Sports Gusty winds make for dull event But Oregon wins, 88-75 Hv \shlo\ ( onklin I mi'r.ild Sports Reporter ll ,i t{11,11 nit'i i win o\in t .ilitnmi.i Salurdai Ini (lie ()rr ■.itin nii'n 11,n k hut tin ii* in11111nu portn id,nl\ mi'in iiniblc .itlout it cm ept tin in.n III' llic lv rmci ■ m'!ii i- of I ,il 111 Hl'ITV Oregon won Ih* meet In ,tn HH 7 i ( oull! ,it Tdwards SI,uli urn. bul so iriing uimls made tin meel conditions I )ti< k conch Bill I tel I ingri couiiln t i,ill !.n ol.ibic in adding In (Ire lion s list cl seven \l \ \ <|u.111 I iei s Still the I tucks v\ on ,ind III,it the most import.nit thing. I )el! mgei s.nd We did 1 he dungs u e 111 do to u in he s.ud lu lie honest the i ondil.ions weieu l good There was ,t strong wind in Tile till e ol the Imrdleis and II made things lough. Hem 's winning prrioimaiu e ill the long jump u as as i lose as the Ducks i.ime to gaming am additional i]Unlrfiers and Dl’llillgel WHS ll.IJips to see Ills si,ll tilialh bleak olll ol a sea si in long slump It was definiteh the high light oi the meet tor us. 1 lei 11 ngei said ol Hei rv s peril ii mam e Him e\ the delend i ng I ’.a it c til ( onleieiH e i h.unpion in I hi lling lump, showed some ol Ills former sell with a landing ol hi 7 1 liu Her i \ . w ho w as wailing to see where lie would also land in .Sundae s National Tooth,ill I vague diail, il was the lust lime iie had been o vi hi lee! this se.isi in liel i \ s pertui mam e was cm i hit for Oregon, which needed ivm win set.null and third pi,ii e performance It t on Id ltlUSlet to di'le.ll llie I .Idee Hears \ s e \pei let I the I Jill k s swepl the pole vault javelin high hurdles ami went I in the MM III meter steeplei base and li.immei Hut unrxpri led l\ 1 ,il won the tiller olhel ills lam e rat es the Hill l t il ll I and i (HH) meters licit almost did I Jiegoii in him In Ir.u k, I I N A T U R A L F I B E R S Q U A I. I T Y CLOTHING AFFORDABLE F R I C E s £ Banyan Irce I s S I I \ i 11 I H S it *> \ \ II 6 M ii n ' j i I J S N u n ll .1 \ * 1MJNDERIAND * jHt AT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAY1 'CVIDEO ' GAMES ADMISSION I AMt S WOR* H NIC A f IS 5TH STREET PUBLIC MARKET EUGENE • 683 8464 42 •‘Ii'ii.> In K mii ii l.ilm I it' 11 i i niililii I i;rl ,i Ir.i/i nl mini- 111,in i Irrt ,u;,iiiist II ,ishini;tiin Sl.ilr r.nliri this iniintli hut hr hnnitl himsrll .inti ,i J.i in,ilk S.itmil.n .ni.mist ( .ililiiini.i ,il lln krlr\ DOS PATOS MEXICAN FOOD Bean Burrito & !6o.' drink $3.00 121'? Alder st. 687-8616 Spring Special Oregon West FITNESS STUDENTS ONLY 1 Month- s4000 Full Use of Facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights [ xercise Bicycles l ] Runn-nq ./ £J/Ae Juvhs WTV4 BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 1 1pm 7 D K/i/s ( \tn I h> u> f/?c I .nth. we can make ein ironmentallv sound habits a part ot out kid's lives right now .'ll) Simple I limps /s/i/s (’,7/1 Ih) includes: • A simple illustrated explanation ol how s|vei!lc things in a child’s ein ironment are connected to the rest ol the world. • Clear, practical tips on how kids can make saving the earth a part ol then ev erydav lives Mint means dealing with specilie issues like garbage, wasteful having habits, packaging, receding. en ergv conservation, and more • 50 practical, enjovable projects, selected bv experts and representatives ol nation al environmental organi/ations. •follow up sources things kids can w rite awav for. so thex can learn more about how to save the planet QC»y° OFF thfc week CiENI RAl BOOK 1)1 PARTMI NT 13th i Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331