Gounvouks j Custom Jewelry Designed For you...Repairs Too! Wedding Rings High Quality Gems Custom-made Sterling Silver Earrings MkiuI.i\ I riil.iv U\im-('pm S.itiird.n k\im 4pm 1 S02 Will.mu Hi • V4vJ’‘is SALE! PEANUT BUSTER PARENT GOOD THROUGH APRIL 29 We re hovng o teoi sole on a teat 'ieat Three ihic* love's of real hot tuOge and crisp ctunchy peonots With cool onO creamy [MIRY OUf f N* soft serve .n between The Peonut Bus** Porta l “ New only $1 ?9 at yooi portic. paling DAIRY QuE f N * store WK THAT YOU MGMT ■ *• »- j . , • k •»» *- DO Cvf '■ * ▼ Career Tracks Helpful hints for harried, hopeful job seekers With graduation only two months away, the tile after school jitters may be taking some of the pleasure away from gradual mg Students are facing the perilous question of. What career will I choose and will I be able to support myself ■' This i an be a scary and upsetting question, es penally with the seemingly unlimited resource ot jobless students compared to the limited resource ot jobs However there are expected to be about 21 mil lion new jobs by the year 2000. according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook 1988 89 edition The service sector of the job market will be ex paneling by 80 percent, continuing its rising trend of the last decade The continued rise in the service sector is due to the slower growth in the population ot the Unit cd States at < ordmg to the pubic at Ion, Minorities and immigrants will make up a healthy part ot the growth, the Handbook predicts The stunted population is predicted to want more qoods and services so the demand lor work ers in that area will increase The service sector includes jobs in business law retail -wholesale government and communica tions All ot these fields are expected to have steady growth There will be jumps in other service sector |Obs compared to past growth trends Computer math and natural science jobs will rise by -t5 percent health care by 40 percent and technu at operations by 38 percent says the Handbook Eating and drinking establishments are expect ed to bring 1 5 million new jobs, with food stores adding 6.000 new job-, an increase which is proba bly due to more and more workers onductmg business transactions at mealtimes Along with the shrinking growth in population, the number of 16 to 24 year olds will drop as the baby boom ends says the Handbook The low birth rate coupled with advances m medicine will increase the ratio ot older to younger people With these predictions it seems that you won t only be competing for jobs against your fellow graduates, but against granny and grampa as well CV maga.’ine rejiorts that studying a broad range of curricula in college is great for |ob seek mg students Most employers look for people with Knowing what's out there is the first logieal step Knowledge of computer skills and good commum cation abilities Liberal arts majors are becoming popular in the job market says CtA due to their communication skills, analytical abilities and interpersonal tela tions Liberal arts majors with international experi once, language skills and math and science experi ence are predicted to be in high demand By limiting your career options to only those fields that you already know about, you could be doing your career a great disservice, according to the publication Managing Your Career, published by The Wall Street Journal Your goal should be to remain flexible enough to identify new career op portunities as they emerge, the publication ad vises According to the San Diego Union, one of the hottest careers of the coming decade will be spe cial events marketing Companies are beginning to sponsor special events to advertise their message For a person with marketing experience and good communication skills, the |Ob can start at $16,000 but rise to $40,000 or $60,000 with five to eight years' experience Another popular career option for the 90s is a position as a human resource manager These are people who find ways to unlock the potential of a company's employees Companies look for people who majored in business, psychology and liberal arts, and the salary ranges from S2f3.000 to S'6.000 annually Still another hot career for the near future is that of a financial planner Accounting firms banks and insurance investment firms offer people with a bachelor's degree a starting salary of S25.000. but that number can rise to $160,000 with more experience Itnnift i riii'iiitis Includes u.i v and s.il.ti\ vnnkciv sell cmpltncd unpaid Iannis worker SOI K< I Hui in *»I I .ih«M SlalislU" Career Suggestions The following career tips for the new decade were taken from Cl magazine April 1990 i.'ditn >n • it you re mry bright md vi rbal . may want to make a difference by making your career in the social serve ■ , or teaching • If you re very bright and !•■■ "on ill, ■•••nt erf. you might tty going into environmental science or waste management • If you're very hnght and vernal and techm cally oriented tins is the decade in which to make your w ay r. an entrepreneur » If you're n r< fa hitd f tt • tha disciple of the decade to come, and it you still think money matters \v. end with au tion to the apitai markets • A sume ttiat you must be mg uter liter ate regardi'-ss of where you want to work • Don t be 11Muenct■ J by I it ■ trend took for |obs in whs fi you'll be happy • It has hot urn• a small wm'd ifter ill Be prepared to work for foreign bosses Bone up on the ways to do business with the Jap anese the English and the French to name a few • Beware of advertising agencies, the muss industry, public relations firms publishing houses, the television industry and so on These are the places that typ> ally e«pe t you to survive on the peiks rather than the paychecks •Skilled craftspeople, such r. contra, tors electricians and plumbers are going to !>•■ m trot demand in the coming de ade These positions will be upper middle class |obs t not careers, tor the '90 TIME FORA RESUME. 10 FREE COPIES IF YOU GET YOUR RESUME TYPESET AT KINKO’S Offer good through 5-31-90 when you bring in this ad. kinko's Great copies. 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