Editorial Both car and blaze sent wrong message I . (IHS \cws i<■ jmut<•( 1 \meri i an Telephone \ I i■ 11• uI• 11 > 11 1 i' had decided In withdraw its financial support hum I’l.miied Parenthood to avoid am assoi iation with abortion controversv YT\ 1 should re i onsider Planned I'aicnthood is a non profit or ganization tli.it di'pimds on pnv.iti* dona turns in provide low cost gv ni'i nlogn al i am to women who otherwise ma\ not he aide to atlord it These services include educating men and women in the best anti abortion strategy ot all birth t ontrol The politic.al climate and budget < ut bill ks id the Keaguii era have .dreads taken theii toll on health care options and repro ductive choices available to women \ I \ I is compounding the problem In refusing to support an organization that serves a need the government would rather not recognize Hv pulling its substantial i ontribution. AT\T m.iv suffei more negative public itv than d it had continued to support the or ganization The tail that A I \ I gave linan t itd support to Planned Parenthood was pruhahlv not widely known before the an in Mini ement. and d is doubtful AT&T lost nun h business over its support of the organ i/.dtion Alter the uationw ide announi emenl th«* broad-based pro-< lioii e network will now inevilablv mobilize its tones to bo\cott AT\ 1 loi tbe i orpor.ition's dei ision to den\ women the opportunit\ to make educated del isions in tbeir lues In tbe past. A 1 \ I presurnablv consid ered Planned Parenthood a valuable and worthwhile organization. Planned Parent hood lias not (hanged it mission and tbe need tor its services lias certainh not disap pealed I be dei ision to pull its corporate sup port Irom Planned Parenthood make AT.V 1 s motives tor anv charitable donation suspei I il A 1 \ I gives ninnev to non-prolit organizations as a pulilii relations i amp.ngn to create an illusion ot social responsibilitv perhaps it is more disserv ing ot i riticism and an e< onomii hove ott than tins one in( ident suggests However, it A I I is geiniinelv interest ed in helping disadvantaged people and in contributing to soi iety s geneial good as all corporations should tie it should le store its tiuam ial support for Planned Par enthood immediate!v Letters No puppy love IIimi kafhx Ynnker (Ol)l \prit 1 ri Hull' Hull' Hull' Mow tlit ii’ you sax V ou 'if i' ‘'also con cerned .11HMI! 'those hum.ills w ho sutler Yeah right \ leu mouths ago Iheo- u.is .in .iniin.il lights booth in the I Ml I he seemingly llhei.l! people there mlormeii me that no medical t ore has ever truly i time from animal testing 1 he hexed them, thev seemed so i aring and their |)ani|»h!et sup I>< a ted their i lain) \\ ell. it is a sli h lie M\ uni le has been a dot tor tot more than all years He lias dexoted Ills lde to helping peo ple I in sol r\ hut u Ill’ll lie tells me that animal testing has saved millions ot lixes I refuse to heheve that he is just some sadistii animal killei In- s the most compassionate ill.in ahx e I shall believe dm tors he tore I x\ ill listen to animal lights a< tivists N (inker hoxx dare you cipiule animal sultering to rat ism or homelessness:' !)u you tin mi in jest ' i uuultl rathei sUughtfi .1 thousand i uli‘ puppies if if could possibly savp am hum.in life i would hook up inv Drum Kr\ k itlfii to t'ltn tin shot ks foi ten wars it it would save im uu 11in• n11 trom .■.fit iiijj severe pneumonia In short Id rather st-f Here Ilfs Spot than I lure I ies Tommy Nnimal rights at tivists n mind me ot tieor^e Hush both avoid dealing with human stitfermn Aimiiih. tiithls iias \ er\ little it am plat e on a left 1st humanist agenda I’hil /in kernian Sot iolom What goes on In \ \onne 11.ill's letter U )I1I \11111 lti| sin- indie ales that an liu.il 11y:Ills at 11\ isis make ,u i u Nations about animal rescan li "when in fait they don't know u hat nuns on \fid win dun 1 we kiH>\=\ w hiil gnrs iin:' Well mustl\ Ik*1 ( UVISI* thu lulls .in* t losrd !u us. although it seems in iin* th.it d these animals arc mi well cared t. a and 11.11111\ that \ nil d hr linin' than willing to Irt tin* general puhlii 111 In srr thrsr animals Indeed w In dnn I von Id Us ill In sir tluisr lia|i|n kittrns with rotalrd eves and il the primates dn return how altoul letting iis get a |it‘i'k at those h.t|i|i\ mat ai|iirs aftei lirain surgerx ! II things arc su great Ihrrr should hr nil problem l )h 1 in forgetting v\r did get a tour ut llir ni'ii 11 iii\ «*rsit\ lali animal housing Hut (hr only animals housi'd Ihrrr at I hr lime v\rrr sumr rahhits in small i ages with tun thu k. un stable Ilnur grating Ur also saw sumr shuelnn si/rd cages that i an house up tn five mice apiei e At tualh animal rights ai tn ists dn kiinu what goes on in animal research labs, often from the people who work nr have worked there and were Kalin ^ unkci 1‘olitii al st tent r Burning Bush After attending llif Iiist rail v Im I .art it U eek I din tl is< out aged Speakers uric saving l aiili 1 ).i\ means tunti.inifiit.il i hanges in lifrst\ lr and the ua\ ivi' priteivr uur rule on the earth 1 nutltletl in agree men! Soon an effigN ol (ieurge Hush was burned along with an Ament an flag and a dollar hill The t rout! t heered At this point I shook m\ head anti left I he hurtling of Hush repre sents a monumental cuntradit lion that hurts us all The blame for staggering environ mental problems in the world lodav tails etjuallv on even one's shoulders Karth Dun is not siinph a chance for politically correct people to congratulate them solves iul living 111 .1 pUSltlVi wa\ i iiitli IJiiv Is slum! taki i responsibility Ini \uui .» turns mui tilt' eftei Is lht'\ have tin tin planet .inti milking i imsi inns mfurini'tl det isiuns to live in *i nun ilt'striK ti\«• wax Above .ill 1 .nth U.'iv is mi .it trm|it to slum everyone th.it lit' or sin- i .m iii.ike .i dilterem e thlit it is not too late to lf.trli .inti i hange 1 ’it lull's ot .i bum mg ettigy on the evening new s i onlr.itlit t .ill tlic pi mt ipli's ot K.irth I >.i\ l lit'V s.iv tn'orge Hush is rr sponsible and we want him to fix it'" They also show all tin' "aver age A merit tins" watching that environmentalism is extreme and unreasonable Aren't these the people we are tlx illg to i oil vert to a new wav of lixing:' Now is not the time to point lingers II is time to join hands Knvironmentalism is lor every one Krit Tocld Smith Knglish