Couple ( onlinucd from I I kind nt mule bonding is important it's dnnit through "lit the «■ 1111ri• i ulture I ,nid said ' I 'nfnrtiinalel v. often it's limited In ,in .itliletii event whether it's Imitb.dl hi basket ball V on see that kind n| bond mg on the i units lie noted *1 un see men slap eai h others butts its so ,n i epted on tin football Held ti i Inn; eac ii othei and grab ear Ii other and pimp il11 and rejoii e Hut it \on jump up and hug a man here on the street it not ai ( opted and automata alls Vou II be labeled as a guv man, J add said You mu\ not be lint so what it vou are' Rejoii e m II \t i opt il Alter a struggle he has leal lied to at I opt and cnju\ ill male a enti ii tile I'add said U lien I ss as in i ollego as an undergraduate il was different her atise I had a i oujde ol male |u\ ers but often lln-s were si mullaneous with girlfriends 1 d had lira arise I w asn t open about it lie said noting that lit- was ,i membei ot a tiatermtv at the I niveisit\ iit Kentui ks lint 1 km m ms enei g\ and ms Ill-alt i null. I lions ate ss 11 II and I rum men 'There's something reads spot nil about being ssilli a man and mountain Inking all das And then eating a lug huge din ner, just reads gluttonous and then gist having rossds so\ at lei ss aids I add said Sometimes lie found himself flaunting lus phssiiul atlei turn fm bd I add said I |ust s\anted to begin lie sensitizing people lie said I tie mole tiles see l! die more I lies 11 gel Used to it '< >Ood liberals However I.nil! .iilili'd it’s nut alw.rrs sate Ini gavs tml lesbians to hi- upon iiIkiuI their relationships even in Kugine 'll s llir Iimi nt uniting tip lit VuUt friends Iii .it tip Ire saiil "Its the Iimi losing votir house rum insurant e vtiui mb and unit family These are r erv teal i mi i em.s I add said Ills willingness tu lie open about himself has t ie aled a till 111 his lamilv M\ mothei and brother know that Ini ga \ u e. tat her does not In- said So thine this undertow m our lamilv and Its realh dltlir ult tm** aiise ther re ins! too opt i..;hl to tall about it I mini! (rum a lairl\ well edtli ated ha< ki'.mim.i and taint h and I alwa \s thought tier wile ’good Illieials I add added Hut the\ haven't heeu too good alnmt it IXen good liberals rail lie pretty homophobii Soi ion - homophobia is re niton ml li\ most people's as sumptions that everyone is In i eiosexual. I d said It just pusses me oil hei ausi ll's automat n a 11 v assumed that we re straight, lie said 'Win do people have to assume am thing ’ Win i atr'l we just he oursek es w hellrer that s gar or straight or w hater ei ’ With soi let vs overwhelming pressure to lie straight gav men title!) hare to deal with inter nali/ed homophobia ladd said \\ lien I w as t u st i oniing mil although I tell deeply in '■ide id me that I w as gar I real ly didn't w ant to had gar he -..ik! ' I was reallv'll In hr i-tfi-m i n,it« "I h.iil to leant vvh,d gay means It* me Does tl mean be inn sw ishy and effeminate’ I add asked It doesn't n««c.t sanly mean that, although it i mild mean that Xml su what it it lii»es 1 add rei oglti/ed himselt tu In- masi uline and male-orient ed Hill lie also learned that he shouldn't (eel intimidated In men v\ho an1 mule ettemmale It s really sad bet attSe I ve missed a hit uf jieuple in II1V llle he( IIUSI I Ve been tut) liomophobn nn self tu alum im self tu see their beautv. he said "1 am mm h mure i out tui table with that now Nil I le.11 rtde miiili'ls prevents gays and lesbians (rum having positive rule mud i is like sliaighl people have. I d said I have a N'ortun Anthology hunk ul pueirv hen and I real l/e a high pen ent.ige uf (poets) an- gav I d said Hut how ni ten is brought up in i lass 'You have tu dii all the ri sen ri h vutirseli tu tind these people hei ause they re ignored by nv erall sin ietv I d said And the lai k iit positiy e role models is tough on a same se\ rela! lonship I add s.iid A heterosexual model was all I was ever shown l liat s all that s visihle he said And it s apparent that heterosexual rote models aren't always working even m the heterosev uni 