▼ Career Tracks Kilts_ ( Tiiitinuid from I’nui1 <> found immateriahsm. make sure you accept their feelings 4ny interest in your mysti cism is good tor publicity So just make yourself be known as the great immateriahst 3t Never wear close toed shoes People dig hairy digits and sandals give you that Mid die Eastern look 4) Claim any small mid to Northwestern town as holy ground Eventually your hun dreds ot thousands of bare toed, loving followers will move in with you and estab lish a harmonic way of life 5) Make sure all ot your fol lowers sign over all of their possessions to you as the Supervisor ot their assets This is a key to making your self comfortable in your new found job as mover of nations If all of these jobs are not plausible, then we suggest that you do what we did Be come chauvinistic beer-ori ented. reviewers of anything we can get funded for Pass the bottle .1(11 Yohiix and Sit t< l(ikt‘h\< n Slip-tips during interview will eome baek to haunt you Many college se mors seem lo feel that interviewing for that ideal |ob will be one of the easiest hurdles to |ump on the trat k toward sue css After all what has every college student done for the past four years be sides honing those people skills7 However, d may not be as simple to win over the prospet live employer is it was to captivate hordes of professors or dating part ners The publication S S Job St'.nch put together by the University s Career Planning and Placement Center, lists the most com mon reasons for rejection employers normally give for turning down candi dates Those reasons at" as follows • poor pel s, mat appear ance and grooming • verbearing ig jres i • • conceited or superior at11 tudo • ■ ibility I expo then selves clearly, poor voice diction and grammar • t.nlure t-1 parti ipi.it'' m student activities • la k nf inter'”.t and en thusiasm, passive or mdif I e rent • . ■ 1 i ■ ney inter ester I in the best d altar offer • ■ nakf”. ■ ■■ a . i mvr■ and hedges about un favorable far tors m work record • la. k ■' I u. !d>' d !fw employer with whom the ' andidate is interviewing • ;'■ ii»r h. ilasti I • iate ! - the ,v . lata .liee! re sume or applir ttion form • , r eye it i t during the interview • :■ ' tiative • indefinite •• Ii questions talks too much • i • ; . t the job • e> tii'ini • niTv' nisness A cut above the rest... I CARE’N FOR HAIR Ml C. 13th AVI EUGENE, OH 97401 (903) 445-4472 OWEN 7 DAYS Wollf tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 w/coupon Rog $13.00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through May 31. 1990 Get the word out with an ODE classified TIME TO GET QUACKING!! Career Planning and Placement Service can help you to: • Locate POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS • Develop an effective RESUME • Learn INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES • Discover CAREER OPTIONS based on your interests and major Come see us soon at: Career Planning and Placement 244 Hendricks Hall • 686-3235 1 I SlisiSiA lannint lacement ervice Fine Tune Your Life! GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dalsun • Toyota 2025 k ranklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 07403 Fashion with an Ethnic Flairl \ra • i' iMi hhu* ■ '!>w' • r h . < 'i, >fs Kit if • Iful Kyk"> f ’ t > h ». j • . Ift* a :h t * a r> r i. a-.ivv . >ikn K *n . •* ■ if t * • f r• i ;<-At’!rv !tx> t I iff Avr nrxt !*. • fhr I !>'■ ' > i1 >f M *> hllh M I ’ it* • V1,ifki*t 'J * . . !• 1 A I I : f ■f**1 okwjim FOLKWAYS IMPORTS I CiO'H.Nt-, «!,')> » ia. *'•' •> v a*x.nc- m wcjoiD |hh| .— PHOTO FINISHING SALE ■ Coupon !■ mb mm mm Your Spring pictures need the care only an expert can give... Trust The Shutterbug! We Print Better Pictures! Save On All Your Photo Finishing 110 or 126 12 exposure DXMfkXfHKl P' ’’tul Disc 15 S3 49 I 110-24 OrnwhiptHi j >i? 135-36 Save On Hand Printed Color Enlargements! 5x7 from Yovf iW Si*}* $j49 8xW iX Slit* $299 i 1x14 $g99 20x30 F\vn ».h. •* SU-O# tv Pun/ $JJ99 890 E. 13th Across from U of O Bookstore 342-3456