the science fiction genre, waited to delve into Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rachel Ticotin star in "Total Recall." science Rcuon until lie had the Amcncan technology available loi ItoloCop " The look tlte filmmakers try to create ls Ik >th futuristic and realistic, incorporating eie moms discovered while researching NASA's materials < m protected Martian settlements ' It's extremely difficult to create a world that is realists but still make people teei that this is not now tins is then Verhoeven said "In films like 'Mai W'ais ot Mar I rek vou know vou re tar away in time, and you can do w hatever you want because it s lamas', Here we're taking what we know today and ate extrapolating that into the future to cre ate a heightened tealitv 1 IN 4 COLLEGE WOMEN IS THE VICTIM OF RAPE OR ATTEMPTED RAPE " THE POLICE USE MACE '...SO CAN YOU!! f 9 i-'or over 20 yean 4000 police departments across America have used genuine Mace* for protection against assault V\ MV? 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After patients are evaluated, coun selors outline tiie best course of treat ment, Beale said People with mild prob lems meet individually with counselors once or twice a week and go to a therapy group once a week. Those with more serious problems often require detoxification at a hospital or inpatient treatment center The length of stay vanes from five days to a month. After leaving the center, Beale said, patients must receive outpatient coun seling once a week and join another pro I a PAID ADVERTISEMENT Students win Rockin’ week in London from Memorex Two students and their guests will soon leave for a fabulous, l-da\ 3-mght trip for two to London and dinner at the famous Rock Garden The grand prize trace! packages are part ot the Memorex Music Trivia sweepstakes sponsored In Memorex and featured in l The Sauonai College Newspaper An addi nonal 200 winners were awarded x[ie ciaily designed Memorex I -shuts The grand prize winners. Erik Christensen and Alexander Hunger were randomly selected from hundreds of entries from college and university students throughout the l, S Hunger (pictured helow), a first year MBA student at Boston College said, I thought that my chances of winning were pretty low. but I felt that il anyone could win, nuvbe I would 1 used to live in London lietore coming to the U S loi grad school. 1 (rave no money for travel now. so it ls great to lx* able to go back to see old friends I rik Christensen (pictured above, with iiancee Leslie Perkins), a sophomore at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine could not have hoped lor a Ix-ttei time to win the vara non package He and Perkins plan to be married June_ z. jwu. ana plan to use the trip to London j.n their honey - moon1 Hon Voyage and Best Wishes to Erik and Leslie from Memorex and U 1 gram such as AA. “It takes a lot of people until they're arrested, have an accident or lose their job before they try to get help,” Beale said. “But were seeing a lot more people at younger ages now.” The health education department at Watkins is working to reduce problem drinking at KU with alcohol awareness programs. Health Educator Mary Altenhofen said she performs between 30 and 40 programs a year on campus. “We don’t go with the idea of 'don't drink at all.’ That’s not realistic,' .Altenhofen said. "It doesn’t go over well We use the philosophy of responsible drinking.” Some people never admit to having a problem, she said, because the college scene often revolves around drinking “If they can’t ever just say, This is all I'm just going to have two beers,' more than likely they have a problem,' Altenhofen said. Many students do not realize that it takes an hour to an hour and a half to metabolize 12 ounces of beer or wine or, 5 ounces of liquor, she said. There’s definitely a good number of problem drinkers on this campus, but hopefully it’s short-lived,” she said "Finally and eventually, alcohol catches up with you. It. can happen to anybody Alcoholics aren’t the typical skid row bums — they’re also college students The names of the recovering alcoholics used in this story were changed. Convicted Continued from page 1 sentenced to a maximum five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. Morris is the first person to be prose cuted under a portion of the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Morris claims the 1988 incident was the result of an experiment gone awry, but thejury claims he actually wrote the program carefully to avoid detection and then unleashed it, causing about 6,000 computers in research labs and on college campuses to shut down The affected systems included one at a National Aeronautics and Space Administration facility. Similar incidents that have been called "copycat” virus crimes have been reported at Baylor U., Youngstown State U and the universities of Houston, Miami, North Florida, Oklahoma, and Vermont. Returning Continued from page 4 F'or many students who have families, jobs, or who have been on their own for more than a few years, problems at home may outweigh academic or social problems. UCSD students just out of high school may not face concerns such as paying a mortgage, locating a babysitter or finding time to spend with their spouse. "Having worked, you look at life differently,” Patron said. “You realize there is life beyond midterms and finals. Sometimes I feel the need to go back to work to talk to people who understand " While neither Kelso nor Patron said they are having an easy time with their studies, both express confidence with respect to the future. While making good grades remains a concern, both feel com fortable with their situations. “Now 1 can see the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Kelso "Last fall, when 1 was starting over again, all I saw was fog."