Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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University creates ombuds officer position
Br ( hris Bunnell
l mt'r.tUI Assoi i.ilc l ditor
The I'niviTsilv will hire .1
tenured l,i> 1111\ member .is .1
p.irl-lime omlnuls oftii n in ,is
s 1 s 1 t.u 1111\ sl.ill and sludi'iils
111111 u U11 administrative iimI I.; 11 < ■
wllell tiling .1 1 o 1111) 1. 11111
I' 111\ ersitr I’residenl M\ l«'s
III,mil in ,111 April t memo In
l.ii 11 It \ ashed Ini ,i|i|)l u at inns
limn those instructors inteiesl
ed m ai ting as a advn< ale Ini
11 it I i \ idnals w Im Icr-I ther li.iv r
been sexually harassed m dis
1 1 miniated against
The omlnuls ntfii er w mild lie
pal t nl I lie president s nit 11 e
■.tall and vvinild work with lor
mat and informal 1 omplaints
Bland said l innsdav
Brand said a immlier nl 1 am
pus groups had i mnplilitied be
1 arise tin- I 'uir ersitr lai keiI an
ail vo( ate position to help lai ill
l\ and stall weed tllimigh ad
iniriislratir e ( hannels
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Clip out j
Oregon Daily Emerald j
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! his is sort ill a t .1 ri\ mci
tmm Idle hist \ cdi u hen a mini
lici ul groups (said linn l
u anted some ahilitx In deal di
reilU u ill) t’niversilv polities
and prut ediires lie said
(allies () I a 1 Inn I at nils \d
i isnr\ < mint il t liairman said
ll'ie position was needed to ease
l tlllhlsitlll livel I lie I )ttn e ill \l
finnaln e Action s role u lien
i omplaints are tiled
I’lie alliimaine at lion oiln e
is an i rive stlsatoi \ liodv and
not an advocate lor individuals
who tile i omplaints, ( ) I allon
(i’i allon said oilier tai lors
besides the Lit h of an acts oi ate
lor lai 1111\ and stall led to the
i re.ilion ol the ornbuds piisi
I ion
I hr l.u k of ,i ti list vv orthv
prison our < nuld go to with ,i
litiriiNsmriil i ompLimt w.is .1
MUijnr 1111 it iv <il ion Im (his hr
I hr prison .ippnmlril to I hr
position will work otilsnir noi
m.il ,nlnnmsti.itivr .mthoritv to
lli-roli,ilr inloim.il .igtrrmritls
11111I ,nlv isr i 11111 v id 11.11s on toi
tn.il prm rilviirs .11 lording to
the inrnio
I lirir .trr .1 lot 11I things lli.it
< ontr up 1i1.1t ,nr in thr gr.iv
mi'.is vvhi'ii1 1nlor111.il ili'goti.i
I ion is ncrdrtl. Hr.uni s.ml
Hr,mil vv .is uni lr.11 iliout
vv lirir thr nuHirv hi p.n lot llir
position would oilin' Itoin hut
hr s.ltll thr nrrd w .is niipoll.ini
rnough to just 11v thr rxtr.i rv
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i* 11 it. . 11 -'i i. ii, .. . -I in •
irtm! - * the t mat u
the Efheruid is povate ptupefly the unu*1.. mm..
Managing Editor
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h ■ i; i jc.' K.dd layne i :**.•»«..». Pa! M l I * M-i:
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non Lotus Child Jim Finch Yvette Gill Jt?»in.fr» Mu»-> i mda hi
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Thiel.' Jennifer Thomas Jennifer Vm1 6 Ingrid While ht-sy y*< i" '
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What images do we see in the media and
how does this a/fect our thinking and values
especially as women about our bodies?
What are the consequences oi a generation
.•‘eking to emulate those images?
Sponsored by the Student Health Center
Hints and Helps for Better Health.
Well, there he goes again . Course, I guess
I did the same thing at his age — checking
every day to see if I was becoming a silverback.