Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    15 EXP. DISC
Prices good on a single set of standard size 3" prints from your 35mm. Disc. 110 or 1?6 color
print film (C-41 process only)
Were Backed By Kodak's Seal of Excellence
» HA.NKI IN STOHt ►« M 1
• AM * »* M . a ■
' • ■ SU^i.sA *
*?»« i t'i AM; ' HI
ART supplies;
. / v ^ , s' . , ' ✓ / X , ^ . V
Offt'r CooJ through V.v*W
Earth Day celebrated
IH I’.il M.jI.m h
I mcr.ild Reporter
( liildreu }11.1 \ iiil: u ith .111 in
II,Habit- t;I■ > 1 >*•. adults playing
with mud. Burst speakers and
intisn >d 11 hip'- playing to mi
I bus last it 1 muds urn - all signs
that I name s larth I)«1 \ 1elr
111 ait inn u as undri u a\
Mini- I ban I -’Oil people t< ink
pail tn Sunday s celebration at
Alton liaki-i Park
A 1 annual atmosphere pre
\..till'd as part it ipants were mi
t • -i t a lit •< I !)V ports reegnc
bands (hr I i.nrin- I'rai r t lion
and a lull a beduIt (if skits
spcakfis and t oiniiiunily In
1 tuns
There urn- mure than It.Jll
1 mu rssnms ami inlninialinn
booths set up In pnlitiial or
ganizations and environmental
runups ol everV kind
Mam ol lire runups were srll
tug I -.huts giving away and
selling posters and bumpei
slirkeis and asking passers-by
to stall petitions ill support ol
their pari 11 ular 1 ause
! tlgeni Karth Dav event t no)
dmator Ireda London said un
like many ol the other I art 11
I )a\ 1 elebr.iliuns at rnss t lit -
< ountr\ the Ltigene organizers
tried to make sure that the
event did not rely hear ily on
t nrpul ate sjionstirsliip
'Bet ause ol this we need
iiionm from you In pay Ini
ihis l.ondun saiil to the
crowd. She added that dona
lions tmin the crowd and plot
its from I shill sales would
help til lei the 1 ost ol putting
on lilt to enl
'' I In- lent donated In ns In
Sali’u.n was the 1 Insest we
tame tti corporate spnnsni
slop, she sa ul
()r cgt in | t ires! Issues Hi
Verse perspectives w as a t mu
inunily forum that drew orient
the biggest i 11 mils
Km Keene lepresentatry e
hum the Ptihlii forest I ounrla
lion. I ton Wood) uni ol the "l e!
Ii >u Ribbon ( > 1.1111 i i > 11. .11 it I Fiuii
(;rii‘.si'ii ol I )rcj;iiii \.11111.11 Ke
soimes ( louiH.il (list lissnil then
ou n \ icu s on I In.' I imbet i on
Iroverxx .iiul the ide.i th.il bulb
sides ol (be issue must work In
gather lo lind a solution
Keene III.lined profit buieuv
inr|»(»i.i 1 ions toi strangling tin
reSOIIH es oil I ol I ll CgOll
\\ e need lo break tile grip
I lie ( nrpurat i(ms ll.n e taken on
our timber in the last 4n
vea IS.' Keene said We nee.!
I o stop the ( u 111 ilo u i ll 11 \\t
know ulial is going on II
something in our slialee.ie
Isll'l working we need maki
the corrections now before
there is mitbing left to mrrei I
The 11 si I locus ot tile (untie
versv should be on the (.or|)oia
lions making tile nione\ limn
I In- tiinbei not cm il'otunent.e
ists laborers ot a little him
Keene said
\\ oodnini w bo (lest l died
liiinsnll as a red-blooded
rednei ked blue ( ollared
Ainerii an, said tin pi ighl of tin
laborei has been ignored
"Soniebndv s getting tat ihane
I miller profits) but it ain I tile
be said
Shopping tin financial services can tic as dilticult
as finding a needle in a haystack Willi all the
hype and celebration in advertisements and
claims, ii s easy to become con fused \t I lane
<). we can help you make hay out ol all the |argon
with straight talk and services with an allordablc
bottom line
It you are interested in dome business with an in
solution that won't give you a pilch, come home
to your Credit Union We will help vou eel
straight lo the point
Serving l of'O students and emplnvees.
Credit l nion
11 tli & I t ri i
KugiMH'. < )R