Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1990, Image 1

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    _ _ Ore son Daily_
■ Campus events, Page 4
■ II C notes, Page 4
■ Onibuds position created. Page 3
Tucsdav April J4 1‘MIO
Kugcm- Ort’gun
\ ulumc lU. Nmnlii'i ! 1 '
Rally deals with pride, equality, dignity
Gays, lesbians
call for unity
B\ C dlhorine Haw lev
Emerald Assoc iate Editor
An t*nthusiastit < row'd of
about loo kirked ott (ia\ >111(1
Lesbian bride Week with
speec lies signs and chants
dining a rally in the I Ml
( mirtvard Monda\
Students demonstrated sup
port bn their right to learn
live and work tree from ills
criminatem and also at knowl
edged tlie spot i a I problems
they la< e >ts gays. lesbians and
There are gays ot every
i olor age nation,) I it \ and
( lass. said Marleiie I )res
t hei d net toi ot t he l Ml it e ot
Student Advocacy "What we
have m common is that we
are denied lights and privi
leges th.it heterosexuals
(iavs lesbians and
bisexuals struggle to be able
to work w here thr\ please
Ine m housing of their ( dunce
and establish t.undies if they
want to. I best hei said
She told the ( row d that
gays, lesbians and bisexuals
should unite then efforts and
work with othei minorities to
tight disi rimm.itton in <dl
forms, including rat.ism. sex
ism and ageism.
1 hey w ill defend me from
homophobia just as 1 defend
them from othei isms’ she
In her address to the rally
luiversitv law student Debra
( ) ( >ai a i ailed for a so< i.d 1st
I'hnln fov Viulrr Kjmrn
f.'.M .mil l esbian Mliaiue co-director Mil hael Peeler
s/teaks In ,i t mud (Inrim; Wiimf.ii s ralh the theme ul the
iin/uf) s Pride Meek is "Deal With ll. "
feminist revolution to eml
i (ipil.ilism u hit h she said
she saw ,is the sourie ol mi
inii il\ oppression
Basil human rights will
not lie gi.mleil il w e sat
plt'iiSf III l'\ I'll ll VYl’
llli-h () (lata saitl (
ism must i'ikI it vs t' an'
vi St
asik | >■ i
In sill
him In K.illv, Page 1
Speaker says racism
slows progress for all
Bv Hun W.ilkcr
[ nu*rald Assoc i.itr I ditor
(.«• 'hi,ms .Hid s »»t ( olnl
an* «it tli*1 tniviruul of mu 111 is
sur jtM(l«*rsl'ii|.) hri.iiusr
ablr thrill I" hiidy.r • »
miiiitin ut sim lal mm r
mrnts said sot ialist
tnnmist Mrrlr \Vt>u
\\v h.tv r < umiri trd
thr movrmrnts limn
thr h-mmis! muvrment j
to thr prnplr i»l coloi i
movriiii'iit to thr Irshi.m |
.uul i\,i\ mm riuntt to
thr hlhoi IlluvrllH'lit
shr s.ntl to tin ntidirnt r
ot about >
V\ on’s >prr« h ( )n |
thr I mnt I iiit* ot l in* t
ilmii Monday muht in f
thr \ All I n Kootn \\ ns |
s |io 11 sorrd I > \ Kadiial
U uiiii'ii and thr (,.i\ and j
Iavshian Alii.nu r
I.rsbians ami y»a\s ot
i olor h.iv e tict'!) relegat
ed to ‘footnotes in llu? histo
lies n| iiniuinll rights lesbian
.mil g.iv rights *«nt 1 « lass strug
gh*s. sin* said
As tin* most oppressed
vve re .it tin* bottom sin* said
I In* reason wh\ v\e have tin*
potent ml to be the most mill
Lint is that we've got nothing to
lose W e \ «* got the most to
I lovvev ei Woo said mans re
ill.ill) Ill the i lose! in leal ( Olll
pounded b\ rat ism
It has been so hard loi lesbi
ans ot ( oloi and gav men of i ol
or to simplv be out and to ( arrv
over vvitb us the struggle tor
multi ia< ml equality. and de
in.mil th.it |n-i 11>i<* .nliltvss mu
iiimmIs '.hi' i11
lull <-1111.« I It V I .III i > 111 \ III I III
imtsiili' tin- i .i|iit.ili .l sti’in.
\\ i u t -..Hi I 1 hi' m >i i.il Is! .! i u v!