111 id mu it its. mm h less are they winking in the guv lesbi an. i iimmumtv W hen v on si-i yourself as I’holti b\ Mai k ^ li-n \loiul.n s (,.n ,ind I’mlr rulh nas ,i time I full lurid ,mri Id i tniltl iwblii l\ r\/»r«*ss thrir .dirt turn lor r.n li othrr the role mmlrl il s pn-ttN mti-i i-sliny. I ll .IJ41 '**‘*1 I '•i n Ini hcliTust' relationships I hi s< ripl is alri-.iih vvtithin mil II it ilm-Mi'l work mil \mi know w In do Hul Im y,i\ men you sort ol inn i- In in.iki- il up us mu yu " In s.iiii In siiuu- wI fri'i iluni In i rente out Ine s ns \\ a sri' ill I add said being gav is not bad I add said It s i eltainU not easy Hul anything that's worth working tor is worth having and just row arils will i nine to those ullo HI Ilk STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE A ballot measure during the April 2(>-27 general election will address changes being considered in the HHH)- HH) 1 studimt he.dth insurance pro gram. The following are explanations of the four enrollment systems that will appear on the ballot: VOLUNTARY I In si m it‘lit health hi mm .tin r rm ill I nil'll I sv strui i UI rr nil V Used .it l ill (> I in student is i i‘t|iin rti to pat tor I hr n ♦ nt ri ,u;r t hi mi it ill mm t |t.i\ int'ii I nt premium In thr r i .miri I hr t ost nt tin- plan t a mint hr mt I mini in tin slutlrnl s tint i tin trrs anti is nut rim iih ii in I r i fi-iir i a I fill.mi lal anl pi nt* i a ills \ppi n\ inialri \ ill nt tin- uimrisitirs a ml inilr^rs in tin i mint i t rmplut a t nlunlart st s Inn Xppnmnialch t in ot thr rhvphlr students are rxpet trd In enroll ill thr plan MANDATORY/LOOSE WAIVER Slutfriils an* antmn.itn alls rnrollnf in fin- sfuilt'iif iir.ilth insurant r plan unlrss lht*\ asst'rl lht*\ adnpiatr personal health instil am r i ntrraur m pnsmial finaiit rs to t <>\«>r unrxprt ft'ti nirtllt al expenses Stmlrnts art* nut retjunrd to present prtml of insuiain r nr tin a in 1.11 t t'stiurt rs I t pit all \ tin* stu tlmi Is sty; nut lire on a \\ ai\ r i prtitimi is su tin if ill proof I lit- i t* ntral atl\ anlau*’ to t ins t\ pr ol rn i oil mint s\ sir in is that I fir important r ot stmifiil hrallli insiiiant r is hmui'ht to thr at trot ion of thr urnrial si mi rot populat r I In ina in tiisatlx anta^r ot tins rm oil nit-lit s\ sir in is that I a r>*t' mi lit tiers of stmlrnts art* likelt to t omplrtr thr u .nn-i tv it hunt hat inn atir tpialr hrallli insurant r ()ftrn thr stmirnt mistakenly hrlirt rs thr \ .trr still t ot rirtl under a parent or employer s hrallli insurant r plan I hr t ost of thr plan is eligible untln ft'tlrr al finaiit lal aid prtn>ranis \pproximatrlt til of thr nation s t olle^es and unit m si Ins « ui i rot It rm plot this It pr of en ml I me nt st stem \pproximatrlt tU t»0 of thr rliyphlr stmlrnts art* rx prt trd to enroll in thr stu drill health insurant r plan J MANDATORY/RESTRICTIVE WAIVER Students are a ultima! it all\ enrolled hi the student health insurant e plan unless the\ i an prov e the existent e n! t tun pa Table health in sin ant e t m er age Waiver pel it inns are tv pit all v ev aluatetl tin the basis of a) pi uni that the plan will remain in ellet t throughout the at atlenin \ ear anti h| the I rent'll Is prov ided are equal In nr greater than the t tiv crage prov itled h\ the urmersitv nr t ollege 1 he t ust nl the plan is eligible under federal finant nil aiti programs \ppruximatelv in nl the t nuntrv s t tillege anti universities empltiv this tv pe tit enrnllment sv stem \ ppruximatelv tit) HU nl the eligible students are ex pet ted to enroll in the stuff ent health insurant e plan MANDATORY Ml students art' required In part it ipate in the univ ersitv - sponsored student health insurant e plan \u vv diver petitions are at « e pled I he < osl nl the plan is eligible under federal finant lal aiti programs Xpproximalelv ”> nl the universities anti t nlleges hi the t nuntrv furrentlv empltiv atornpletelv mantfatorv enrollment sv stem For more information, please call the ASUO Health Insurance Office at :t4l»-:t702. < < 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4