.University Holocaust memorial, forum set for today Mi ITINCS K K \l \ ( .irnpus K.hIiii 11 t»iii 111 .il led!) in I All Suite I I mi rrsilv l),i\ ( n.ilillun hold ,i slmlrnl intnnn.iiiiin _El als_ meeting toii.iv .11 I ill |) III in Knum 1(1(1 U iiliiinrllr ( hnsli.m Si iciii r < nllrgr l irg.mi/.ilimi v\ 111 hold ,1 Irsl 1 mum Hireling Imiiglit ,il li in tin' biisemenl 1 it the koinnni.i ( fillet 1 •) 1 i k ill! .1 ill St OSI’IKd s Sulul \\ .isle (• roll |> meets tonight .it n in I All Suite I leuish Stiulenl l 11 ion hold ,1 ill.uni,111 It V ineniiiei ship ineeting hiniglll ,il 1 in IA1I Suite h SIM Ah! KS \\H I I I I I KI s \ 111 irnl 1111 .ih I ulure I'.iirth " e. I he t 11 le 1 ' I .1 lei t 1 ! U ; 1 ' he given tonight ,il Ul in Knum I (lit \\ il I,imr! le Merle Won .I .eid . .1 ml 1 ihile Ini guv etui n nil i.ilihirm.i Is the snei i.d guest ,il I tlgene s 1 .eshi.in l ..i\ I’i ide \\ eek 1 rlr hi .it ton spe.ik I n;,’ nil I .es! ii.iiin mid I l.iys u! ( ■ ijm ( hi the I runt I Itie uf I reefInill I lie him III u ill begin Munihiv night ,il n in tin' I Ml I 11 Knum. IN I I.R\ II US I he billowing 111 g, 1111/.it mils will he interviewing I'niveisilv students un 1 *i ill | n 1 s Submit bids Ini (he billowing mtn v iews li id,i\ through U ednes d,iv in Knum g d i I lend in i -■ • \l.i\ 7 \ - : tin t Yheideco W ash I .lilt s i 'mss (spi*< i,it imIih at mu ) ( hiakt i ( )at s t«i ! smIcs i epie sim11mIiv ei ( imup meeting \1mv 0 m! i> tt) pm in I All ( * dai Konin I Mist M I,AM t >1 S \\ esle\ ( ciilcr f*i .i\ ci Ureak I a si u i i! he held 1 ■ da\ mm u mgs tmm H 1 > In u St i iptun reading Mini silent pi«i\ei w ill lie field fallowed In u simple break last 1 fie \\ es|e\ t t iltei e it I j Hi Kim .mi St 'Responses In the Holocaust tmm .i Model n IVrsptu live ihr title nl ,1 workshop In be t • 11 f i u 11 • t f In \ 111 n i i \\ M'-km1. Mild held loda\ at ’ 0) 111 t fie I \ll \\ a I nut Room \ memorial sei \ n e Ini v n Inns nt the Ilolm aust held toda\ Mt t p m in the I Ml t ourtvard \ workshop for fai ult\ and students who < uiului t rescan fi w itfi human sublet Is w dl be held ruesdux morning Mt in i m in tile I Jean West ( nufei rin e Room Ini information a n d l e >4! s 11, i j 11 > 11 t m i! tdO > M I Three students arrested tor Earth Week auto tire 1 |mi|U v .infslni ihft’r I mvriMlv students late !rida\ i i i onra'i tit1willi tin I nesdav niuhl iuini i n>4 of i Ivt laith \\ffk r ,u d isp!a\ near tin' I AH ( lUllt , I! ! i ( had A nf hum I ui uni was ihnrged with j ii s! arson (nant Xndi'ew Jour-- ami Kit ll.inS Ms it!! i aw Mill a hoi'll 21), W l'|f < hai aai W itll < > MIsjMJ at \ lo COlUlIilt t!!''I d«"4lrr .11 son Turner ami |uih‘> live at the kappa Sigma trateimH at UNO Aldei St Poin i (ini io‘I ii''* an address tor I aw ion e \li three w or I idriM'd SatiU dav at tei noon on vain had eat h bing Cherry Palace Fashion Name Brands at a fraction of the price 50°o off many items HI ^ •Mil* < ONMI.V 62 West ! 3th Aw (Between Wiliuni.iu: X 444 4X‘M I lum-5|>in Mon Sal him In \tir-'l' I’.iui' 111 We’re moving out some typewriters to make room for new models and prices are rock bottom! brother 320 Typewriter • Basic, easy-to-use • Full line lift-off correction • Automatic underline and return MFR EVERYDAY 299 95 169 95 SALE 135.00 brother. 340 Typewriter • Word spoil alerts you to spelling errors • Auto bold, underline, centering • Easy-to-use color-coded operation MFR EVERYDAY 319.95 229 95 SALE 185.00 brother 380 Typewriter •78 page memory • Word spell with word scan • Many automatic functions MFR EVERYDAY 499 95 399 95 SALE 325.00 UO Bookstore 13th ft Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 I I I ( I K( )MC S 1)1 I IKSI j IOOR Looking) lot a ijood do.:il ’ Road soot ion 130 in tho cl.tssif iods COMPACT VISC WORLD S 1st ANNIVERSARY EVERY DISC IN STOCK IS ON SALE PORTLAND'S OWN.JAZZ GREAT HAS A NEW RELEASE OVER 12,000 TITLES IN STOCK AND THEY ARE ALL ON SALE!! <)\l V ALSO GET: TOM GRANT'S & MANGO TANGO NIGHT C HARADE BOTH ()M> 11.88 COME IS ANDV HELP IS \ CELEBRATE OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE 2 MOW. 1 1th \i rii^s I rum VN.iu m.irl 683-0902 OPi \ 7 t)\Vs \ Wlik TOM GRANT EDGE OF THE WORLD DOS I Miss rHIS ■\SM\fRv\R> SAU t\[)s 4- i0-90