_ 1 Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald I ImrsdrU April .'ii 1‘i'Mi Kiigcni'. ()rt*gon Volume '• 1 \umliri 1 !'t _Inside_ ■ Fax for students. Page 3 ■ Pro-animal research. Page 5 ■ Peace for the world. Page ti ■ Tennis star profile. Page 9 NOW president urges pro-choicers to lobby ilv |il! Newsom f mer.ild ( ontrilnilor l ite \,itional (Irgani/ it ion for Women Freedom liaravan led by NOW President MolK 'i .nil. helil .1 r.lllv in Iaigeile Wednesday night to help or g.mi/.e pro i hoioe voters to tie le.it three anti abortion miti.l ti\ es In her speei h. Yard said the Freedom ( ,ir,tv an had i nine to Oregon to teach NOW support ers how to become campaigners and edni ate the pnbln abonl w bv the ballot measures should be defeated tills Novemhn Yard said it was no at i ident that Oregon was chosen to in troduce these initiatives he cause opponents feel that it they can get them passed lien they tan get them passed any where "There is some truth to that 't ard said ' W hat happens here ran at tei t tin* lives ol women all over Amerii a Ihe first ballot initiative amends (tie Oregon t onstitu turn to prohibit abortion with three exceptions including preventing tin- death of a preg riant woman and in reported i uses ot nipt? nr ini cM \ sci mid initiatin' would ir quire written parental nntifit a I urn fur minors to rei oive .in abortion The third would re quire that doctors give parental notice prim to a minor's abor lion N ard said the opponents sup port legislation to punish ht lie girls lor being bad but it takes two to get pregnant She said i! anti abortionists uere ,<• rfous Don't you think they would get behind a proposal to distribute tree bulb control methods She urged supporters to take a good look at then oppi i uents I he\ are the same pen pie who used to put on white hoods S ard claimed that anti abor liomsts real agenda is toned pregnancies, controlling worn nit's lives Anti abortion protestei s wen present outside ( diun hill High Si bool u here the rally u as held I hiisr attending the event Urn- n-quued to sign the \( )U voter pledge vowing not to sup port i andidates for any njfii r lorn to SOU . Page 12 Rally against research \ i,ills u.is lu'ld tnilsii/r /ohnsoii Il.ill It tnlnrstl.n protrstinsi llw rrtuin at resran.h matlkrs s in tlw I nisrrsits llw mils . sponsoird l>\ Stuilrnts tor llw i'.thii ,il Trr.itnwnt o! Animals. ss ns part of World I.nboratoi \ Animal I.ihoration ll'ccA Photo In \ iii'iiihi IV.m r Rapids await Outdoor members Trip promises fun, danger on Colorado B\ Steve C ard l merald Photographer Uortd i lass rapids' await 1-i memhers ol tile 1 tmersitv Outdoor Program as thev dep.irt on a three week whitewater raft trip oil the (iolorado Rivet in the t irand t .1 tivon lour women and ill men left lingerie Sundav morning after loading two vans and trailers with rails kayaks and provisions tor _’ll days on the water. Ptioli! bt Str\r I Jill l)m id Simone removes footholds from an old raft to glue into a brand neu r.dt in preparation tor the Outdoor Program's ratting and ka v.iking trip on the Colorado River. The group departed Tuesday tor the 277mile trip trum Lee's Kerry on the (Colorado River Hruce Mason, cooriiinator of the Outdoor Pro gram, desi rihed the trip as a oni'.e 111 a lifetime e\pe riem e "This is the Olympic s of rafting and kayaking.' Mason said Anybody that’s involved with river running for more than one or two trips hears of the Orand Canyon and whenever the opportunity hap pens, people jump oil it Mason, who rafted the Colorado last year de si nhes it as ‘III pen ent flat It has .1 lower drop per mile than the Mi Ken zie. he said "A tvpic.il day consists of real casual floating on a moving stream, interrupted by wotIdt lass rapids Halting in the Craild Canyon is allowed in, pel mil only It took seven years before the permit for this trip came up Mason said Around _'0(i permits ■ire issued each y ear trom a waiting list of more than '2. '>0(1 names Mason s.iul the Outdoor Program hits been plan ning this trip sine e last tall "Within -tti hours (ol posting thr information) the sign up list prohahh had 'ill names on it Ma son said The permit limits the number ot r.itters to lie The group really wanted 12 and vve com pro mised with 14 Among the parlii ipants is leiinv ('ole Small She is one ot two in the group w ho w ill lie kav.iking rath er ill.in ratting "I’m quite a small person and I just didn't feel like it (the ratt) was the kind ot craft I had any ( tin Irol in " (!ole Small said She look a i lass in kavaking nearly two years ago and since then. "I have fallen m love with the sport." she said II you're in a lug rapid and the ralt flips you re (timing out. there's no two wavs about it In im boat I have all those float hags around me and d I Hip. 1 don't net essariK have to gel out Turn to Rafting, Page I 2 Bush budget draws OSL petition drive Hv Stephanie Holland I morale! Reporter Oregon Student l.olii)\ members .ire i irculating petitions this week to g.ilhei support tor their opposi lion to President (ieoige Hush's proposer! higher edit cut ion budget It t.origross approves Hush , proposed budget it would free/e the maximum Hell t il.lilt it S.1 llltl toi the third cruiser utive ve.ir ini S'ill million in Stafford l,o.ms und eliminate federal binding tin Heikins Loans Herkins Loans, tormerh tailed National Direr 1 Student Loans, anti Hell (.rants are federal funds awardetl to students baser I on tinnnt lal need Stattord Loans i ome from private lenders anti are guaranteed by the federal government It students tie fault on then loans the government vsill repay the lenders President Hush's proposed budget exemplifies Ins non-commitment to education said Scott W\t k ott ( )SL i hair ami AM <) vii e president Ills proposed r ills in Herkins and Station! Loans, and the Hell (.rant freeze only exacerbate the barriers to higher eilur alum tor the middle and toys-income students '' he said ()SI. unanimously approved a resolution on l ab A 4 opposing Hush's budget saul Angela Muniz. Dili yeisity ()SI. representative ONI. represents students at seven universities and colleges in the Oregon Stale Sy stem of Higher Ldtir a t ion New requirements tor Slattord Loans include 10 signers i redit i her ks tor people over -!1 and a til day delay tor first time borrowers These new requirements do not i onsider reasons yyln people over 1 may have a bad credit history oi no credit history Muniz said It’s not looking at students ai loss the board but singling out a group ot students." she said ()SI is calling tor ('ongress to put more money Turn to Petition, Page 1 2