Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Two more Ducks drafted in NFL
B\ Ashley Conklin
Fmer.ild Sports Reporter
Tun more Oregon players
were selected in the National
Football l eague draft on Mon
da\ iis ( urt I)> kes went in the
eighth round and Daryl Reed
was pii ked in the t 1th round
Dvkes became the 2 I 7th pit k
overall u hi'ii the senior offen
sive tat kle was selei led by the
Philadelphia Ragles Reed a se
nim cornerbai k. was chosen
JHtilh overall when he was
tabbed by the Seattle Se.i
haw ks
Mondav s seler lions gave ( >r
egon four players drafted alter
Latin Hem and < ihris (fldharn
were pit ked on Sund.n in the
third and fourth rounds, re
spei lively
At tj-foot 4 and 280 pounds
Dykes was an integral part ol
the (Iregon offense the past two
seasons after transferring from
I’alomar Junior < College in l ali
tornia l)\kes was .i two-year
starter at t.u kle and started all
24 games the Dm ks placed in
lli.it time span Hi- was also
t onsidered the Dm ks top ot
tensive lineman eai h n! tin- last
two seasons
Reed started I! of Oregon s
12 games at rornerback and
gave the Dm ks one ot the best
i.ornel combinations in the I'a
i jfii lilt ionterem e last season
v\ i111 Oldham. Reed inter* opted
two passes in his rareer. w it 11
one in ea( h ol his last two sea
sons A ti I 1*1.! pound native
ot I os Angeles Reed started
one game Ins junioi season, hut
lie saw a lot of playing tune hi
Oregon's six defensive ha* k
pa* kage in passing situations
Noticeably absent from the
draft was t fregon lailh.n k i ter
ek I.ovillc
l .m ille was the I til* ks all
time leading rusher and sc oivi
and was the only player in
si hool history to lead the team
in rushing lor tour \ears
W ide re* eiyei lens I thee
was also expel ted to go in the
two-day draft but like l.oville
yy us not pi* ked Obee is tile
Par Ill s all time leader in (unit
( ill t 1 )\ krs
irhirns ami punt niiim vaid
igr Hr also tinishrd as Ore
mm's all timr Iradrr in « an***r
n*< riving vai dam*
This war’s draft was tin* tnsf
time sun »* Pl7f> that as mam as
four Orr^on plawrs urn* draft
»*d Ihi- m u draft funk tiva*
playrrs who had < omprtrd tui
tin* l)uc ks
lot .lied at 1 Sill X- Alder
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Women's tennis goes
two for three to win
The Oregon women's tennis
lea til won two ol i t > three
niati lies up north over the
weekend to improve its season
record to 14 11
I he Ducks heat Washington
State 7-2 and Idaho ti l on I n
dav before losing to Washing
ton Saturday by a u 0 si ore
kumi Nagamoto. Oregon's
all-time leader in ( areer singles
v ictories, won only one ol three
matt hes, but she played well in
the two matches she did lose
Nagamoto beat Nani v l.agios
of Washington State I riday be
fore falling in three sets to Ida
bo's Patrii ia Shanander ()n
Saturday Nagamoto extended
Washington's dindv Olejar to
three sets before falling t ti
t>-:i. ti-0
Oregon's top doubles team ot
Nagamoto and Amber Ooheen
also went to three sets before
losing to Olejar and Mary Roil
ly by a M>. lit). ti-:i i mint
Hilary Roberts, the l)ui ks
No 2 singles player, also went
to three sets before losing to
Reilly ti-2, IMi. t> I
In other ai lion, the Huskies
won in straight sets in third
fourth, fifth and sixth singles
and in the sei ond and third
doubles slots
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At No 1 singles Kris
( des enger topped l ioheen ti l
ti I ss hile Shelley Hr,unit lost in
the fnurill singles slot to Kris
ten I ludson n t, 7-f>. I he
I )n< Ks' No ri singles player,
Margaret I raleigh tell to He, Ks
( lavton at. ti l while team
in.lie Jackie lie ford was heaten
6-2 6-0 in No ti singles by Liz
In other doubles at lion. Koh
erts and Hrandt lost at set ond
doubles to (lies enger t das ton
hs a t. 1. fi -1 count and I'raleigh
and Del ord were heaten at No
t doubles hs Hudson-Lisa
Him kley.6-0, t>-2
The Ducks close out their
season Saturday when they
host Puget Sound at 111 a ill
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