Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    __ University_
GEC stands behind endorsements
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Assoc iate Editor
Members ot the (hook Kn
dorsemenl Committee respond
etl to candidates' allegations of
unfair questioning at their
April 12 hearings and defended
their endorsements in a press
conferent e ]• riday
Several t.andidates running
for student hod\ offii es said
last week that the questions
they were asked at the (d (
hearings were irrelevant to
their qualifications for otfh e
and that they wore not given
due consideration tor the. post
lions they were seeking.
GKC con hairs Tim Ross and
Megan Rasmussen read from
prepared statements at de
press conference, which was
open to representatives from
campus publications Ross and
Rasmussen refused to answer
questions after the conference
and both have dec lined to < mo
ment further on the matter
"We would like to reiterate
that the greek endorsement
hearings were fair and impar
tial Ross sard at the press
conference!. "We would also
like to point out that our send
merits .ire barked bv ASl ( )
elections tioard member |t;nni
let Kulles who was present for
the duration of the April l_
Ross said the ( d ( ! did its best
to ensure that endorsement
hearings were run smoolhK
and fairlv I fie i ommilfee lob
lowed a month long timeline in
preparation lor the endorse
ments The committee held the
lit' and ASl I ) executive hear
ings at Valiev River Inn to put
at ease i undulates who might
he\e felt intimidated in a (rater
nit\ or sorority. lie said.
"I don't think am other en
dorseinent had this tvpe ot pro
cess, w ith a three page applii a
lion or a timeline of this quali
t \ " Ross said
Ross detended questions
asked ot Ini idental bee ( andi
date lenniter Hills, who said
last week that questioning In
i used on (lily and Lesbian Alii
,inci' matters
'' 1 .i*t the record note that |en
niter Hills has served as co di
rei toi ol (IAI. A Ross said
Theodore questions direr ted
at her experienr e as direr tol ot
that student funded orguuizn
tion are perlinent
The (II t could not m good
i him icm e endorse ill’ i .null
date I nn I lughes I>«■< ause In*
y jointed tin* ( )n‘tfon I ommrnl.i
lor's right In tire spent h Koss
said As ,i member o! the
t!IHH HU II I Hughes voted to
di'iiv the public .ition funding
Based on this testimony it
would In- .in m I o( unparalleled
irresponsibility to endorse a
i andidate u ho hits admittedly
broken out* of the highest laws
ot the land Koss said
\ ballot measure asking for a
show ol i anipus support lor
OSI’IKtl w.ts not endorsed hy
the (.Id bet.ausc it also asked
for an t 1 pert ent ini re.tse in
funding lor the organization.
Koss said
In short w e fell it w on Id lie
at the margin ot pm mg stu
dents out ol si liool, " he said
Rasmussen read a statement
from Panhellenu President Di
anna lurgens t lanfving that |ur
gens was not at the April Id
hearings and that she had not
spoken direr llv w ith anyone
w ho w as unhappy w ith the out
i nine ot the hearings
lurgens told the Inicr.thl last
week that she had heen teel
mg frustration Iroin some pen
pie alter tin- heai ings
College Republicans to discuss campaigns
Mi l: i !\( ;s
Ballroom Dam r ( lull meets tonight ,il n SO
in the I Ml ' (iumwond Room
lnterfralernity (iouni.il Presidents Council
meets tonight at t> at the Delta t psilon fraternity
Students Against Apartheid meets tonight at
i it) in KMl ( iodar Room ( i
Druids meets tonight at o in Room lei
_Kt als_
Strauh. tor final membership vote toi the 1000 01
si bool \ ear
Students tor I'nited Nations meets tonight at
li in the I'iMl .Maple Room
College Republic ans meets tonight at > in
MMl ' (ienturv Room A to dismiss upi.uming < am
SPKAkIKS AND l.lil ill RKS
"America: A Worrisome Reverie" is the title
of a lec ture to be given todav at -4 by lotto I Mi
Derm it t from Texas A Sc M Dniveisily The lec
tore, to tie held in Room 100 U illamette is spoil
sored In the Hu inanities (enter
Mist t 1.1 AM (H S
"Whitevsater Paradise", a video about (iosla
Riva s rivers, will be shown today at 1-' to p m
in the Outdoor Program office in the KM I Base
Wesley Center Bible Study v\ ill be belli today
at 12 to at the Wesley Center. 12.Hi kinc.iid St
All are invited, and asked to bring a lunc h
Wesley N'igbt fellowship will be held to
night at 7 la at the Wesley Center. 12 to kini aid
SI Tonight's program is called l ooking .it (tin
( .ill to Ministrv
" I hi' Puhit nt Movement \n Introilut lion
to D.imi' tti *• 1.1)»\ " uii! hr hold I. in i ill at in
Room i'll (ierlingei Aunev ITu- workshop will
include .1 (met overview ol the theoiv ,uid pr.li
tile of ila■ u e movement fheiapv .i video .m e\
pemnent.il opportunits .mil .1 question ,nid .in
suer period
the film M.istrr llurold mid thr thus will lie
shown tonight .it H in !■.Mt (oiler Room ( I he
showing is sponsored bv Students Against Apart
\ (ll)-KOM tutorial on the MI A lliblingi.i
pin will be held lod.lv .il l m the Keterente l)e
pertinent of the knight l.ibr.irs
Hihle sharing will take place tonight at to
at the \ewm.in ( enter, ltr.ii Kmerald St
/’artisans ol Vilnu will be shown tudav at
- HI in the K\tt ’ Hen hinder Room It will be
shown again at 7 p in (iheck the KMI' si heel tile
tor loiation The showing is sponsored bv the
Jewish Student t nion
Tree planting i eremnnv anil servile tor
those who perished in the Shoah will be held to
dm at 17 til on the lawn near the Millr.u e dm k
pond The serv ti e is sponsored In the lewish Stu
dent l 'nion
Dr.idlitw Ini submitting lit a/s to thr kmerald
trout tlrsk I \tl Suite tilt), is noun thr tl,i\ hrtnrr
pilhlii .Itiun lit a/s run thr i/av of thr rrrnt Ulllrss
thr ovrtil oi i t/rs hrtnrr noon /'/ease submit I t
a/s the du\ brtorv they are to run mill Xotu rs ol
r\ruts with a (loihitiun or admission i Imigr will
not hr .it i opted t ..inipus ev ruts .mil thnsr si hril
ul oil nr.irrst thr puhlii ntioii date will hr given
pnorit\ Thr Kmerald reserves thr right to nlit
until es tor gr.imnuir unit stvle
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The f moral'1 •. . itnd 'M«J**penik*ntly of the Un.-v€*r«Mt> with offu r-.. on the
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The t me raid private property Th«‘ unlawful n&movai nr ufte of <% pn-s
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