SHOAH WEEK APRIL 22-28 U of O 1 Rabbi Leah Novick L J K.rhiti \ t ali Niovu k i Judaism Dmw mu', on I standing * if. Ilt«» sht-kh shi •ktwnah .1 i li.iv in ah m flu- San I mikimi) Has ot 11 w t>h Ittyshi ism M l t ih rknit v I nhdldiis Heroines of the Holocaust and their influence on post-Holocaust Feminism 7: id pm April 2b, Thursday Willamette 100 Km Mils In I (lie lu lull'll mill lul|> nl ( i nli'i Ini Stink 11I Wiillli n in Sin it'll I ookinci tin .1 i((hhI dcalr’ ’ Kr.icl tin Ototjon l).iil\ Mmt't.ild ( l.issilit-ds _Sports Men take second at tournament Season ends in Pullman with 13 wins B\ Tr,i< \ Sumner I merald Sports I ditor I lii' (iregon men's tennis team t losrd out its lu’iu season last w ft kcnd w tilt thi- l*.i< tin In Northern Division Meet in Pullman. U ash I lie l Hit h> fin Ishrtl set tmd to the powerful Washington Huskies with host Washington State finishing • hird The I)ui ks finished 2 1 mail h the tournament .i comfort able Washington inaigin hut tenuis (oath Hu// Summers was pleased with his team s plus ovei the weekend Thev plaved ureat. I thought Summers sail! "They plaved up to their po tential ill almost users ill stain e I was vers satislied I W as I onfideut I lies d plas well, hut tiles plaved a hit he solid ms expei tations he i ontinued " As a team. tlu-s did a superior jolt Summers had high praise loi lus lop singles man, senioi hi‘vm ( His After a vu tors ovei WSl s \i I I aimtiei t in the first round i>t singles plus I iIdas and a straight sets win ovei the MOftE Filling, Ref The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12") One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask (or the Special) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! SC95 (Add“l Inqredient .70) FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Phnlti In M.uIm I hirl Kohrrt \lkm trami'd with kfvin Sfttli-imrr to win two tloublrs mati hrs in thr I’m-II) Xorthrrn Dixision \lrrl Inst it rrkrnil in Pullman. (nilgais’ lerrv (libbons Satur first set win lo open the match l.ross i ann* t>ai k to lie 11 11 with a win in the second set In the llnni and dei iding set ( on led i 1 over tile heavtlv lav nred (Iross before tailing 7-5 Kevin plaved some ol bis liesl tennis of the veal. Sum mers said He will have a good chance to make the All Northern Ilivision team. Sophomore led 1’horen and freshman Christian Delke also helped the Dm ks tremendous h fiii h finishing .1 1 in singles and J (1 on their respei live doubles teams tor the weekend Oelkes tinisti moved turn into tilth plat e on (Jregon's .ill time list tor singles wins in a N AT IJ R A L ' F I B E R S j Q U A L I T V | CLOTHING I AFFORDABLE | 1’ K 1 C E S I 1 S s (i n vl .1 v 4 season He finished lt!-8 on the season, one win short of the .ill time rei ord held l>\ former ()re gun players Tom Creider and Mark I a ans Kevin Settlemvre and Koh Atkin teamed to take .1 pair of doubles wins to run their re cord as a tea in to 1H -8 on the season to tie the Oregon ret ord for w ins m a season. fed Rubin. Oregon's no 2 singles man. also puked up a pail of wills last weekend. It 2 0 2 over lerty (libbons of USD and It 2. 0 t (iver Art I ambert also of U'St ' Jon \\ einberg led oft the fiist round of singles heating WSl "s Hill Smith li I til lie then lost to kenji Akagi in the set ond round before teaming with Rubin in round 2 doubles 1 tie team lost on default when U einberg re injured an abdo men inusi le At first glam e. tfie men s fi nal dual mate li record of till in 19*10 doesn't seem like much to be too pleased about But Summers said the men's 500 finish suits linn just fine "Our goal was a .500 season and we made on that last match against Portland and the one against Lewis & Clark." Sum rners said Oregon beat Port land 8 1 on April 1-1 then shut out few is and (Hark M 0 two days later Summers pointed out the Ducks started tin* season with five stiaigfit losses and were 2-12 after their l> 0 loss March 18 against Louisville The Dm ks rebounded after to win 1 1 of 12 for the 500 fin ish "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd. 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403