▼ Career Tracks Earth-safe jobs can be dug up Yes folks, the me dec ado is over and the tree decade has begun Environmentally conscious students on college cam puses everywhere are begin mng to consider many fat tors other than the potential see of the paycheck when they think about their future i a reers For the fust time students at the University may be asked to sign a volunteer graduation pledge stating they will consider the sor lal and environmental impact of any |ob opportunity or < areer they enter into Associate professor John Baldwin said land use plan mng and environmental man agement jobs. are going to come back like gangbusters in the nineties Baldwin said jobs in the fields of architecture land scape architecture physic-, geography and renewable re source biology will be on the upswing Because of the growing amount of political battles over environmental is sues political science majors will play a part m the environ mentally conscious jot; mar kol of the nineties he said The field of energy from al ternative sources to conserve tion. will be on the rise as well. Baldwin added A diverse education in i number of different disci phnes will be helpful to job seekers in the < hanging busi ness world of the nineties A person with a basic knowledge of chemistry physics biology business and a knowledge of environ mental impact could go to just about any maior consult mg firm and gel a job Bald win said Employs”, i ,iti als,. i, .•; ! the traditional positions in in dustry and management and then work within the system ti' pitiv.iKo i hantji Bald wm said Mail Ni‘ iidem is a Hum hold! Slate student .vlin ci gani/ed that s< hoot s qradua tion pledge agreed that em ptoyees t an work within the establishment to influence changes NiCOdpmus said a [lorra)M would first need to find out what a potential employer • track re. ord with dealing wdh employees was How responsive have they t>een when problems tit' pointed out and how do they treat employees who tiring things to light'.’ he asked Before investigating poten tia! employees. a person needs I" develop an internal . in! ' K Ni uik'i'itis i:.! Figure out which environ nental issues are important to you. and how much mflu once they will have on your career choices I'll! \ l,i hh n Give yourself a more polished look. Inlcn lew nip ' I oh Hu nmm ’ < >i |vi tups |usi looking loi .1 pi ilislud look ’ \ manicure. acr\lic n.til sot 01 peinumoni I1.111 tcmn\al is !ho answer 10 making .1 limshcil look ( all lutla> loi an appointiiK iil' .Manicures $6.00 Full Acr> lie set $20.00 Very lie fill $10.00 Fleet rol\ sis $10.00 ininiimmi Judy's Nail Design & The Butterfly I Kil Laurence Suite 4 ISIU-LOCK-IT SELF-STORAGE “Your One Stop Moving & Storage Center” • VERSATILE STORAGE UNITS ALL SIZES • FOR YOUR PERSONAL & BUSINESS USE • EASY 7 DAY ACCESS • PROTECTIVE STORAGE SUPPLIES • RESIDENT STORAGE COUNSELORS • SAVE - SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE “We’ve Been Putting People Into Space Since 1973" Professionally Managed By ULI Management 1st Month Vi Price New Rentals Only ECONOMY SELF STORAGE 1366 S BERTLESEN RD 343-8017 PROTECTIVE STORAGE SUPPLIES Mi MB* e Stlf - SfPV*- l STORAGf ASSOC IATON QUALITY LOCKS free CONTACT LENSES FROM RAINBOW Sjh v uli/mt,! in vont.ut IiUm*' i?k liuiuu’ lull v\l hif«vals cMciulcd 'Afar ami Icmm/s I«*i |Voj>!o >\ilh aMit*matimu I h» fill! ran tv >•! vontavl icnNf" m'I 'k i ' imluilint! »*wf *mm ,.nu,i,i Ivhm,‘s jm st«*.k h»f mans same das liitingN [ s35off {soft contact lenses • (with complete exam) 1 J • pir c ^ April 10 'HO rainbow * optics HEADED FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL? Ihe (irmluate I'Aum Preparation Program offered through Academic l earning Services is getting rave rev. ie\v s' (iKK preparation begins Ma\ 2 GMAi preparation begins Ma\ 15 I SA I preparation begins Ma\ I A’< g/vt< •/ //on