Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1990, supplement, Page 2B, Image 10

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Career Tracks
[The Hosts
Kriitor: Darla Jackson
( out (iiaplik :
\ ir^inia IVarcc
( nnlmmd li nm
Gina Huston a career
counselor at the University s
Career Planning and Place
merit Service, said the friqht
about career options usually
appears because students put
oil planning lor professional
tile until time is scarce
A lot ol people wait until
their last term ol then senior
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year to start interviewing and
getting ready Huston said
They really need to start at
least si* months ahead of
Ttiose interested in making
their degree more marketable
by obtaining an internship
should start preparing in their
junior year of college at the
latest Huston added
Despite students procras
tinalion when it comes to ca
rei r preparation. Huston said
they nevertheless feel they
should have a lucrative im
pressive position as soon as
th'-y leave the University s hal
lowed halls
People tell me they warn
to line up a |Ob before they
graduate because they're
afraid of what will happen if
they don t she said But l
would say that roughly 10 per
cent of people get jobs before
! tod, clothing and shelter
ate a few of the luxuries most
graduate-, plan on being able
to afford alter college This
hope for basil survival out in
the real world c an guide some
people into careers that are
less appealing to them. Hus
ton said
Money is definitely a de
termmmg (actor, she said
People say they would like to
be a teacher but the pay is too
Also more students are
taking out loans, so salary is
definitely a bigger issue she
said They need to get a
good paying job when they
get out
Graduates with degrees in
holds such as history psy
chology and English may feel
more traumatic about life af
ter college than those who
majored a field such as busi
ness Huston said
People witti these kinds
of liberal arts degrees tend to
not be sure of what they can
do with their degree so this
brings on anxiety, she said
We have an assessment pro
gram which helps people to
see what they can do with
their majors
"On the ottiei hand, busi
ness students aren't guaran
teed a job right when they get
out either. Huston added
Everyone really feels it
In other words, d seems
that the twilight ?one of the
real world will beckon each
and every college graduate
when his or her time comes
It s useless to fight it There
is obviously no escape
I )tll III Jill k son
Make the job cut.
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