I U (Hll til s;rt till' punplu til vutu u hii Milnl tm mi' I»i-1111• • .i lid hnpi'fulh priipti' \)lli> diiln I vote tm me in didn't Mill' ,it .ill to Villi* 111' "Wild (iiI'liii s.inl In* pi.iiiiinl tn put nut morn Minis In ' nniki sun pm iplu ill) \ I ill' tills u ui I 'Some puiiplu m,i\ ihiuk M s not .1 Iiik dual tu vole .inv mini' (Iruuii s.ml ( .iinp.iitMiinu .mil ptililu ilv is vur\ import.ml this W IM'k I need to eel Mill ami tall H I people. (lolson said 1 w ,tn( Hi heighten awao-ness nl Ini'- of people In get mil ,uni villi’ 1 u Kh thin’ whs mini’ him to talk to more people I ji'i.m lo l,ilk in more --in ilenl groups, .mil put the uunl out .jbout the pritii.jples I stand lor Hughes said I here are a lot ul people who support me and I think il l! help lot that OSI’IKI. am! i hihl i are an on the hallo) w ith me hi i ause those .11<■ important measures I sinreteiv hope \ ilehes and I an- filing in win I'm hied n( spe< ial interests domi ■ lilting III m tile Iasi \ear Hughes said I gave tip about a year ago about guessing what the student Inidv is going to \ nte \ ill lies said he hadn't es (>ei led to lead the pi Hilaries with the most votes I'm hap p\ people believe ill me and think. I I an do a good job. he said Hul il I \\ in in mil r< mauls In in1 seen until 111*’ i am |ialgn next w ouk ( nlson v* ho mm otvod lIn M‘i 011(1 Inigos! ntimbni oi Volos siiii! ho vv.is plo.isod uilli tin null nmo ' I thought I rail .1 good mho so far. ho said add mg ho would like In son now blond among tho III 1 andi dnlos K.iri Anderson. lonniloi Hills Hari lav Lloyd (iiavstm and |nSoii|a Unison aro tho win • 30% OFF BuM’-'.i' i'll) ■!■, t-r. : . M!-.! , A ■ si -.1 ■ • 30% OFF All Di'.r'.iv ar t Art E.(-.. !■ • W.T. Rogers Crate-A-File i >'i m i i: h i R*-g u ► u-,oo NOW 10.99 • 2-Drawer Filing Cabinets vm : , r, 5 6995 NOW 37.50 • “Contempo” Floor Lamp white r b . k. no ls kwirhj 4799 NOW 32.95 • “Royal FlOOr Lamp White . .r matte black No LE 425 ! Reg 60 00 NOW 44.95 • Halogen Floor Lamp ibu koniyiReg 12099 NOW 62.95 • Charvoz “Omni” Drafting Table Eoidaway • Adjust height & t.it 31x42 Reg 189 50 NOW 109.00 36x48 Reg 219 95 NOW 135.00 • CharVOZ Bieffe Drafting Table (BF15) Single lever adjust height Wangle 10x42 Reg 600 00 NOW 299.00 / 36x48 Reg 530 00 NOW 319.00 • Sierra Steno Chair tsc47i Reg m 50 NOW 69.00 • Sierra Drafting Chair (sc47hoi Teardrop footrest Reg 15300 NOW 89.95 No.*, idiustabie toiling Reg 17600 NOW 102.00 OFFER EFFECTIVE APRIL 16-28, 1990 UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT to 00 6 00 346 4331 inn winning inndidati's fm \ IMI iFI sislts Ntidersmi hat the tni u tin intr \ tMl si-.ils u itii mum ill,in 1 4HU vuti-s It was ,i grunt imil omi’ snlll Anderson I lull I w,IS Hill ut tin' must qualitied (inci I ti'i'l ven i unfident about working w ith lilt' iitlirrs Anderson said she will be lli!|i|iv tn wink with (lr.iv sun bei ansr ut his hnckgiiHiiid in ai i minting and w in king w ith till' gll'l'k SVsll‘111 (.i.1 \ sun i m rent In teihulernilv ( amn( iI Ireasun'i said lie cm mii.i^ni am siudcnl groups willi budget |imblcms li> i mil,it I him now bin evtre.mel v cm iled abiml I ilis Inline position ,nnl Till sill rcicl\ looking lorn,ml to work mi; w ith all the ditlcrcnl organ i/.,ilions mi i aiu|ius to improve their tiffii lent \ and etlci li\ c ness ( ,rav son said \\ alson said she was sin |insct|ln the vole muni vvhiih Id her t hum the lourlh one ve.ir seal h\ onl\ 1 a voles I didn't think I was going to win bet tiu.se I in a liesliman she said ' Hut H !'i people \ iit etl till me Utilson said she lias novel met am ol the otliei v\ inning 111 i undulates hut Irom re,id mil their stories and whatnot in the p.ipei I think lhe\ re ver\ ipialdied ' she said Hills i (Hikin'! he real lied tin i oniment W Idle running tm the II ( one Veal seal Hills said she VI as 1 nmillilted lu keeping slu dent li es low and maintaining the quulitv of programs at the I niversilv 1 lei goals ini hilled hiking .1 i losei look .il the \lh if I n I )e| i.irt men! s budget and imprm mg i oninmnii alum w ilh student groups An esliinated 2 fl'ia students Voted ill tile primaiv elei lions Arrests ( nntimifd from Pav^r '> Jun s I Li (J i * j 11 yiniilis (U’uigt* Hush ni'ir liumud S .inda Hut k a 1. 11 m *114* point* «>flit li cm i ampus detail said YV it Mf-ssrs reported ii !( Hid llOUll) and s.m ili** i ,*r « alt h <111 tin I 1st* t til' was dunst‘ti in gnsn Inn Hum k said Polite tumid tint* rmpt\ uasulme t an. I Ugrilt* f s writ railed In pul i mi! I In- tin* Si u dents repainted the t