Nagamoto ( ontinucri from Page l> to keep doing studies on drug ■itfi-< ts on animals \1u\be not salmon again, but I would like to go into that area It's been .1 long road for N'agamoto, though, to get where she is today Wanting to do something dif ferent than her high si liool friends in Vamato. N'agamoto dei idl'd to i nine to the t lilted Slates when her father suggest ed it "I'irst of .ill it's real easy to go a university in |epan if you rulin' from a lug private high si liool.' N'agamoto said You i.ould easily go there and get into the university without t.ik mg really hard (entrant e) e\ ams Kveryone was doing that but I didn't want to do (fiat I wanted to learn Knglish and exponent e Amerii an ten nis she said "My father lame to Oregon Oil business and he met some people i ollld take i are of me I If said to write' to them and see it they yvanted to be my host family I said Oh I'll write. end thev dei idcd !u hi' mv host familv in Having graduated from high m hool in M.irt h Nugnmoto en mill'd ,it Lewis & ( lark College during spring term in Iuho to take Lnglish i.nurses hefori' i'll rolling m Oregon .it the start of fall term. 1 'inn Looking Ii.ii k N'aguinntn said she didn't know what to expel t w hen she i ame to Kugene I was really seared hei a use I had been living with nn host familv and thev were a )apa iiese Ainerii an familv." she said, and then im Inst room mate here was a lug Caucasian gill Hav ing tennis was a big help 111 getting ai I litllaled to Amen rail Ide N'agauioto said Sim e \v e started tennis prat In e in the tall I vvas aide to learn a lot ol lnglish and pii k up a lot of slang she said Xngamnto didn't have anv problem adjusting to I’m ilu It) Iimuiis hrr trrshman vrar As the Dm ks \«. ( singles player, she posted .in 1H i rei nrd .nut was n,imed the I’ai 10 s North itti Division co Most Valuable Player I didn't know what kind of level of pi.n tfirm was here ' Naganioto said "I heard Ore mm was a Pat 10 si hool. hut 1 didn't have unv idea what the level of |>la\ would be like I Ills! did Ills best During her sophomore sear Nagamoto stepped up her plus moving to No I singles and again winning the Northern Di vision co-MVP award with a 17 % singles ri'i ord and a 77 t doubles rei ord w ith f mils ('.rail Oregon played a tougher si liedule last seat in (iieider s lust yeai as coach Nagamolo s singles record dipped to 17 t> and she was again named to the • ill Northern Division but not the division's MV!’ Still, it would be hard for Nagamolo to i all last season a disappoint ment In t.i( t Nagamoto mostly a baseline plaver. fielieved shi' played better lust year than tin' lust two vfiirs largeU bet ause of (; if left t who holds Oregon's men's singles rei ords [or vii lo ries in a season and t areer. and who took over tor Sue Jacob son the team's roach during \agarnoto s first two years "I guess I sort of needed an adjustment.’ she said "Tom is a real skdllul coat h and knows .1 lot more about the little tech tut al things Sue w as a good manager hut Tom is a good t oat h "He reminded me of the tilings I had learned, hut had forgotten \agamoto saitl of ( bidder lint O.reider refuses to take credit tor the improvement in Nagamoto's game '' I don't take the t redit he t ause 1 thin t deserve the t refi ll ( bolder said " Mv job is to keep the team liappv She did ■til td the work. not me Past AD dies I,('d Ilarris tin? first I)i rri tor of Athletu s for thr I !ni\ t*rs11\ of Oregon and the man regarded as the main force behind the construction of Autzen Stadium died at his home m Monterev (lalif Sunda\ following .1 short illness I larris. HTi. left Ins pose lion as superintendent of schools 111 (larmel. (laid .. to oversee Oregon’s ath letic department in 1047 In addition to Autzen Stadium. Harris initiated improvements to Mi Ar thur Court and Hayward field lie was also re sponsible lor the hiring ol sin h notable (Jregon i oaches as I on t iasaiiova and Hill Howernian lie also held prestigious po sitions on various MCA A 1 ommittees sui h as the organization's first telex i sion cominittee CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS A T T E N T ION' ! d-'Hl Ur .