THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER By prevailing a wide range ot opinions and ideas repnnled from hundreds of campus new spapers we hope to enhance the quality of campus iife as we inform entertain and engage the national 6tudenl bod; We acknowledge the commitment of student journalists across the nation, supported by their media advisers and journalism professors, to report tne activities issues and concerns of their feliow students PRESIDENT Albert T Ehrtnfrr PUBLISHER Gerald l. Tayiot MCE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS Grtfory ^ Dwkson A*»i*tant. Elisabeth Frarutcrm S|w*c»»l ProjwU, Mark Ghat nock EDITORS ON FEU OWSHIP Jackt Hampton The Rneete, Jnmn Madison l Kalfiiccn kobcmik. HrHerald Weaterr. Michigan Hector P Varga* Jr The Red and Bias k. 1 o! Georgia CAMPI S RK1-ATIONS DIRECTOR Dick Subic Ur EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL TOM ROl.NICKI, Executive Direct.-? Aixviatr-’ Collegiate P:e** DR. 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Armmi Stair l RICHARD (' EYTT-E < ai Manager levas Student Publications, The Daily Tuan, U of Texas Austin NAITONA1 SA1.ES DIRECTOR Rob A ronton RESEARCH DIRECTOR Steve Nachtman OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Annalee Ryan Ad.mtm ttra live Assistant Dr lore* Marl.? Circulation Manager Weodeiyn Rea Camput Relation* Manager Roa* pitchman Regional Representative Kathy Wagner SA1-ES OFFICES ljO% Angele* C 1'J'l l Amount Executive* Kim Briggs Srw York Jl? S4t * - Account Executive* J«IT Butler Assistant She me Grnddr* Boston blT vJO 49Y> Publishers Edge of Sr« England Chicago 131 * f'TO w y The Guenther Company Dalla* . 14< K> .'AS Tietnev and Company Detroit 3Id 3 ' ' !U.*t> Wynsoup Hannah. AJbaum Atlanta cmUl Hit) Quentrr “Stile* Florida t 241 310? Quenxcr Slitet Advertising Coordinator Tr \ R«nnef>r.rg Classified Special Secllotu Manager Jennifer Flynn Account Executive* Jason Mur: Eric Bax* l i» published right time* a year b* The American Collegiate Network. 3110 Main Sirect. Santa Monica, l A W405 l213» 4 j*> 29-i 1 t opyngh t 19*9 .All rights noarrvad Subscriptions $1* COMMENT AND OPINION w ■* Hr W WMW ColUU* I*— W U* Stm. REFORM BEE 1 BRIAN SHElLfTO. DAliY NEBRASKAN U OF NEBRASKA l sNCOlN Sometimes you’ve just got to break the rules By Allison Glock ■ Indiana Daily Student Indiana U This column is addressed to a few of my new, very special friends You know who you are. The very special people who make my life a living hell. You are the rule-followers You are the people who are Republican because your parents are The people who insist on driving the speed limit even at two in the morning when no one else is on the road The people who read the required chapters before the lecture The people who actually observe dorm quiet hours. The people who voted for George Bush Now, by themselves, these idiosyn crasies are tolerable (the last one not included). After all, it is your life. It is when these idiosyncrasies interfere with the lives of people who are not rule-fol lowing bozos that it gets ugly. Take, for example, the employees of virtually any college admissions office These people hate college students. They work in an admissions office so they can torture college students How do they do it? Easy. They follow the rules. “Hello, this is the admissions office." "Yes, I received a letter that said you didn’t have my transcripts, but I’m sure 1 sent them ” “Were they official0” “Of course they were official. They were notorized and everything ." “But, (pregnant pause), were they in envelopes?” “Envelopes? Well, no, but they were tamper-proof. If you will just look at the document.” “So you're saying they were not in an envelope?" “No. But...” “Then they are not official ” “But now' my whole application will be delayed 1 may not even make the dead line. 1 may not get accepted How can you do this to me?" "It's not my problem voung lady. I’M JUST FOLLOWING THE RULES.” Click Dial tone. Primal scream. Every day — every single day these toadys make life difficult for normal, well-adjusted folk like you and me. Take your average hormonally imbalanced bar bouncer You present your out-of state I.D. You smile, because you are 21 “This is expired." "No, there is an extension sticker on tiie back" “It ain’t under the