Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 CLASSIFIEDS 100 CONNECTIONS ATTENTION 105 PERSONALS GRADUATING Leaving the University? 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS U ol O Club Lacrosse on wins over Univ ol Puqet Sound <11 9) and Pacilic Lutheran Univ (13 1) Keep it up tor the PNLA tournament in Portland this coming weekend \\ Thanh you lot lh* weekend bash lift ft uit»pn«ff (hit campus again '_AK P S Congratulation* to fusty Shoo Sara and Tori pn/ev will be award ad at our wake up ba< b qua 105 PERSONALS ATTENTION ASUO WOMYN Congratulations to all the new pledges ot Kappa Delta Sorority1 Sigma Phi Epsilon AX A Wishes Kappa Delta good luck in Rush! Welcome to campus! 100 PERSONALS KA KA Congratulations to your beautiful new pledges SAE _____ ABOUT SHASTA Dates ot \ X \ get psyched it’s almost here! iQ5 PERSONALS PRIVATE HE IP f ROM f Rif NDS Fr#* Pfpqnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 6«7 86S1 KL PLANNED PARENTHOOD unbiased counseling M +•! ’ PLANNING ' (•! , • U . w • vv, i Don l lorqel to til** you» INTENT TO REGISTER CARD no LOST & FOUND BLUE 115 TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED as 485 0890 Barbara Land BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING FOOTNOTES WORDPROCESSING INTRO SPECIAL SlOO PG LASER PRINTING PLUS FOOT FAX FOOTNOTES NOW HAS STUD* NT ACCESS FAX S3 00 1st 3pgs 75/paqe alter RM 21 GftttfDFLR EMU 346 3729 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE A ballot measure during the April (>-li7 general ('lection w ill address changes being considered in the 1‘)‘)0-1‘Ml 1 student health insurance pro gram. The following an? explanations of tin; four enrollment systems will appear on the ballot: * VOLUNTARY I lir si mini I lira llh in stir am e mmllmnil s\ slrm i ui irnll\ iisnl a I l nl (I I lu* si mini t is required tu pax Ini thru < ox eraue llunuuh th in I |> .1 x iiii*mI nl premium In I hr insurant r t a i r in I hr t ns! nl I hr t annul hr mt I mini in I hr si mini I s I tut inn Irrs anil is nut el lip hlr unilrr Inin a I I in am aid pint; rams \ppruxi matrix III nl I hr Unix rrsitirs and i nllryrs hi the 11mutt \ rniphix a x uiuiil.u x s\s Inn \ppinvimahdx I HI nl ihr rlitpidr sludrnls art* rvpn Iril tu enroll in Ihr plan MANDATORY/LOOSE WAIVER Mmlrnts .HI- .1 ll I < >llt .1111 .111 v fill < > 11<-i li-il Hirilii .il I'xpmsrs SI ml nils .nr mil i i'i|Uirril In pri-si'lil |ii mil ill iiisur.ini r in 11II .1 111 1.11 I I'SIIII f ■ 1-s li (111 ,ill\ Ihr stliilrnls sn; millin' nil .1 « .mri prill mil is mi I In util |irnnl I hr i .nil In this l \ |ir nl rn i nil mini Si slrm is Ihr im|iiiil.ini r nl si mini I hr.illh instil ,im r is In mm lit In Ihr .itti'nlmn nl Ihr mini .il si mini I |ni|iul.ii r I hr m.11 n i .in 1.1 ijr nl ill is r n i nl I limit s i slrm is I I .trip* il uni hr rs nl si ml nils ,irr 11 hr I \ In i ninplrli* Ihr n ,ii\ ri n i I linn I h.i \ nit; .ulr ipt.ilr hr.illh l' f >11 r It Ihr si ml rill 111 Is! ,lk mill lirllrl i-s Ihl'l .nr slill i nlrlril llllllri .1 p.irrnl nl rill p Ini rl s hr.illh r p 1,1 II I hr I nsl nl ihr is rliiphlr iniilri Imlriul .ml pi nu i .mis Xppinsnn.ilrli III nl Ihr mil mil s i nl Imp's ,i ml Him rrsi Ills I 11 r t ••ill I \ rmplm this li pr nl niinlliiinil si slrm \ppin\im.ilrli III nil nl Ihr rlmlilr slmlrills ,nr r\pri It'd In rnnill in Ihr stu ilrliI hr.illh r pl.lll MANDATORY/RESTRICTIVE WAIVER Stud ruts air a ultima In allx fumllftl in tin- si mint! health insurant »• plan unless I hex tan prnx e the existent e nl i urn par aide health in sut ant e t ux ernxp- \\ aix ei pet it mns are lx pit allx ex .limited mi I tie basis nt a) prnnt that the plan xx til r ematn in el let I thium>hnu! I tie .it a it emu x ear anti b| the benefits prnx itletl are equal to or i* renter than the t uxeiax*e prnx idetl tix the umx ersitx nr t nllev;e I he t nsl nl lire plan is eligible uniter letter at Imam rat aid prut* rants Approximately 10 nl the t ountrx s t iillexp* a ltd uni x er sr lies ernplux this txpe nl ini id I men I sxstem Approximately till-HO nl the eligible students are rxpei let! in r mull mi I tie student health insurant e plan MANDATORY \ II students are required In par In ipate hi I tie umx ersitx spun suit'd student health insurant e plan \u xx aix er pet it unis .ue at t eptetl I lie « list nl I hi- plan is eli i»i hie under letlei a I I inant nil aitl programs Approximately V til the umx er si ties amt t nl leges in the t tin nil x iiiiientlx ernplux a t iimpletelx mandalurx enrollment sx stem l or mori! information, please call the ASUO Health Insurance Office at :t4(>-:t702. If you have any questions, please call! Thanks for your help. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ujhai a HXMX&VL. SURPRISE, JOANtt 1 WOW i 5H0ULVMA\f CAiUV FIRST. IS THIS A BApim, ' AMPY7 V. NO. NO, the pocanpi ARE JUST 60IN6 (MR THE FINAL hjneral ARRANGE. RJ6HT, WHERE WERE WE * OH, FES, TOUSAlP THE WARE WAS JO BE EAT FREE fr TRACER V/C 'S .1 Th£ CAST 0T CH5&& "! n ms mv py/NO WISH' I IHdRt'VB dee* scvexAi. ROSES s7.99 doz. Phone order* welcome Delivers/ available In the Parking Structure by Sacred Heart on 13th St. I I OWENS AND GIPTS