CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION WHITEWATER 190 TRAVEL HEADING r-OR EUROPE This SUM MIR ROUND TRIP ticket to Providence Hi Lv June 13. ft Aug 30 Female $390/0BO Call 343 8094 Sharria ;>io OPPORTUNITIES NANNIES **«•"• i ovate Quarters • • iv.*i , ■ : an-! me year < umnutmcmf Indispensable^ Inc i 800 356 98 7 S NANNY OPPORTUNITIES 'Nan Fiancistu 1 gifi SiSOweefc" I ‘No Calif newborn $175 week' "Connecticut infant $ 180-w eel*' "Boston 1 girl SI60 week* Many positions Uv.bUhif C,i!l 1 800 93 7 NANI NANNY POSITION tor Wash nqt >• L.H family beginning 7 1 90 Two little buy; i fed a spe -at p i! Cun!.*. ! Mrs is ■ S‘>01 StUH'y St ( hevy ’■'t' i'.r MD 208IS of call (301)654 0310 POSTAL JOBS Starl S1 1 4 t/hr F or e • jm e-d <(• > ,i bon information call 7 day. Sam to 10pm ’ 216 324 6228 <•«' ion PROGRAM CAMPUS Performing AMs The Cultural Forum is reopening tbe IV'lfiming Arts Studied < our : t usilion tor 1990 1991 This position bony,', small theatre i productions dance performance*; j jnd music t< ampus I stop t)y the Cultural f >ru*u 2111 •61 7.292 4805 SAVE S0-. at lead-ng -> d.-is njtuii: Aide and Quality for FREE fudging 1 6 tig e Cd SUMMER INTERNSHIPS t.f-sh.p m PuNn Reta i • M a- * et i • . :VVf >-.ive dev '•pliuns f*• >mi APRIL 30th AT 3 30 IN THE EMU WAl NUT ROOM 2)0 OPPORTUNITIES ALASKA S BEST OPPORTUNITY S ATTENTION COORDINATOR WANTED |, ludes a S'.0<‘ .1 term stipend anti p«o. ; • ’ Submit 4 coletter and resume to i*44 Hendricks Hall by April 30th DID YOU KNOW? you need to file an IN T E N T TO REGISTER CARD •* ■ . » ■ it!,-fid SUM Ml R Sf S WON i-> still tune to do t| so stop by I 1 i33 Oregon Mai* or the Office of Admissions ESCAPE E If i ! ’ :■( .dm-. -n*e* Mg st !*'.•• !. *m , *.d. if 0**-i e M.»' .!•;»*» ■ m and 0#*-^ supervision Stipend i uppe !■ visi.'- -edM Appti! a*I i. . it .e tod due by Mu, 11 » o' • , ' Ma*. Mill t ■ , , 14f> 4 IM i f i) A A E [ S' APE ME l O Studies scuong stu dent to fill puvlmn of Assistant Due. den! should have k--wedge of pm gram i oo'dinat1'm and pee' supers Stipend & uppar div edit • • 1 Ap, .1* i» i able MU! I Ml I U!) 4 1* ' ! 1 hie fy May 4 I f V APE HELD Studies seeing rod. vated student ’ , f,11 me position of Registration s Publt* Relations Coo» . i* M 1 1 1 I Mo 4i. 4 r 1 ■ , May . ‘ " - • • t A Bolton i O AAl 2is HELP WANTED f)ANi IRS WANT I I DANCERS WANTED ?ifj HELP WANTED INSTRUCTORS WANTED PAID INTERN POSITION PROJl C I ASSISTANTS THE OREGON OAlLt EMERAlO .•» now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Pay 1 j f dual O i»OOOr> WEEKLY j , Send sell addressed stamped *•< '-J* Hd College Pa-* 20740 J10 FOR ONf hour Si . * siit'jM-. needed for urujuatp. .•,r ' ,tM U I 264 I j\ ?25 APTS -DUPLEXES ai pc nwo< s '•tfp A l PER ST RE E T tirt .J 4219 i ■ >SI: TO CAMPUS i Man,.. 14' i • •••. > . !-• : M i Realtor 4tiS 6991 f ft p !Mf pti. KS AT T'Mf Mi RAi t APARTMENTS Ju-2 J M..