-Editorial L TD, radio, OSPIRG top ballot measures On Thursday ami I't'idav s general election sii» thuils will he asht'd to vole mi several key issues W itli (his is mind here are out thoughts nil tin- nine mens dies mi the general elec tion hallo! Hec ause we have i n in h In sn\. I lie endorsements will run over two days lust up is Ini lane Iraiisit Ihstriet bus senile Students are asked In approve an incidental fee n-qursl ul SI ?."> a term |S" Id Inr law studellls) In continue binding ul the i ll) program in which students cun ride free .dl nm (Ire i it \ bv showing then I : mverst I v I I) I he hits program works When il was first pro posed livu years ago we were against il as il seemed a large amount of money to he polling into an unproven idea Hut sun e then given the overwhelming sm i ess uf the program, we have i hanged out mind and tin hesilalmglv ask students to continue supporting 1.1 I) and vole ves on Measure I \e\t is a proposal tor a student -funded and site dent-run rarho station The idea ot i ampus radio has been discussed for years and it finally looks as it it might actually work out The total amount requested is $2"> fit. I. St7 UHtt nt this is ha one time startup < lists As we were with the LTD ptogram. we te learv of devoting a large amount of student lees to a plan whirl) as yet is still in its formative stages Hut the principle ol the lequesl cannot lie ignored I he more diverse and varied forms of media on i ampus the bet ter inhumed and educ utod the students will he. lie sides being a training ground for broach ast journalists a i ampus radio station will also give students a dillei en! view point I-or this reasons.it's yes on Measure 'l. Measure ) is .1 request by the Oregon Student Hub lie Interest Research Croup ha $11- 000 in incidental lees \\ ith this we have no problem While (kSI’lKC; is asking for a sizable lee alloc.alicm. the group definitely deserves it O.NI’IKII since its 111 i option in 107 1. has always been at the forefront ol many social issues, such as consumer health the envi ronment and other related topics II is one ot the first ol its kind .it am university and is looked on by nthei i hapters from around the country as a model Don't turn down one ol the most valuable student organizations on i ampus Vote yes on Measure :t CIA recruiting at the l ‘diversity has been a hot is sue for a number if years because of the agency s big oted reuniting practices students have tried to pre vent the CIA from coming to campus Measure l vvhu h would require prospective recruiting groups to sign an equal opportunity statement, is trying to do lust that I'.mmi though tin- hiillot measure is not spec itii .ally targeted at the CIA. make no mistake about what Meas ure -1 is liv ing to do At other universities, the ClAhas refused to sign such statements and was denied access to the campus I'he people responsible lot the measure .ire hoping tor the same result We approve of forcing recruiting agencies to sign is similai to Measure 4 in that it's a gen eral statement designed to nail a specific group In this case it would prevent am toxic material on Universitv property within -ai(l tret ot the Willamette River. Tar get the Riverfront Research Pork We applaud this noble gesture to help the environ men! but wonder what it will actually do to t niversitv administration policy Students are already on resold against the research park The higher-ups in effect took the ballot measure and filed it away, never to In seen again The l niversitv is committed to a research park (even with the nx ent disc Insure of toxic material dumping near the river) to the point ot i< mg students completely out ot the decision-making pox css Vole y es on Measure T> The endorsements, yea or nay. toi ballot Measures t) Ihiough ‘I will appeal tomorrow Letters. Colors Mi nr cilti-n I m ss ilnessmg in i nlenls of ivvrisr disirimnm I loll on ( .mipus \ ss hilr student m one ol m\ i I,ism's t onlessed .1 pat riot ii love loi Anii'i n .in i till uii- I It* immediateis lii'i .inn' (lit- large) ol ,i Imirage ol .n i ns.ilions ,ill ol ss tin ti iissfitri! mi ism .i mi l.n k ol mil'll infill i II .in Aim .in Anii'i n .in ol li'ii-il Ins i iiltur.il applet i.i I lulls In- u milil n l Ins mm' the target nl i l.issniuiii nsti.ii ism .mil rightful IV su .is ni' lr ,tll i • 1111111 • 11 In In.' i'\|)n*ssiuii ut 11'flings I iiro|ii',ui Anii i n ans .nr .In mi'll lh.it light mi this i.aitipus .Is I I'llllll il'S ol ll I si ol A .111' si'i'll as ilfsii in list- .nnl 11irrupt \ si'iisf nt guilt pres ails ssluh* r.iilii.ils fipialf tin- i 111111 sslnte ssith ill*- plight ol wtuli- su pil'Ill.U |s|s i i'il.mils tlii'si' aspt'i Is ot \ llll'l it .III hlstol s SS I'l l ,||1(I .no i illinium isi' i .in I huget tin gcinH-iii.iI immifi ol countless A frit an Mm'in .ms .mil Native \ llll'l t( .Ills Hill I hese at I s Hi i not i mist I lute all ol \iiii-i ii ail Instill s I iiithoi taking h.ubaiii liber lies ssilli human 1 i11■ ssas and is lint I * in f t Ill'll In laliupeans I lie Heijing slaughlei evempldies tills hut this doesn't give the I hinrsf a genet ii predispose tinn In Iasi ism Mi ii ans m Ihc 1 41 His i riu* 11 s held line dnotlifl as slaves m an I'llull In liunniuile 1111 i.i I reli ginil I ssiiuld hope ill,it tills pe |ul .it is e piei e ut Instill s ss iiuldii I pres out an All it ail Ameiu an Imm having pride in his i uitur.il inigin Kufupenn Anient alls huh I this same light In evaluate i iiltur.il hislors ob|e< tis ety, ,n k nuss lodging the es I Is ss hilt' giving equal merit in the pusi I IS e I he point is nnl In pi t mini e ethiint eutnt siesss among mi es lint rathei In suggest that i ulliiral salislai linn and a sense nl tradition is salulars tui es el s one es I'll ss lull' pei iplc K s an lilac kletter I listoi s I nglish Vile hes/Hughes I'llls ss eek ill the lill.ll ASt I ) '■In linns I hope lh.it students will volt- Ini rim I lughes .mil I leddl \ ill lies Ini tin' two n ad.lhlr 11 u i tli 'I it.) 1 I it t i mi Ill It Its* seats \ ill lies .111(1 Hughes .lie the nnh c aildidates w ith .i proven ret uni truck re i uni el student .ii hr ism and leadership l he\ h,i\e both winked hard In light Ini student iiglits and advocate tur student programs like ( hild i .ire and women's and mintiriK programs I woudei turn mam students ale aw .lie oj the lai t then uppo siti»m opposes funding tm pro glams like l olled States Stn dent \ssneiation and Oregon Student l.olibv Thev think stu dents shouldn't hale the light In oigam/e and lohh\ the stale I egislallire in the I S ( on gless tm lowering tuition pre seising I 'el I I,rants or getting tedeial and state doll.us loi i told i aie and athletic s Hut this don’t like to talk about that 111iK h Both \ ill lies and I luglles have gone to (aingress and the l egislature to light oil lieltull nl all student to get those things and more When (aingress was deluding the lull to allow ( In nesc students to stu\ in the l S Vih lies and I luglies helped organize the national Inhhvmg ettorl to pass tin- hill Their opposition would have Opposed that It VUU i are about student rights, it you want some at 1.(II11)tahi111y ill the 111 and d \ou want student leadership that i .m s about students vote I redih VtIi lies and Tim Hughes tot III Let's put an end to spel lal interests and wink tni the good id all I idler sil\ students I ilw aril Beanes Student Freedom I am extraordinai ill align al the outrageous burning of the Alltel n an Hag April lt> \mei I i a and the freedom it repre selils is tile dream of people all ai toss t he carth l ie stood in Soviet grot er\ stole lines tm ,m hour to buv a ilrv iiraoge I i e spoken witfi last Herman holder guards S( I ill Isll . I'll nisi,111 ,111(1 1 11,II people whose dream it is In i imir to Amerii ,i flaw \ c.ini hn a I.uni ulii'ir tliiw an' ic •>Iit'( It'd ami lice Ycl lifii' in Amm k a the pt'ii pic despise 111,it freedom li\ burning its s\ mlml U 11\ didn't 11ii-\ burn an Amerii an eagle' ()li sum I forgot. This is I IIIII Week ami we're sup posed In love llie animals and birds and shout out against waste while behind i.losed doors those verx same people kill then unborn babies and pretend that it's C)k The Amerii an dream has been burned at the stake and the laud 111,it 1 love has been ripped apart in hunt ol nit eves. And ai mss the world. in\ ti lends in hast liei tin i r\ out it>1 a freedom like ours (■it'll hen W emit Kugene Have a picnic I do not feel the proposed in leileieiu e w dll a logging opera lion is an appropriate was to i elebralc la It h I )a\ lot those concerned with environmental issues I do support these protests I hex are a i ontinualion ol a heritage that began with the Boston lea I Vi rt \ unioni/ed coal mines and gave etert pel sou the i ight to \ ote llowcvei Kartli l)a\ should lie a i elehralion ol the i onimoii ground upon w hit h we all de pend lor survival. Because the Kartli's fate depends in part upon the small dailv dei isioiis ol even person an at Iivitx that draw s lines and di\ ides w ill onlv be i irunteiproductive I propose that environmental activists and families depen dent on the timber industrx get togelhei and replant a clear i lit 1 lieie i ouhl lie a large pit nil with let tines on receding. en viron.mentalK sound shopping and eiifrgx saving There might even he some i onvers.ition. At lei all we rail the same rixers. fish from the same lakes and w alk on the same beat lies Ktlward Singer Kugene