Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1990, supplement, Page 8B, Image 15

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    \Xin the computer you need to
succeed in the real world and a
chance to use it there.
list-.is\ Instil", our KY eWorld Den loon .1 Macintosh*
computer in fitter Ajrples k- ti World Sun j'stakes
II \(hi rt oiieol HCIrai I IYi e ;\m:n rs .01, i! -;r; to
s|k'!k! ,1 week tins summer .1! llM-organt/ation at voun km e
listed Ih-iou. where van II ms .Macintosh computers hard .1;
work \ndulien van get Ikkik* Vaticanuse\auro\vn new
Macintosh SI- s() to write your resume and la! low-tip ietti rs
Tlsere will also In JO Drst lYi/e winners whouii!
receive Macintosh SKcomputers and 1.000 Stand Pn ■
winners wta will get Applt I shirts
VHi rm!!\ cant insc it you comem and get vonr
'i.uSon a Macintosh tfxi;»\ Htv.tusconce vondo. von li
sir s H )A easv it is t<) um‘ ,uul how nit id i one coo Id do tor
a si!! .!|ij)Tta i itf theuluenla Macintosh computer
si k-a\c, anijiu.s and h ad out into the real world,
i -i it don i take our word tor it (dine in and tr\ a
1 .Josh and see tor\«Hirscll \ndif\oii
the Grand IVi/e. vou II h* seeing the
a or a sooner than whi think
hnter Apples Real World Sweepstakes ami y< m o mid win a week at
one ()f tl lese leadii lg or^mizatii ms and a Macintosh a imputer
Kilter April 16 - \ki\ 4 in the
Microcomputer Support Lab
202 Computing Center
M-F 9am-5pm 346-4402
See yuur<jntpus. < itxnpukt fforfkT fcir NwejAUfcrt fttifefr am! krv
f* •' < « V** ► \»» • v ; i ’ i . > .
to ;*»««
Mpplt* \ H »■ (i I lllorlil Su<t***p v I <ik »• s
Apple's Real World Sweepstakes
Win a week at one of these outstanding organizations
ABC News Intel Active
Ben & Jerry's Hornetrwde, Inc
V.i ; . r . i ■ , .
Cornell University Medical College
M. ) .4 > » »•... , •
A lecnnoiogy Nrm of KPMG Peal Marwick
ineuuinrie I neater
Arts Mjpdg&ment
Apple Education Research Program
h 5. . 'us snam-fusea t
Apple Computer. Inc
American Express Publishing Corporation
Clans Corporation
National Foundation
tor the Improvement o( Education
Sleed Hammond Paul
National Libiary of Medicine (NIH)
U S. Communications Corporation
P' nvfkxw Mdtktfty-j AJe'L)
Come to <i free resume workshop
May 2 1 lam-2 pm
Macintosh Lah 175 Computing ( enter
You can leave v\ ith a completed resume! Allow at least one hour.