Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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( iiiitimu'ft Hum
whose muthei is .1 lesbian .mil
snpportire ot tli> route.; | >■< 11
Sami- ses r.yupb's ,in* also not
■ is her as straight 1 ouples lo hr
open ithnill their relationships
Most K,n ami lesbian (ouples
arc inhibited [nun publir h (its
plar mu after lion Maureen
Ur 11 \ to 111 o|icii a holt!
Itoldmu hands m puhlii hut it
rrallr isn't lair tier ausc hctcm
sesual 1 ouples have no t|ualm>
ahiml stuff like ntak 1 :c out 'in
I lie 'iilt walk sin- --aid
1 tlljllk 11 niess .! lilietllllie
sVS ept us ,n\,l\ It the inoDH'tll
We would have to sctiousl\
1 iiiisjiler do we want lo do
this ‘' she added \\ here
Willi olhei people liter don't
everr think about it
And same si'\ 1 1 in pies ate nt
tell \ei\ leseiAed about sa\tin:
liter aie m a stead', relation
ship or are uetlirr: married.
Robin said
He ate rerr Selective in
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u!m ur tell sin' said. It's
I. mii "i .1 buiniuet lli.il \\ *• i .int
tell e\ i*f \ i 'in* thill l\i* H‘ geUlng
She s nn liam it
A*, hi esumplt Kohl a tii'
hi rilwii Iniu hospital rinplnv
ns uppiOUl Ill'll I It* I U ill'll Mill
ri'i'ii ret.enllv had it Vi* smgerv
Miuii'i n s motliei and I saw
tins sign that sa\s 11111\ |ii‘ii|ili*
III Ill'll In tin- pat ii'ilt i <ili gi i
and sit in this spi'i i,il |il,n i* So
nurses were asking us hfiw I
was rel.ited and liel mini]
amuxmglv said I'm hei motliei
and tills Is lie! gif 111 lend
lint alter tile operation. tin*
:111 a1 ■< i a1hai ini;', tta Man
I eel! s nil It hi i tn '.-’.II i nil i the
3UIIHI Anil (in Maureen's side
ill it one ni tile I nil I s' s i
thought I was her sistei evon .it
let Maureen had said I was hei
partnei Ki(hiit said ' \nd
Maureen had i ailed me ini
hum ee and said she about
me and uni' ot them iminedi
uteiv -laris saying lie
Sn these <ili* tiller iliiterent
people in this hospital having a
problem with tins lelathm
ship. Robin said She added
that the nurses weren’t living
In he mde m Hist riniinuturv:
"Thru simpk plugged hi uh.it
liii'V knew I he\ i tiuliln t ban
die ,mv tlung else Rohm said
Although nut all straight pen
jile disi miuiiute against gav
and lesbian toupies the svs
tellis gov i'Mi mg tlli'll 11 v is i ill eh
ilu Maureen '..ml
It ur u,mil'll 11.iiniI\ sin
limit I housing w e i i uiitln i gel
lh. it M.mieen pointed mil
Win i .m- they 11 -11 i n u us u i'll
mil a huiliU ’
it s really i itlit uli ms lit.it mi
,i t i>1 leu.*' 1 amptts there is ills
i 11 inin.il ii m <iInniI w ii.it is ,i \ ill
id i imj)It* ami u Ini is a \ .ilid
lamiK . she added
I li-ali iu; yvitli 11 isi riminat um
(rum the I 'diversity am! ntlim
governing pmvi'is i an lie lough
mi a relationship. Maureen
sa HI
I llsl'l Hill US I an I 11 'I ■ 11 in
and I think tli.it a major lliinv
gay .nut lesbian i uuples hat e In
I, ii i' is \11 yy e really a lamil\
II. * ue i < s. 11 \ i mini
You ilmi'l eel support limn
laniily . \nii lion't gel support
Imm the gnvei mw'lil von
ilull I get support f it H11 the I 111
y el Ml y Mill limi t get SIipp! • 11
hum sm tal sell n e agent ies
Maureen said You limi t '-tel
i n k shit
I tmvevet Maureen and Kul)
in emphasized that lile m a Irs
hi,m relationship is not just i
li. it n i ol pmbleuis
' I ti'spile all ot tins Koliin
I>eg.m We ulilllrlll t !r.ltii
it " Maurei'ii finished tm hei
Well' y er\ happy ami we d
In1 tniserahle any nthei uay
Koliin stated '‘We're willing to
pul up with these stupid thing
and light them and get them in
i liange
'apanese Ooftware v^ompany:
Bsat Inc.
Is interviewing on Thursday, Apr iI 26
Ask for details f, siu.n up for tho i n t * * i iow ut tlv
Cl tit t ‘t-r Pltinnincj and Placemt-nt
It's time for
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