What’s Next, Grads? Travel? • Wi h.iu all llu- l.mith IMancl \ I d ’- (in nuidi-v Job? ♦ ^ hat ( i)lnr is \ our Parat huU • Do \\hal \tui I on awl tin Mmin Will tollou • KiMimt uuidf' Moving? • Place - Rated Almanac Marketplace Books li!M> I :>tll \ \ i*. • (4 t-.'ilil 4 JOB HUNTING? Then trim the odds against you. ' Right on campus ' An\ length of han any st\ lr * Just $8.00! * Women ask for Rae (woftH*n s haif sj>e< ialist) at Kampus Barber Shop 851 East 13th Phone: 343-7654 Men & Women We have 3 barbers to serve you! NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY CRUISE INTO YOUR CAREER We Service & Repair Scooters and Motorcycles to help you get where you're going!! • Al l Tires and Tune-Ups On SPECIAL f * li e Carry Factory Parts For Less 'V.k CAI l I OR APPTS OR I S ! IMA! t S 345-7389 960 W. 7th ) __ >• I I' VK'S ^ AV Ml ABl ( ^ ILLUSIONS IIIIIIIMH 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg PERMS 527.95 LOOP RODS • SPIRALS starting at HAIRCUTS s39.95 O'for oniv nood .vith v ma Illusions 345-1810 NOW s6.00 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Gloria Baker, Mr Neil, Gina L Career Tracks_ Sici e and Jett on the low n A Shaman’s work is never done Editor s note The auttu of this article are star columnists tram Oregon Voice maqa.'tno Our attempts to prod them for thought provoking hints for making it m the real world were, as you \ will notice not taken seriously by the two kut wearers Hey' Steve and Jetf here with our official spring supplement arte r.le on <: areer tracks Career tracks This title gets cero kilts What t ■ ■ ttt • way to get ideas (i ■ the. arte le that' t< steal them from r (tier | . opit We dei sied to tiavi a btu"i stoiiTiing s, e.u n disguised as a v, i eki d car b gue Pc i ause -m.i often you II find there is ,1 fine line I eteen plagiarism and inspiration Due to the unsurprising it literacy and lack rit ■ reativity of our guests who were just looking tor a free lunch, we were slightly inspired ye! mostly lulled to sleep by their ideas For lack ol other sources we will list some of the ideas that we are reluc t antly claiming as our own We thought we should start with the oldest proles T rumps, lated which i' T rump this case the are V Sion in the world And we don t mean farm ing That s right the lug P Some bene tits of this |ob include good pay lack of boredom with the same sexual partner, no reason to pay tax es and no morals re quired The downside of this service-oriented profession lies in the ■results of .1 resent study which onelud sd that one third of all prostitutes had the HIV virus in their sys tems In this case the big A outweighs the big P resulting m the tug D Let s review P is less than A equals D From humps to we find a re profession, as Donald mistress In qualifications 4i' 1i Must be an attractive woman 2) Must have nautical knowledge o e be able to hang out on a yacht) Let Us Help You Put Some Class In Your Career Outfit. I\e oiler attordable de sipner and other i on temporan resale i loth ini’. lit* spei lali/e in natural libers and blends [\e bu\ and trade b\ appointment. Zouch of Class Clothing sy yysy.yy yy./yyr. I 343-0095 2650 Willamette jj Put your best face forward! RESUME PORTRAITS (romPORIUAIIS BY DESIGN with this coupon 1 instant Black & White 4X5 portrait ONLY $10 (incl. sitting fee) OR Free sitting ($15 value) for 8 pose Black & White portrait session — PORTRAITS proofs in 1 hour!! ■ ^ Comei ot 18th & Willametk I ‘ Co!nef ot 18th & Willamette (Next to Foto Hash) 683-6679 ^Eugene s ONLY one hour Black & White portraitsHj J I \ 1 3) Must be visible and avail able for exclusive interviews with the Star and the Enquirer 4iMust be a good commu nicator (i.e know when to keep your mouth shut) Another one of our guests inspired us with the following idea Mistaking himself to be of wit when he was actually being a twit, he suggested the highly chauvinistic idea of be my a photo negative devel oper for Playboy magazine One must wonder why a per son of his mentality would want to be alone in a dark room developing the prints The one sane idea we heard all afternoon was the aspiration to be a shaman with great magical healing powers This would be a great (Ob to have First of all it would be highly phrlan thropic and you would have the cleanest conscience on earth Also the magical powers would come in handy as on tertainment at weddings birthdays and bar mitzvahs And let us not overlook the benefits of having hundreds of thousands of people wor shiping the ground you walk on You may ask How can I become a great magical and mystical religious leader'5 Anticipating this question, we have listed an easy patented five-step method. 1) Get rid of all your pos sessions but keep one outfit and a change of underwear Make sure this Outfit looks slick, because you and your hundreds of thousands of fol lowers will be wearing the same thing in a few years 2) If anyone pities you or praises you for your new I urn to Kills. I’ape 7 ^ l