«mv'. f ■ ff • Aifh A , ' lui' . '.ehuactive mat-- .»«*• « R. '-«•’? -44 4 in.i H.i HttHlGi'M *4 3 MM# Strictly L onfKteMl.'aP ' ■ 'ass I I V*h 105 PERSONALS PLANNED PARFNTHOOD • . , i«v,» that i*. *•> .i unbiased counseling .. U «-i' FREE! II your birthday is this month. place an ad (up to 3 lines) for Iree! Proof of birthdate required Limil one ad per customer per month Place ads at Oregon Daily t meraid office only r oom >00 t M U HALF-PRICE PERSONALS Any person involved «vith Gay Pride Week will be able lo place personal ads fo> half off the regular price This promotion is good for the *eek of April 23 27 Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office only room 300 f MU Ht i PRATE RNlTlE 1 T Ht DELTA /ETA PAM FOR THE COURSE GOLF TOURNAMF NT' The Leches of Delia /eta 105 PERSONALS JIM: We thought about get ting you Blazer tickets, but the playoffs start to night we re sure it's a SELLOUT So hop on the bus. and it's off to the mall surely your second favorite thing to do! Seriously though, have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have fun tonight, re gardless of what you end up doing! Your Prodo Pals. PLANNING M( .isTEP * OH ' uMMl " St SSK)N Don I forget to fife your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD the Office of A I'iiHY WRITINli . i ward f '■••«»* a • '<• ,i D-’-e. n." it Composition Engl-sh Dr par' ' «*nf 11B PlC We a.H he ,»■ cept j 1 ’»■ rs unW Mu* 1 5 Our J delay tea- t 4. Winter term MICHAEL COLSON I OH INCIOINTAI Fff COMMIT TEfc 105 PERSONALS E*K r ** ha*« 6 k k r Bi !, ■ haptor Ff-i.i> ft PM i f' .Ip ! t* » M... DP To My SAE Bros 'he ■ S has! a •*• j m*e* a*a. • . !•! $ get i up Bros ke«p the Phi Alpha **»>ih Youf two Grape J KAPPA DELTA Congratulations on an excellent Spring Rush' looking lot»aid 10 mooting you in May' A TO HAPPY 21st YOU DAMN HESSIAN! KA KASI W. CONGRATULATIONS We love you! Laaaa and Jan 105 PERSONALS ■VTli Danny W Congr atulalions on your pinning to Debbie P KKI Your Brother* A'1'12 Darrin S. 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Advertise with the Oregon Daily Erner aid to sell almost anything Advertise tor 4 days at regular rates and it the item does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the Hem does sell This promotion does not apply to retail busmessas Place ads at Oregon Daily Emerald office only room 300 EMU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 130 FOR SALE BRIDESMAID/FORMAL DRESS Daphne Rose r< :t* 7 8 worn om e $100 firm Matching see 8 pump*. $20 683 3897 HARDWOOD CD Stonge nil k 60 CD .«. Pit $80 $4*. Individual '♦*'! ■’•*•..1 *.i fs «a; aR DETECTOR ».sh hands on-pa* t Pa |2u‘ a-.t- $'20 Kevin 683 M80 NAGEl CN V retails • • S '00 Seiimg 5 • S225 34 3 __ WEIGHT BENCH GREAT BUY $10 485 0852 S2CXVOBO 13 Sharp Color TV Re mote. 3 . m. • old Need tv sell .nave ■ ■.!!*;»• and ' umber at 146 9261 i»5 CARS-CYCLES-SCOQTERS FOR SALE 1984 Honua Elite 125 Re • »•*, »*i: ond helmets new 'eg-sPa tton $650 34* 4960 eves w*n(J‘ GOVERNME NT SEIZED vehicle*. 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I'M NOT QUITE A5 HUPU&AS I LOOK.. \ \ NO- but i neev reasons to GUT OUT OF THAT PAMN0EO I'VE BUN PRETTY PEPRE9SEP LATELY. I CANT MORK ANYMORE, l‘VE 607 INSURANCE PROBLEMS... / ALSO, TH/N6S JUST HAVEfiTT BE£N THE 5*4Mf SiNOB THE V aAfTTHQUAKa, A I EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT DROPOFF LAUNDRY .70c/Pound 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT 10-5 30 MWF 1430 Orchard St. 345-6133