Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Shoah Week looks at prevention
Holocaust memorials, forums to he held
|{\ M.irin.i Su.1 in
I mcr.ild ( ontributor
WlhoUgh tin- rml ol Worlil
\\ .11 II w,ls little Lilly det Lin'd
almost i i \r.irs .mo. Ilii- terrors
i il \,i/.i i om enlr.il ion i amps
have largely been swept tmriei
tile ill I pel 111 Instill \ ..lid lew
isti Student l '(lion dim tin |o
II.ill Hi ink stein
We 1 .III IH‘\ el lie.il ton
III in II .tillmf tile I toll ii .ills!. We
i .in never le.u n ton min Ii ahntil
the sutlering. Honkstein s.iid
in explaining the iinport.ini e ol
Shii.ill U eek
Shoal) Week v\ Il II 11 bee,III
Sunil, n and i out limes I hi mi ..;h
I i id,i\. iin ludes ,i v .metv nl
speakers .mil events to lemetii
In i ,i dark Iniui in human Insto
i v Shu.ill is the N idilish word
tm lloliH.iust. Hoiikstein said
Approximately sis million
lews were killed in i om entr.i
I ion i amps dm ini; Adolf I hi
II I s regime .Is leadei 111 t lei
main . (tiller groups sin h as
homosexuals and gv psies. were
also subjected to the gruesome
This veal's Shnali Week will
elupliasi/.e the tlne.it ol Mill leal
genii! ide ,|S ,| global i uni ern
l nless we I ii 11 v u iulerst.mil
the i apai il\ ul the sy stems. Ins
toi v i mi repeat itsell
Hi ii iksleill said
krynotr spr.lkrr Ini lllr work
is K.ihbi Nitliur U.iskuu ilin-i
tm nl the Shalom t t'lili'i
\\ im h >rn i s .is ,i n.ilnm,i! i ii
giiui/.ing i i■ tili*r Im Iruisli pm
spn 11 vi's cut prryrnl ing mu It mi
IkiIoi .msl
Hr re.illy limlgrs tin run
ni’i Hint in'!vc rrn inn Ic.lt liuln
i .111st .Hill till- liolm mist nl I n
mpran Iruic. am! In iu mini)
ur li.ivr to Irani from Ilint
liotlkslr ill S.llll
K.ibhi l.eah \iivii k will .iiiil a
ti *mi I) I st pm spin tier h ■ ilir
vci'ck \o\uk is ill-si nitri! .is t
\ru \gr Al.irgnl.ili i 1r.iv
• •Iihi* ti'.ii lirr slni c triIm .uni 11
turgist llm pH'smit.iliiiiis nr
inspiictl In Ilir spi'i i.il mlr nl
u null'll ill m.ik iii!.; i i 'liti lim
linns in li'Uish i ulluri' .uni
s|iii itnalitv
I lir cvet'k will im linlr i
iniiniim nl 111 ill's highlighting
thr Iruisli I IS ist.illl r till'll
II. istv mnigr.ll ilin III I'si ,ipr \,i.i
prism ution iind ilir hrrnism nl
■ i significant group ut rrsistors
in I)i'niii.uk
I).iv nt 1 rrinliii.ui. I'si ,issis
I,in! iitire Im u ill g hr ,m infm
III, 11 srl'V Hr III till- 1 Alt I Hill t
V.iril 111 IrlHIimhl am rill I lull)
i mist vii lints toil.it, .it I p m
l lirv c\nil through hrll .mil it
ir.illv mr.his ,i lot to rrrognizr
til.lt " I 11 ri i 11 l.i 11 s.ilil
I lir i r s si i mui h ti am ‘il V in
volvril mui dun ! want to lir.ii
it alter ,i w hilt* hr said
V\ hm you look .it tli.it vuu if
liHik m ' it \ • mi si-| t Mow i ini hi
w e have let this happen
Stun I’tersnii. a t'mveiMU
historv professor plans to vti\r
i In turr on tin* holor ausl tor
his I mupran hotofv < las
It s trnihh important that his
ton,ms talk ahout it and tr
m*,m!it,i Riorson said
I personalis have »i slmnu
< oiiunitmeiit to dr.d with it
i .n !i \ rar It still sort o! stirti h
e.s om moral < ah*v.a»r\ to th«*
breaking point
I vents include
• Men. i i• i - tm
I lolor .mst v u t ims in the I Ml
< ourt\aid
• M A 1 t ! i ! ! ;■ Will'.'
workshop on Responses to the
l iolcx anst troin i mi>dei u Jew
ish pri spot live' m the I Ml
\\,limit Room
• o p ; ; , i • ’( til!' I *'»
\Y .iskow A m lent I orah hi
lure 1 ,uth Room HH1 \\ illam
• *tte Hall
• ■ i *
shop on (amtrontmr the Nu
i lear I lohii aust I Ml Hoard
Rr mill
m the ! Ml' Hoard Room
lorn to shoah, Pnvp* \
Disney and Looney Tunes
Cartoon Character Collection
• St.it' iiv ry v
Paper Products
K Books
• Fun Un,;)ue Clothing
infants thru adults
• H
w are
c lothing
• Jewelry
• Novel tv Item .
45 P Division Ave.
In the Santa Clara Square
Nerds of the Old West
ll'imf Pifirc.vM(«i K
A U'fcflfc £cl Maw
Large Experienced Staff
Graduate School Approved
605 E 131h
f ditor
Managing t fit lor
l dlton.il I tfitor
Graphics f drtor
t nr: ore t til for
Nfc a . t «lttor
Spoils l ditoi
Supplement'. I ddor
Night I dili"
As'.o. title I ddor*.
Community . Student (ioremmiml Ai tivities
Might?! Education Admit'i'.lulion f ratines
Photographers M
Advertising * • > *•' - '
Production •'* *■ ■" •- < '
Gene'j| staff
Advertising Doer tor A-.Mst.tnl to If»«• Publish**!
Pn'tlui linn Manager V Advertising i nordinator
i lassdied Man »g»M
Ai t mints Ri*. ••tvfible < if ui.ition Ni-vr.'uom '-th It
<:i.t*. si tied Advetli .mg 1 R> Id <
Display Advertising Ch> 3712
Production Graphu Sfiva.es J 46 4381