( ontmiH'd from P.igc I Mil li.ii"! IVelei i (i direi Ini ot I In* C ..iv .i ml I esbian \lliaiu e said hr was truslr.licit with tin* siii i111 n lii lie Iibi'iati'd Who works m tile women s studies department at San I ran i iM ii State I 'Diversity . and she is a liirtner lei turei at the I in versilv ot (tulitornia at Herke lei She w as fired twice hum hei I '( Herkelei job and has sue. i esslulh sued I he university both times In! a veai she has been awaiting reinstatement In the universitv and she has bled another suit in an ettort to re turn to the i lassroom I l Berkelev oftii inis bail rei|uesled that \\ mi submit to a ps\ ( hial in exam before she would he allowed h.K k She refused 'What they re realh say lie.; is that it you' iv an \siai i A met ii an. and a woman and a leshi an. and you’re fighting bark Kill le got to be l 1,1/1 she said in an interview Mondav Woo said she lust her job lie cause she was outspoken about hei lad lea! political beiiels "It's one thing to tie a lesbian ol color Hut it's another thing to lie an ad vocnte loi mii\ e metifs and to i nti< i/e the uni versity openly, she said Woo said despite the repe.it ed efforts to remove hei hum lid job at t ( He! kelev she wants to return to the campus III hopes ol show mg that a grievance process can be sui i esstul r~.-:----| records! 542 7975 - S i. ' 258 t 15th PUBLIC EHEMY f ear Of A BiacK Planet CD $12.95 HEART 'Brigade CD $10.95 Cassette $6.95 Open 5un 12 6 Mon Thur 1 1 6 and fri St bat 11 8 * tMJNDCRlAND *' GREAT FOR PARTIFS AND BIRTHDAYS 50VIOEO GAMES ADMISSION 1 so 5TH STRUT PUBIIC MARKET ^ IU6ERI»Ml-KM "i tn' I im ersilt ut ( aUtin ilia is Ml p pi isei I III llr .1 11 lti)[ It 11 Is! | I til ion ut highei learning." shr salt! it belongs Id tin' j»fO|> 11• ut t ,tIitnrni1 lid r\ at\ tint' v\ Im \\ants In hr there Shr saiii it sin' ilul nut it■!nili In the unit erslt\ a < hilling el (im t could result ill u li h li pen pit* would lt'«ir losing then job** nr uthri punishment fur tiling a gnrvatu r \\ on ilsn is .1 i undulate toi ( alitorma gmemm She is nm i tiftg on a platform that m < ImIrs sot lalism and r(|ualit\ t> il prt iplr til i ulni l\>\\ S .1 Hi i lesbians “.,. the mmt original and important group to emerge sincr 'lilrs Davis, Ornette Coleman and John ( oltrane redefined group improv Dalian.” >1 Mn -a «*. U, n , ,;n . "-w* Turn nmn wyltifif FRIDAY, APRIL 27* 7:30 p.m. SORENG THEATRE- $15 HULT CENTER 687-5000 ★ ★★ Clip ODE coupons for GREAT savings! ★★★ i F ishing Season Is Open At The Bookstore; APRIL 23 - 28 up-scale fishing mementos, perfect for any fin-nicky fisher. Perched on our shelves are beautiful handcrafted wood carvings and quality gifts , fanciful t-shirts and hats , and some very fishy pillows , just for fun . We’ve cruised around and reeled in a interest r whale of a variety of books of from fly-tying to fish frying . Hook into our DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS and you could net a guided fly-fishing trip on the McKenzie River, a t- shirt, book , tote bag , pepsi 6-pack , or our GRAND PRIZE , a life-sized handcrafted ' wood carving of a trout or duck . Swim on down during APRIL 23 - 28 and land a great catch!