Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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CD $12 95
CD $12 95
.HI A? f OH PARTlt 5 AND BlH T H[)A V S
! Hl/intn AUl.AMfSWORK
51 „ „r#
GAMES admission i so
fUG(Nt • 613 8464
C onlinued from Page 1
into edur ation as a whole rather than
take the hording that is Usual's ali"
rated to higher edur ation .nnl shitt it
to lower edur at ion
kills mullet i mild i nine from other
federal programs sue h as the defense
budget Muni/ said
l Hush) i alls himself the edui ation
president hut from our standpoint
he's not putting enough inoiier into
I'llui atloll.' she said
()SI. inenihers from ear h state
si hool will -present the petitions at
the next ()S1. meeting on M.<\ to at
(ireguir Institute ot Tethnolugt Mu
in/ said
Tin petitions will he mailed to
t (ingress and possible to tfiish s ol
In e
Kepubliian Sen Mail llatheid in
formed OSI. that (longress will pioh
able revise the highei edmaiioii
budget and t uts in financ ial aid will
not he as drastic as Hush has pro
posed Mlllliz said
|l latlield) noted that ill the pas!
t ongress has not followed the ad
ministration's proposal loi t utting h
mini ial aid at least not as inui lv as
the administration has asked tot
said l.ynil Pint knes . OSI. exec utive
direr lor
Students interested in signing the
petition llns week mat find Mum/ in
the ( All ' Hi mat go to the AM'O of
Ini width is lot aled in Slide ■) of
the I NI I
( ontinwd from Page 1
who do not promote ivinnro's «*<}iialits .mil
th*- right to .iliottmn anil birth i mitrol
\ .>ri 1 saiil .1 nti abortion supporters think
pro rhoii . ads ot ates want abortion on tie
mand but Ibis is not tin- • ase
Sim cited figures that 'M pen ml ot all
abort ions am performed within the first
three months ol pmgn.un v and more than
St) peri rnt ol tIn-si■ am doc to birth lontrol
Yard said that pro i bon n advoi ates am
i onveving thf real it v She emphasized tin*
lin'd tot an increase in sr\ education in
si bools slatnn; that many tn’n pregnant it*s
am i aust'd In ignorant e
'sin- said she does not understand win
amnne would think it is a good idea lor
voting leenageis to !»■ pregnant
'l ard said pro < hoii e supporters need to
work to make sure no youngster is fnrr.ed
to tiling a I.bill! into the world when she
herself is still .1 < lllld
She stated that anti abortionists support
greatei parental involvement through the
ballot initiatives lint she noted that more
than half ot the minors going to abortion
i link's .dreads tiring one or more parents
with them lint tie "right to privai \ i annul
la taken asvas trom von because you're
voung or von re poor " she said
'i aid said she bad eiu ouraged pro i boil e
supporters in l.miisi.ina facing restrictive
legislation to "bobby, lobbs as it sour life
depends on it bet anse it tines
\ aid staled tti.it law make! s need le take a
stand cm the abort ion issue She said sup
porters are needed to put every politician
running this sear on mi ord regarding then
slant e "We need you to work m this tarn
Pbntn b\ Slr%r ( .ml
YOU President Mnllx Yard nixes pro
.ibnrtinnists In in,ike pnlitii inns pulilii h
st.itr where the\ st.ind on .dwrtinn.
paign It takes a i<it of work lii deieat these
lialiot initial ives Yard said.
It is time to change the legist.itures in
tins < i>iiTitry Yard said, suggesting that
supporters run for <ittit e "VYe won t have
to depend on the W hite I louse any
more we will he able to depend on the
people ot this country to protect our rights,
ini hiding the light to abort ion "
We’re moving out some
typewriters to make room for new
models and prices are rock bottom!
brother 320 Typewriter
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UO Bookstore
13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346 4331
( ontinucd Irom Page I
l'hc Outdoor Program spun
%urs about :'i whltewater trips
• at h vrai Mason sail!
The vast majority art* entry
level trips with 'i lew miii
range trips and vt*r\ few of tilt*
u01 hit lass trips Mason said
This tint* is a peak 1 lus is
something that someone like
Jenny |( olt'Sinall) lias worked
tow aid tin a \ t*tii and-,i halt
with weekend iiflei weekend of
kavaking to get up to this level.
It's like going from being a
duffer to going to tile Olvm
pit s Mason Siiui
Outdoor sports such as raft
ing are often viewed .ts high
risk at tivities
"We've ll.nl some close
tails " Mason said ' That hap
I tells all the time hut it hap
pens in m> regular life too
What appears to he highly dan
genius rarely is bet au.se you’re
so loi used on It
(limine Durham is one rattei
who knows altout the risks in
solved in the sport Durham
was with ,in Outdoor Program
expedition on the jarbridge
River in Idaho when she fell
out of a ratt She found herself
dangling gist above a waterfall
"If the lirst one (waterfall)
didn't kill you. the second one
would." (lorham said
She spent in minutes in the
water hanging onto a rope
i 726-9176 I
f 1124 Main St. |
* Springfield |
■ ■ a a an aimBima:nia"»>«
whiles member', el tht
li led to resell® her
!l is always standard prm.lire
lo i am' rest in' and Ins! aid
equipment. Mason said, jusl in
case something like this hap
"We also carry signal mirrors
and signal panels, " he said
The Outdoor Program oper
ates on an annual budget of
SJ tnun funded though the In
i idenlal f ee ( Tmnnittee l he
programs ent niiip.iss a broad
range ot outdoor at 11\ itics
Nona um petit! vc non-motor
ized inoperative outdoor ad
ventures. is how Mason tie
st rilies the agenda
Am tee paying student is al
ready a memltei of the Outdoor
Program l.(immunity members
may also |uin hv paving a Vi
user tee
People tan linti out about
any of the more than liOU yearly
events h\ stopping .it the Out
door Program s offii e located
in the basement of the KMl1
The main offii e is open 1M
hours and is at i essible through
a private entrant e in the rear ot
the building
"Daily use of the t enter is
from 100 to llif) people a day ."
Mason said, "and we receive
from tin to tOi) phone t alls itai
ly "
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