_Inside_ ■ Greek rebuttal. Page 3 ■ Animal rights rally. Page 4 ■ 1FC budget hearings. Page ti ■ Tennis finale, Page 8 — _ Oregon Dullyw Emerald \\ riinrsi i.i\ \ pri I i 1 ‘MH» I uut’llt ( )l i'U1 in Volume ‘M Numlii'i I in Local mountain bikers aim for compromise with city, county B\ Hon Walker I merald \>mm i.ite Fdilor Mminlain biking in i ouiilv .mil i il\ parks is her oming an endangered .11 to 11\ and bikers arc seeking a 1 omprnmisr v\ ith park nflit ial* and u ith ntliei use!s nl tin- park trails . \ I Hint a month ago. si 1; ns were posted pro hibitmg hikes Iron) the Mount I’isgah trail at the Huturd Kei n ation Area, said Hill ( liapman. Lam ( aunty Parks direr tor However the trail has nl u av S been ott limits to I VI lists 111- said 1'he trail is used bv hikers and horsebai k rid ers. I’hapman said, and the rounlv parks depart mnil lai ks the resouri i s that would be net essarv to maintain the trad In the past 10 years, mam tenance resources have been tut back bv two thirds be said "\\ i' re real I v 1:0111 or nod about physit a I dam age to the trails, seeing as r\ e haw no wav to tv pait it." he said I lie Huford area is the 1 raitil\ owned park closest to Kugene ( ount\ trails are not heavily used b\ 1 \i lists ( hapiTlim said and damage is generallv not a problem llowevet lie said unless resoun.es im reuse or a master plan is developed to accommodate hike use. the trails will remain oil limits to hikes Hiding on a countv trail is a violation of countv ordinance ami could 1 am a line ol up to S'aXl I diversity cycling club member Anthonv Harding said he prefers the term hike-hiking to refer to the use of park tiads fm then physical challenge and the scenic value He would like to see an agreement among bike!s. hikers and horsebat k riders so that all 1 an usi’ lot ,il park trails We enjoy the hit ilities (list as mnt.h .is !'i. . do." he said However mam hikers and horsebat k oders do not applet late being startled I>\ .1 person . 1 .1 mountain hike I larding said lie said he hopes that 1 Omnumit ation among the groups . an -it iiieve a < oniproniise tn! Use ot the trails I! we re all going to lie using (he trails We I Inkers | are going In have to he eons id er ate < >1 nth ers he said ( )ne wav tills 1 an he done is hn hikers (■■ use hells or other warnings to alert other users of trails In addition, ilisi letion should always he used on the trails espet tally when going down hill he said File lew hikers who have misused the trails hav e given a bad reputation to the lest w ho enjuv the trails responsibly he said All the mountain hikers are pretty 111111 li he mg disi 1 animated against he said |nhu Idler print ipal hindst.ape an Intel I hu the < itv parks and ret reation department said 'There are responsible riders nut there w ho don t want to see their 1 ham e to ride taken aw.tv hum them We (eel the .11 tivitv is a legitimate hum ul rei reation, and we want to otter tat ilities lot them However I Iter said, the department has re 1 eived 1 0111 plaints I mm hikers that hike , were not staving on designated trails Mthough damage to park (tails has long been a problem, he said, the possibility ha damage 1 lorn In Hiking, Cage t> L » I Photo h\ Sran Poston I mul tnouiil.iin bikrrs sui h .(■> I’.iul Unlikin'* m.n snun timl mm r nl thru t.noritr < it\ .mil i nil ill \ h .ills t Insi'd In i \ i list'. Being gay not 'bad/ but not easy Bv Denise ( litton f morale! \ssm Kite t ditor I (him s \ntr As purl iit I ,ii uric/ / cs/i/,1/1 I’riilr Wrrk this is tin■ wnnd at htn urtiths lovkiiip .it same se\ laiiitlunships .uni d.itinu The hist urUt lr appr,nad an Moin/.n I lie tiis! couple ut time's I met Ed I just didn't w.nit tn talk tu him. sod f.idd l uliKis !l vvdsn I bee a use 1 add didn't like I d Moreno; i! was because Kd uas sci good-looking. I add was ■ill.ilfl lie d make a tool out ul himself "! ins! tried tu pul that mil ul m\ mind ladd went mi It was like '\o. ladd lie's entirely too cute You don't have a i banc e m the world with him Hut lid was determined tn meet ladd lie sought him out at the V\ ilia incite AIDS ( mini il where ladd was then working "lie- hunted me down. ladd said It was ver\ flattering A lew days later lal brought ladd a helmet fur one of Ins favorite pastimes mountain hiking "I said 'You brought me the helmet we should at least go fur the- inaugural ride together ladd said No lie jumped on the hue k of im motori yc le and I got on the front and we started to ride off into tin- sunset This was the romantic beginning ol a nine month relationship for l ack! and lal ''When vou do find a spec ial man who really does c olinei t With VOU. Mill begin to feel these needs that for years and years have not been met or have been oppressed. ladd said "Its very special." Ed agreed In mam wavs we ll be c oupled together forever However ladd and fid have recent I v begun the proi ess of going their separate wav s "We started growing apart." ladd said \ei tiler one of us were meeting cither's needs "Hut we re not reallv totally uncoupled vet Kd added We re kind of tust resolving what we’ve L —- *w..j Photo M.ii k \ l**ti iodd Tohiu^ s./vs his hillinftnrss to hr oprnh guy ho s brought risks os null os hour tits been through what w e want ami where we should >;o from here Malt- bonding As an openh guv couple in Kugene. thev flat! to deal with inanv issues and worries that straight i on pies don't have to fat e I i an think of tunes like being at the movies w ith 1 adil .inti fit- was w anting to put his arm around me lii said Hut 1 was worried bet ause then the people behind us would know we were guv It w .is tough bet ause although I loved this man. 1 didn't want him to tout h me." Kd adtied "So, then when I tin! feel good enough to kiss him III a puhlii. plate I hail an int redihle sense of the power th.it gave me Sot let vs t ondemnalion of male puhlii tlisplavs of .diet lion is a huge oppression against straight men as well as gas men Tatfd saitl Turn to ( ouple, Page 12 IFC member accused of conflict of interest Bv |oe Kidd t merald Reporter I he A SI O Constitution (umrl was , i s k« •« 1 Tuesday to decide d .in.li t member created .1 c uirllii t ot iirtei est when he voted to approve the budget id .1 group lie helps lead Student 1 liomas Mann tiled a 1 umplamt w ith the court (horning Armando Morales violated the ANI'O constitution April 1^ « hen he argued in lav 01 ol and approved next v ear’s budget tor the t 'idled States St 11 dent Association Mann who is also publisher id the Oregon ( uni inriihilin claims a conflict ol interest arose hei arise Morales is vice i hairmau ol I'SNA Par die: Northwest region and a national board member id the student lob try ing organi/ution ASt '< ) constitutional amendment t t> prohibits II I members from voting on a budget when that mem her fluids a paid position in any ASIA) 01 I Alt pro glam In .1 written complaint submitted to the court. Maun argued that although Morales is not a paid mem her ol I SNA Morales travels to I'SNA ai tivities around the country on I'SNA funds, and that an id In e holding member ol a group has a vested interest to see that Ins group is funded at .1 proper level Morales flatly denied that his ar lions treated a 1 onflict of interest or tainted the budget process W hile I am .1 member of main groups I am a paid member of none Morales wrote in a prepared state ment to the < ourt "It is inferred that be< anse I am an officeholder within the I SNA that I lord over the money and .11 turns of the membership and that 1 seek to enhance tins power by increasing the resouri es at my dispos al." lie said in the statement "Sin h .1 drac union, elitist vision ol the role id olh 1 er is beyond my experieiu e or imagination Hut it the 1 ourt finds a 1 onllii t ot interest did 01 Turn to Hearing, Page f>