< 14 77b APTS DUPLEXES 1 Sth & Olivo Apis Bennett M.i;» .«}<••> •• ■' BtMlto* 48 S 699! 9f>7 MIL V AMO NO 1? 1370 HIGH NO S i JS f !9th NO 2 AL L AVAIL A Hi I NOW ?30 QUADS ~ \ . . M 929 Jennings 4 Co 68 3 4219 ' < l H MAMp ;i )A; ■ . «v''h L'fivjie r»,i?h-i A-i ut -*ii *irt j 1809 t ■***» Jennings & Co 68 3 4719 735 HOUSES 4 BOHM t ti.ith ! i .'4!f> $/SO piu% tkjpos-il Su»*!»'«v M'f - i*i ?«o ROOMS 1 Ml I MOOM I u Suit ' • ’ i t. (l*r M ! M.ltiO'i ,'f> lug-re 68.1 49*irt t>wr IN TLM| bflli IN COOMIMAOvI . . INCi '.tiitienf s Cooper ah»- A , . i ' I- .i. i iff ' a .»f>r • If:.5 I I • A I epl ' . Ipp i ,1 • . • 'vPM'iCI f W»'“ I» Of Dvifffii 68.3 345J • ,-'tn.-i ,»i 681 377/ 7/0 MEETINGS A Day With John Grinder "New and Exciting Breakthroughs in NLP' Saturday April 28 9am~i.V)fim Unity of the Valley ( hunh 39th * filly and $50 Call: «4-«52 or (rfk>- EVENTS SHOAH W E E K \PRfi 11 *5 i mvi Hsi n f >i < >ki (,(>\ Wednesday. April 25 t() 00 ■ ■ ’ ! '.4i 12 30 ; .* 30 V f OQ •> Thursday. April 26 » 30 • ■ * ' • -.Iumm.j trie sr< .,r. B«r» l • f Mt) 7 30 H it f , i Nov,, h Hi me m . i-.-.t .« »«j frv*n« Friday. April 27 to 00 hi! '• • t Mr ' A M. |i i Pfl.-.t ■ { . 12 30 V . t■ ■ M.i* •• m I MU I 4‘, . . »rK 4 M l, 6 JO »• ( jll 14 4 »t ‘ OdC ODt ODE Oregon Daily h me raid ODE SINGAPORE STUD! NT ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING CUM POTLUCK ‘90 Friday April 27th 1990 4 30 f> 30 Ganeral Elections b 00 10 00 Pollock Gerlmger l ounge Agenda Preview General E lections ot SSA t .ecutiwe Committee 1990 91 & Potluck ?7b EVENTS SWIM MEET I ^1 J April 26th 6 30 10:00pm Leighton Pool m A1 Ht Apni 1pm Mi ■'■■ ■ ’• > 1 i< l MIM ' ’• ; ..-i . • ).■ f RKCVC'I.K THIS 1‘APKK C ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT I*f>¥ rc** Trru Tw* r 00 hi BIST ACTOR Dm'KM 0«r imim K5 orr\ I• Cii/atMMf' P**%lna Mmi Yoonj LOVE AT LARGE. CXnaclad by Aian R*;(kxpJ> S/ Th' • i«i a .'*> IS ABC ll( MUPPIRT ™ STORY OF WOMEN 4.KLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHt § BkNtnrr >«/ir 11 x Look Who's Talking h. Li LLS”, »1;:L?A ^4 ?90 HEALTH & FITNESS l a riNi, . ■ j ! - COUNSELING 300 JB 30b SERVICES Episcopal Campus Ministries Wfdoe^eJay I *#nmg tuchansl LETTER PERFECT SHOW THEM JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS professionally showcases your experiences and skills for potential employers RESUMES S15 Suite 500 EMU 346 4381 9 5 M F Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HOW S < IT tlNAU* STOWED TUt 1 BlEEDTHC. I NOSE ' GOtSS WM MVANS ^ \ 1U UWl TO GO ' V. TD SCHOOL i lOWOBftOW ^ *-i ' Ml NUT*. l UfT \S p. I GI T INJVJfilD JUST TftTSNG TO U.ARN TW SXtUS IT TAW..S TO PLAT A 1 DOKT UtN t x *AKT TO VVAT <0U» H >4*ASAHiA A • CUXAjLI) OH \tUkM «M A NfM aw' x— ^ y r~ it <■ /, i : w tiu Its UVD t*> tou. on TUt « uU. ft •> Ml I ! i ' V» ' N' WftMS NlCV TO HMt A, ‘.HWlKtU IKIIHP 10 TAU. TO