Mrrh* Woo
g!e must bf led bv those oil flu*
bottom the (Hi»‘s vvho ( an best
detine vsJi.it freedom is all
,ib<flit she sa hi
\\ e kllOVS \\ e ( <1111 U)t SlIC
»i*i*( 1 m .i struggle b\ om
shiv es Woo said \\ e know
We have to link up vs lib people
of like mind Ami vs e know it '
gonna be .it mss i.h *■ it’s gonna
be ac mss i ulture .111(1 it s
gonna be across sexualitv anti
gendei ton
Woo said she has been i nti
i ized lor div iding the gas and
lesbian movement hv Incusing
on rat ial issues I loss t*v ei she
lorn to Woo, Pago ”>
Ben Linder Room dedication brings speakers
Avirgan tells of Central American chaos
Bv Marin.i Swain
l nit'raid C ontribulor
Tons \\ nv!.in remembers
hearing the t languid ill a large
Im-II Hut tin I In* heeluni i *
journalist working m strife ml
ilri! l iista Kit a tlir Ill'll was
n-alh a bomb
It tflt like m\ ->kin uas on
Ini' \\ irgan said ot lilt' huinli
u hit h i lei l mated a gatliei mg ul
jouinalist-. in 1 .a I'em a \a aia
gua A siirvivoi nt the blast that
killed seven |)ei)|)le the \U(
I V lieu small and his x\ ile
Martha Htinev began an tines
tigatiun whit h now has them
suing J5 indiv ithials
\\ irgan spoke Moiidax niglli
in the I Ml Hall Room as pat I
ot ,i dedii atinn i eremoin Im
the lien hinder Room foritierlv
known ,is the I Ml lorum
Karliei in the dav a panel ol
tai tills speakers spoke on us
mg higher edui atmn to benefit
humankind is part ul I hi ■ at
(•■mmm (ledii ation
llir 11 a mi was named after
the hurt land Ilian who died
while working mi small livdni
elet Ifu plants in \n ,naglla
111*, death w as atti limit'd In tin'
( niltras a rehol I ions tai Inill a!
Hai with tin' Nicaraguan got
I'nuiii'iit and funded In I In*
t S fim i• i nmi-nt
Slcmlifis nt 1 uulei s I,limit
ini lulling Ins hrnther Inlin. Ins
mother I’li/aheth and Ins lather
I iat id- attended tin' I III p ill
(ledii .it Kill I eletllotlt Inlin I,ill
del spoke nt Ins hmlller s work
in Nicaragua and events lead
nit; to Ii is death
\l the e\ filing presenlalion
At irgail dlsi usseii tile mailt
ohstarles lie and linnet were
tai eii it ith in then scan Ii tin
the ideiltitv nt the homin'!
Although niittulit the inis
hand and tt de team suspet ted
either the let! tt mg m the i iglil
tving as responsible. the leads
si inn n.n irm rd thru |imspr( Is
\l imr [mini the two urn
11,ilutriI a ■ l,n k .it iliii umcnts
\vtin li iitiplic ,iti'd tin- \n .ir.i
yuan gnvcrnntrnl s Sandlins
Hill bri nilsr N\r ti.nl drvt'l
,1 lligll ill 'i; I IT Ilf S hr pt I
1 Islil IVI' U l'lll til M'r ll I Ill'll'
Mi'ii' i nni'spi j m 1 i ii it originals
III' said
What llit'\ liiiiinl inslc.nl was
that lllc\ Ill'll! a m in rlainnatr
Sl't nl llllgt'l'll's A group i all
mu it si ■ 11 I hr Halm s v\ hu h
An iig.in In mnl llir iln In
Ii ii k -. mnl hail i .uni'll il mil
untli'i iinlri tin ttlr < initial In
Inlligi'in '■ \nrii( N In- said
\virgan and Himes gathi'rrd
a I(ii i4r anidiint of mi i mil nail m.;
rvidrin r 1 hr hulk iif it
\ mi I'll I 111' INN I) th.it lllr ( . i 1i a
Mi'ii' responsible lor tin in. ah
inu im nli'itl Until .nr mm
plain! itts in a Linn suit Im the
( till 1st n Institute a pilbln in
liTrst law Intu ha .nl in Wash
ingtiin. I)(
I»h«»l.i In sir*. « .ml
Itilir I imlrr s/iokr .iliniil Ins hrnlhrr's lilr .mil wink .it (hr
Mnnil.n ilriln .iIiiiii ul llu‘ I \ll Urn I imlrr Kinim