Mondav In-Depth Lesbians ( onlmtieil Irom l\n;c I I he h,i|i|»\ |i,m wlio xx eni i ings. xx ill lie considered single tin the lest ,i| then lives lie I ..use t!le\ .lie lesbians Hurkr-Madell \ltllnilgh lhe\ i . msiilei then relationship s|iei and iiiiii|ii(' l!ie\ .ne nul sii differ enl Iniin sir,light i uiljiles \s is i intimi in lodax I hex jil.i n In lix Jihen.tle limit 111.n I led n,lines Iie< iin11nMaureen and Robin Hut ke N l.idel I And I hex It,i\ e main nl the same i nil i erns lielenisi'Mi.iI i uiljiles dn Inst like anx i (tuple xx e ll.ix e In lialani e si liiiul and out lelntitmship. xx hit li isn't ilm easiest thing In dn said Mail reen nnling that until Kiibin graduated Iasi term. I rot h worn en xxere lull lime students \nxx Robin lias a full-time |ub A ltd xx e hax e In dn ilm same exai I exerxdax things that nth ei couples are doing. Robin added We ie vvofixillg ahmit vI»«lp I) 1111■ .111(1 (fillin’! .1 fit i ’■linkmg It's yen ivpii ,il With tin* upcoming wedding. Knbm and Maureen tai r Ilia same huge bills nlhei i niiples fin ounlei u linn thf\ get m.ii i ti*il U ere lining fVft \ lliing dial is badilinunl In dn al u cd dings Knbni said "It's bun dreds ul dollars mi dm yyeddiug nu I nl mu im n |in( kfl s Wore mil gelling am supporl i i,i 11\ 11 nu■ our parents Support and lei (ignition tm a relationship IS nnr aiea whore sindlanta"• between 111Ilficut se\ and same se\ ( oiiples end W’lllle parents nl straight lieu 1\ 11 eds are genemtk e\( ited and happ\ parents nl ga\ and lesbian couples niton begrudge that support I think III! mnni ;s snilir what i nil! filled abnill tile get ling married Maureen said She savs it lias tu dn with nu age I in and I partly he Or ml turn' rd hr > • »p i n r r 1 Shr Irirv Uiurmi ackirt! 1 < an mt rlturts lhal shr . ikt,iis.i improvi l ilts lint it s i ill m it tin k uni lit support I would like .1 mother to vtivc .1 itilliylltlM .111(1 1 would think ,i molliii w until yive .i il.iui>hti'i I l*\s 11 I't'tilHU lurn lo I rshi«itis, H APRIL 23 THROUGH 28 ONLY OUR WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS BUT NOW WE’VE GOT TOO MANY EXTRA DEMONSTRATION MODELS AND WE’LL SELL THEM TO YOU AT GREAT PRICES! • SAVE UP TO $150 ON SPEAKERS • SA VE UP TO $ 70 ON RECEIVERS • SAVE UP TO $50 ON TAPE DECKS DO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid Ml 7 30 b 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 433 1 The UO Bookstore Gives You Quality Photo Processing At Guaranteed Low Prices! Oualex sv i tMir i ■ ■■■■■ SPECIAL VALUE COUPON DISCOUNT PRICES ON QUALITY FILM DEVELOPING 12 exp S2.89 15 exp $3.59 24 exp $4.79 36 EXP $6.79 Ducourn pro*? good on ’ **' oi gtoisy 3* pnni» *orr 36trm t%v. 110 0# ' ?6 color print film (C 41 procrti? Not •■4*0 *'V' iny OtfltI COUPON 0- %{■» .Ji sv SPECIAL VALUE COUPOH 30% LARGER 4" PRINTS (x.n'3 ' ,r' ■' 4 gm . p' '' , from iS.'Tic. 110 > 1/6 t fn.'T i 41 >• . .. S ’ , t ’ .1”, ithr •! . iMlT ! sv SPECIAL VALUE COUPON 3" COLOR REPRINTS ONLY EA Uj.fc frorri 3Smm 110 ’26 or UrtC co<0» negj:-»*» On* ntgatv* v:i P* vdm 4* co*or rfprnfj not avjrfjbta j! un« lew pnet Sot »*»*} any Ofw JpBOJl v coupon L iil T 20 _ sv r, *‘T**'jTTrn QUALITY FILM DEVELOPING 10% OFF DOUBLE PRINTS YOUR CHOICE 3x5 OR 4x5 SV SPECIAL VALUE COUPON 10% OFF ALL-KODALUX" PROCESSING ORDERS No! vai'-l with !?6 coto' oegativ? o' ikde No! .a»0 »'!!" any olfft spa-till 0! t jupeio l IM!T 3 UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331