Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Student turnout low in city voting
Bv Stephanie Mem imer
Emerald Reporter
Despite appearances ot political activism on
i ainpus. I 'diversity students m.ike up only .1 tiny
f'rat lion ot the voters who partit ipate in 1 11\ ami
i ounly elec 1 ions
Although students make up nearly one tilth
ot tlie population ot laigene. said l ane ( ounly
Klee lions Division director Dave Sprites most
people would he surprised at how little students
i mil 1 ilmte to loi al elec lions
In the tints May primary , out ot at voteis
registered in one t'niversitv prec inct only Jt> 1
ac tuallv 1 ast h.dints In this year's Man h spn nil
election. 1 people were registered in the same
pret inc t y el only if! people c ast ballots
Hetty Burgess, senior offic e assistant at I am*
County Klei lions Division, said there have been
times in the past when only three people have
c ast votes at the polling station set up in the
"Students are issue orifmted Spriggs said,
adding tli.it he didn't p<i\ mm h attention tu loi .d
politics while attending the t mvelslty lie -..ml
students tend to be tied up with si bool .mil sm i.d
activities hut the\ tend to get more involved nine
they graduate
Burgess said usually it takes a part it ular i an
didate or issue to gel students "psyt tieil up tu
vote sm h as |esse |a< kson m I'lHJt
dins year's primary eleiliun is on May I >
and the deadline to register to vole in the primary
lias April I I or the (list time the Kepuhluaii
Party lias opened the primary to non affiliated
voteis. meaning that anyone who is not registered
yyith one ol the major political parties may vote
on the Republii an 111 ket
To obtain an absentee ballot, registered lot
ers may write to or drop in at the bane (.minty
1 lei lion Division. I t > 1 nth \ye llugene OK
•17 lUl
Speaker links struggles of women, animals
lis ( hristopher Hi.iir
I met,ild New s I ditor
rhc struggle tin the l ights ot
women .mil the struggle tor the
rights nt .mim.ils .nr (me .mil
the snme. .1 visiting Huy Area
attorney said Fuesdiiy
Lauren Smedley. co-chair
woman of I eminists tin Animal
Rights and iiitiHindei ut the
Ba\ Area Lesbian I eminist liar
AssOl latiou. spoke In .1 crowd
ot mure than 1 At 1 about the sun
ilarilies between the plight ot
animals and nature, and the op
pression ot women, people ot
1 olor. lesbians and ga\ men
"Men attempt to deny then
leelings ot dependent v on tia
tore and women In dominating
both. Smedley said Males
identify things as other that
other is woman Animals and
the outside world also 1 omit as
ttie other'
Kv ell when men use (tie until
rnl environment lor seemingK
non-threatening purposes, then
intention to dominate is still
the same Smedley said
"Aten e\/)/ore the land
/tinge into the depths of the
sea til n r trtit hs and planes
prohr into spat e. she said
Nmt'dlev also used the exam
pic ut animal terms given to
people ot iolot and to women
as one obi unis wat men lump
the two groups together
(lavs and lesbians especially
•ire targets of perset tition by so
( iel\ bet atise tllel do not play
then expei ted rules in the
domination ot the environ
iilent (lav men who refuse to
"penetrate women, and worn
tm w ho refuse to he relegated as
1 hiItlhearers are doubly perse
culed. she said
Smcdles showed slides in
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tier presentation I<> illustrate
her point about the espjoitalion
lit unnitm ,ui(l animals Some
(}ii tures showed animals in i.ili
oratories where. ironically.
\vinut'ii’s c nsmetk s arc tested
Smedlev also i ited male
dominated reprodui live lei Ii
liningv as ,1 wav nt controlling
the human spot ies W lion the
tounders ot a ( Inning lab were
asked to name then ideal male
genetn models they listed men
sin h as Altiei t Ivinstein Slued
lev said the rescan hers named
Mae West and Marilyn Monroe
iis their ideal lemale spot I
Smedlev said that hot ause te
males are not seen as doinina
tors ut the natural env ironinenl
they sub< onst iouslv enijiathi/e
u ith animals, vv ho share then
persei iition This pattern was
evident m the Middle Ages m
I mope, when women were
burned at the stake as Will lies
tor helriending animals, their
W omen were also persei uted
lor prat tit ing herhal niedu me
.mil tm ln'iiig iiiiiIhiu's Snicd
li>\ said. because thev !icl|it'(!
women through the |Jilin ot
childbirth, v\ hit h hi (llirist 1.111
philusophv is (licit CtltNC till
I A c' s m iiji n,il sin
Must members ut vegetarian
,iml animal rights groups ,irc
women, even though men are
recognized .is the li snl its
Smedlev s.nil
Silled lev , ,111 dttoniev point
id out th.it until tile IHIItls
i ourts v ievved women .is i li.it
tel. in nothing more thou
nun cable properl v This is c\
,ii tlv how animals are seen
and how the courts deal with
animal abuse, she said
Animals are the properts ot
pei ipie she said In the
i units vim i an t ret over for tin*
loss ot i onipumou.slnp or sue
tm tile animal's pain and slit
We have a sot let\ that Is
destroying the planet at an
alarming rate. Smedlev said
We don't |iist t.u e an environ
mental crisis, vve are the envi
romnental crisis
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