Oregon hockey team clinches first place title Volleyball team is fifth in nation Mu h.u*l Rmisell scored three goals while Kou Kellett aihied two goals and an assist last Wednesday to lead the I’niver sitv Club Sports hot key team to .1 first-plac e i lint hing H t v\ in over ()St ' (airvallis in I .me Amateur Hockey Association play. (Iregon's \\ in. combined w ith the Kugene blades H I loss to Portland International Mr \| adeim . ga\ e the I Hu k s an tt I I record and sole posses sum ol first plac e m the I .Al IA A' division standings I he blades finished >1 two points behind the I Jut ks Kellett assisted on Rnusells I n si goal which i aim: at K: — f» of the I li st period and gav e the I tin ks a I i tie ( .orvallis had taken a I (I lead on Mike (laczewski s goal al the 1 t min ule mark Rousell lit the lamp again at the (t III mark to make it 1 I ( trc’gon Kellett scored ott an assist from ( Menu Mitchell at I f.l and Knit ( hosier sc . it oil unassisted at J tl ol the first period as Oregon went to first intermission with a I 1 lead (begun made it i. 1 alter two periods when lilaise ( aci iohi scored on an assist from (deslei at the 1 I l-f mark of the second period Kellett scored his sei olid goal on It.in Maker s assist at the S t! mark James Lowell stein scored lor ( .orvallis at 7 (IJ Ned White si ored on an as sist from ( diaries ( add.ule at -1 i?) ot the third period .ind Roust'll finished his hut trie k u itli I lit left to finish st oring for tile Dill ks ft till St utidet stored for (lorvallis ,tl the -) 4H murk With u successful season bo fund it, (dill) Sports hockey is looking to next year's expand ed st hedule w hit h itic lutles inter state pla\ Oregon will he moving into the 1'1'ltl o 1 year with jnst six returning players .ind no tout h. team spokesman St ott Brown said (dub (Ai ling ( Begun (duh I A t ling tin ishetl a busy weekend Stindui . taking third in hist weekend’s competition at Lowell I’.irk and the I Amersitv t ampus (Iregon State was first iolhiwed bv Washington State .ind the Dot k s The I )ui ks enter tins week end s regional championships in Washington's I ri■( 11\ an t needing to pull into liist or -et ond plate m team standings to quality tor the National < ham pionships in Palo Alto t .alii hi Saturday 's road rat e at l.ouell, the men took three of the lop Ini' positions in the It i mile race Bill Kandleinun John Blowning and Will Hall took first set und and fifth re spet lively to lead the men to the team u in ( ftliei (iregon tinisheis won Brad (iehhartl tit seventh Steve Man V at eighth Mark Landry at IJth Matt l Lett her at Nth and I fan khng at loth The women finished fourth with Jennifer Vcodetti leading ( Begun at eighth \ endelti anti ( intly Israel were involved in a t rash during the race \ endetti tiuislietl the rat e hut Israel this weekend s rat e is question i A ana Allen finished 1 lth tor the Dm ks, who finished fourth as .1 team m Ihi' live-!«•.mi i urn petition \l (tie 'I i mile team Iri.il, the team ot Randleman (ichhanl Man \ I lall anil I’eter ( ourogon took tirst. I t set onds ahead nf (fregon Slate I'he I Ini ks hosted the I 'm versitv of Oregon (xiterium rai e Sundav . iv ith the men tak mg set ond and the women fourth m the event Man \ topped Dink finishers at seventh followed h\ ( ourogen at eighth Kandleman at tilth Hall .it 1 1 th and ( lob hard .it 1 _Mli (lebliard and Hall both oven ante lalls to finish tile rai e \ 'ended i i qnir liai k from In a i rash tile dav fiefnre to take fourth m the rat e Stephanie IVioih hmau was eighth Im ()r egon t fluh I'u ling memhei h risli ua Mmrfiead took fourth hi the Sport t lalegorv Sunday in I’eak Sports Mud Slingei mountain hike tali i' in I . irvalI is ( lull \ iillev hall I he ( luh Voiles hall team look tilth m the nation at the ( oliegiate ( lull Nationals last Saturday and Sundav in Knox \ die | niii I fiere were 10 teams partii ipatmg from .! t dif tert'ii! states. I lie I tin k s lust m the ipiarter finals In eventual i hampton ( a I Hi• I k ele v 1 h’ogon heat teams from I ui\erstty of Bulla lo IN ’i ). Iowa State North I aroltna State 'i ale and \n fun e At adorns ( lull I ai rosse Roll Ifaggertv si oied five ’g.iais and had tfuee assists III tile (dull I at losse teams -, two wins here last weekend Ore gun beat I niveisitv oi Puget Sound ll-*l Saturday and blew lie I till ks U Oil Pete Adamson .mil |nhn I laremi.ii h imi h add ed two in the Pliget Sound game I he game was lifd I I .liter one i ]I i.i 11 el .tlld 7 ~ .it the h.ill Koli Knglish li.nl .1 goal mid .1 to,1111 high lour assists to go with II.1 "rt\ s tuo goals and two a*. I-. against over mall lied I ... die I utheran I'iiiii lohnston liao Tee goals while ( lareiili.ii h and |oel I lolland had tu o apiei e (iluh No< ( er (Iregon ( luh Six i er look two wins against two losses to take third pl.ii e in a tour-team tour nament in ( auvallls last Satlir dav Sam M u 1 arrone had tu o goals and llornre Harrison and Kohert Halstead added one e.li h to lead the team to a t 1 will ovei I U l ) I i il pul,it li ill m I hr In si Kilim’ nl tin' lourn.i mu'nl ( Itegon lost tin' m-vt luu I II In Portland < lull .uni i 1 In I’i'.hnr k I'lull. Iii'lurf beating I. U () again. l) M,ii i iirroni’ .uni U es ( i'll i os si lin'd 1111• yii,iIs tor (tiegon Women's (dull Smier run its rei mil In ,i perli'i I i 0 Monday with ,i I I win over Player's \ I is,i \rnold. I indy t .did I. I )eli Ine Mi Minds and |odv K.iulukuknl ear li had simIf goals lor the I)ui ks I lull Spoils Soi i er Is still holding tryouts tor spring and I,ill seasons nt PI'MI l lmse In terested .tie eni ouraged lo i on i n l I luti Sports Im more mfor ■nation Senior picture by D.W.I. You’re almost there t^ruduutton. Thi future look* bright. Every thing U going your way. (iue«« again, because you may be • criminal. P.W.I. i» the moat frequently committed crime in the nation today; an eatimaled three limtu more than all kiImt violent crimen. Ho while you urr liflmu Komi, your future U drowning. every time you drink ami drive. Alter all. if you’re a criminal. Iiow bright can your future really he? Qmadd Emerald Makt n lifriimr invrMmfnt. Don't drink A drtvr. ALL FINANCIAL INSTITl TIOYS... 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