Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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• H«*y MIp. DO Op < • rM Am DO *i <*«» t*. DO Op ( n
A! {MH%: (l«*>
I*, part nl World Laboratory \ninuil Liberation ..
treatment ol Animals staged .1 rall\ in the LMl Courtyard Tuesday
t'hnfn lo Martin I hll'l
Week, members of Students tor the bthiial
Animals' rights 'synonymous'
with rights granted to humans
B\ Peter Cogswell
Emerald Reporter
Students tnr the Ethical I'reatment ut Am
iii<iIs had .t larger and more diverse audienc e then
they expet ted .it a Tuesday rally held as part ot
World 1-aboratorv Animal I.iberation Week
After songs were plaved. SETA codirector
|ill I reidberg look the mu rophone and addressed
some fallacies people have ahout SKTA
"Calling lor a halt to animal research does
not mean we want to substitute humans."
ireidberg said "Animal and human rights are
svnonvmous; there is no different e
"We do not want to exploit animals for our
own benefit," she said "We want to work to
ward a more compassionate society and stress
this point
I reidberg said animals as nature are at the
bottom, with nothing below them They can't
step on anybody hut people can step on them,
she said.
"What is really happening is the point is be
ing missed." she said "That we can't work to
ward a healthy planet it our means are exploited
Sometimes when something is so immoral you
Iust have to stop it when there is no other alterna
Ireidberg said money spent on resean h in
preventative- medic me should instead he spent
educating people on diseases Society causes it
sell to have diseases hec ause people art- not edu
t .tied she said
I reidberg said she was nappy with the turn
out espec ially considering it was the lirst rally
ever held in support ot animal rights
Members of the Coalition for Animals and
Animal Kt'sr.in li a gniup that supports animal
research, were on hand to pass out information
on the benefits of animal research
freidberg said SK'l A members were not sin
prised b\ the unsi heduled appearani e of ( d AAK
"We weren't surprised," she said "I feel
like the animal rights movement has numerous
moral and ethical reasons supporting it and they
have one. humans
"The\ are not threatening because they have
no surprises d'hev can't answer to our ques
turns. ' she said
( I'AAK made its appearanc e just before the*
rally began The group marc hed down into the
courtyard behind a sign that said."Thanks to ani
mal research, they’ll be able to protest lor 20 H
years longer
(d-AAK moved to the* rear of the courtyard
and stayed there peac efully for about an hour be
fore marc hing back out of the courtyard The
group passed out brochures supporting animal re
Train- Hork. secretary and treasurer for
(d AAR. said the group's objective- was to edue ate
the public on the- nature of animal research
"All of us have boon vace mated against po
lio. and the polio vaccination came from am
mais," she said It is immoral not to do animal
researc h when we know it c an benefit humans
Hork accused SKTA of making its own caste
system m which all that has been done in animal
researc h until now is acceptable but from here
on out it should be stopped
"Most (SKTA members) continue and go to
the doc tor and reap the benefits of animal ri
se,crib ,'' she said
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