plastic." “It’s issued by the state police through the mail You see, I’m from out of town and that’s the only way 1 can extend the date.” “1 don't care if you’re from friggin’ North Island Jamaica World or some thin’, it ain’t under the plastic.” “Listen, I come here all the time. If you’ll just read the sticker." "1 ain’t gonna read it ’cause it ain’t under the plastic. Listen sugar, I’M JUST FOLLOWING THE RULES.” Shove. Slam. Primal scream. Ever,' day. The question is — how do we get nd of them? Can we designate a certain island somewhere off the Gulf Coast for them to live? A colony of driv er’s license bureau workers and tele phone operators. A tiny place, where those with tiny minds can sleep eight hours a day, have 2.3 children, subscribe to USA Today and eat oat bran. Think of the possibilities. George Bush could rule the Isle O' Mindless Obedience His recent decision not to extend the visas of Chinese students proves he is perfect for the job. So what if, upon their return to the homeland, they will most likely be brutally mur dered. When your visa is up, you go home, that's the rule. George likes to follow the rules. George also likes to make the rules. FOR ALL OF US. If not the Isle O' Mindless Obedience, then what? We could round up the little lick-spittles and force them to experience life. We could wean them from bologna and cheese, make them watch K-rated i movies, stay out late... . Rut these tactics take time and effort — time and effort these namby-pambys don’t deserve. Something must be done. If not, I fear the end is near. The day will dawn when we will all be following the rules. Primal scream. Letters to the editor Society faulty, not SATs To the Editor: “Girls do better in high school and col lege, yet score lower on the SAT " (February 1990) It's no surprise that feminists conclude from this that the SAT is biased against women. A basic tenet of feminist argument is: Any dif ference between men and women that favors men is due to bias against women, but any difference that favors women is due to the natural superiority of women This premise is one-sided. Tb balance it we would have to argue its opposite Any difference that favors women is due to bias against men, but any difference that favors men is due to the natural superiority of men If that sounds more ridiculous to you, it’s because you’ve been hearing so much feminist propa ganda that you’ve come to believe it Otherwise, the headline might read, “Critics say grade bias costs men jobs, scholarships.” Our schools are full of teachers who are frankly sexist, admit ting openly that theyjust don’t like boys People who don’t like boys should not be teaching them. What needs to be reformed? Not the SAT, but rather our gullible acceptance of biased feminist propaganda. Elbert 1). Porter, graduate student, U. of Colorado Remember Rosa Parks To the Editor: 1 am writing in response to the February 1990 letter to the editor titled “Boycotts don’t help.” Ngeng Hia Phua holds Neanderthal beliefs, thinking nothing can bo resolved by boycotting. Maybe he should review some history books of when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Ala., was subsequently arrested and became the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.” Perhaps the South Africans are as tired as the African-Americans were 25 years ago and are willing to sacrifice now to get what’s needed in the future. The long term goal is much more rewarding and worth the short-term agony one must go through to get what's believed in. I encourage Ngeng Hia Phua to do more research before screaming out that it doesn't work. As I write this letter. Nelson Mandela is now free and many other positive things are happening in South Africa. Keith L. Swann, sophomore U. of Mary land, College Park U STUDENT OPINION POLL 1-800-662-5511 Should your student fees be used to fund gay and lesbian groups? Tell us what you think. Responses to Spring Break U. Poll In the Spring Break issue, we asked readers wtiat they would do if an instructor inserted his opinions in lectures without qualifying the state ments. Half the students sad they would discuss it with the professor, 32 percent said they would do nothing, and 13 percent woud complain to the instructor's supervisor. Only 5 percent sad they woud actually drop the class